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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by fidget3306

  1. Brilliant guide! Hopefully other players will now be able to understand what drivers of these large loads are doing, instead of trying to overtake dangerously.
  2. Suggestion Name: Rear Orange LEDs - Scout Car Suggestion Description: The orange LED strobes that can be fitted to the front bumper of the scout car should also be in the back window, like the blue lights are. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Having orange strobes in the rear window of the pilot car increases visibility from the rear, which is important for escort operations on dual carriageways and motorways. This also opens up the possibility of having scout cars with effective hideaway orange stobes. This could be very useful for people who want a normal looking car, but needs the ability to have extra visibility on ocasions (e.g a VTC manager supervising escort drivers, without being directly involved in escort duties). This removes the need to fit a beacon to a car with a plain painjob, meaning players can avoid looking like a 'traffic control' troll.
  3. Suggestion Name: Replace Pilot Car Skin Suggestion Description: Some new pilot skins should be created for the scout car, that replace the wording 'Pilot' with 'Abnormal Load', 'Long Vehicle', 'Convoy Escort', 'Escort Vehicle', etc. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: The current 'Pilot' wording is slightly ambiguous and does not accurately show the purpose of the vehicle. Less generic wording, such as those listed above, more accurately describe the purpose that the vehicle is being used for. Not only does this (hopefully) encourage more professional use by players, but it also gives other players a better idea of the hazard that lies ahead. I believe that the simple act of adding a few new skins (using the current design, but with different wording) would help the pilot car better perform it's function and would hopefully encourage players to use the vehicle in a more professional manner.
  4. Not so long ago, I saw a video of one of the real operations events. I noticed that some of the event team were driving fire appliances. I was wondering if there is an SP version or if it is something that TMP have created. Thanks
  5. I really think we should tackle the people who have beacons switched on when they aren't needed. When they are used correctly, beacons actually serve a useful purpose.
  6. Well said. I was looking forward to the possibility of using that van. Also, you forgot to mention all the new blue strobes for the scout, which we were told would cause lag.
  7. I used to be in the actual Convoy Security Group, who are a great group of people with experience and rigorous training. This is nothing but a blatant copy, not even a good one at that.
  8. The thing is that's an SCS thing. Personally I would love to see this suggestion added. It would provide more variety and could actually make traffic look more local. Maybe if players take more pride in the cars they'll respect them more.
  9. Suggestion Name: Traffic Officers - A reassessment Suggestion Description: Traffic officers are something that is frequently suggested, but are often misunderstood as a players trying to fast track to becoming admins. However, I believe that recent developments in the game have made it possible for traffic officers to be a useful addition to TMP. Firstly, I would like you to forget any ideas that traffic officers would perform the functions of admins, they will not. I believe that traffic officers would be highly effective using the special transport van, if the development team can find a way for the matrix board to work. If this is possible, the traffic officers would patrol around, and when they come across and accident / congestion, they will stop at the side of the road, a short distance ahead, and use the matrix board to display a warning to approaching traffic. Traffic officers could also be given training to allow them to carry out single lane closure, on dual carriageways / motorways, or perform rolling road blocks (if you don't know what it is please Google it before you comment about it) to slow the traffic down, for the purposes of easing congestion. In the rare event that a full closure is needed, a TMP manager could give authorization to traffic officers to perform this function, thus allowing admins to continue with normal duties. It may also be beneficial for traffic officers to be able to teleport players to services, in order to clear a traffic jam. To answer any concerns about trolls and the abuse of these limited powers, normal TMP recruitment procedures would be used, as they are for forum moderators, etc. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: The implementation of this role, would ensure that congestion and accidents are kept to a minimum, and that the flow of traffic is not disrupted. This role, in certain circumstances, help to free up admins for more important duties.
  10. I suggested something very similar to this a year or two ago, and it was very quickly rejected. I am very interested to see where this goes. I think a better way to implement this would on the roof mounted matrix boards on the special transport escort vans, which are currently used by the event team. However, I do feel that if this is implemented the option should be available to players. Players can not close a road, yet are often first on scene to an accident or congested area. This is where the matrix board would become useful, because it would allow players to park at the side of the road, a short distance ahead of the problem area, and warn traffic. There is of course the issue of possible abuse of this feature. I believe that this problem can rectified by preventing players from tying a message, and instead having some preset messages to choose from.
  11. In the UK our version of that sign (has a solid black bar instead of the stripes) just means national speed limit applies. This varies depending on what type of road.
  12. What about the UK style? I've seen comments mentioning that a new skin should make the car more visible, what could be more visible than yellow and blue batten-burg? Some UK cars also have black sections to signify ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) Interceptor. Could this not be used to show team leaders, etc in game? At the end of the day it's a great idea, but how will we decide what country to use?
  13. Still very much learning, but half decent at: - Python - HTML
  14. An excellent guide. As an Ex Convoy Security Group pilot I always cringe when I see some bad escorting of convoys.
  15. This sounds like way too much work. When I was in Convoy Security Group we used a skin that was in the High Power Cargo Pack, but changed the colours. I never saw anyone else using the same skin and it stands out anyway when there is a group of trucks with the same paint job.
  16. Extremely good and useful. I hope this will be added if we get server economy.
  17. Completely agree. Missing lights are really dangerous. You would not be able to see in the dark. You wouldn't see hazards or indicators.
  18. This is a great idea. It would certainly help combat trolls. You could take it one step further and stop them from having the more powerful engines in the trucks. Then they would give up, because people in more powerful trucks could outrun them.
  19. This is a great idea. It won't stop trolls, but it is not designed to stop trolls. What I think this will do is help to reduce the number of genuine accidents, because most of them are result of someone just not knowing how things work. If this was to go ahead then I would like to see that UK roads are covered in some degree of detail, because this seems to be one of the worst cases of genuine accidents due to the road layout being different. Everyone needs to be educated about the UK, because it is the most different and in some cases the most complex. Every UK player will tell you that if you know the UK rules then you can figure out the others. What most people miss is the signs outside of ports in the UK that say "Drive on the Left". I think that there should be some form of popup, like when it says "Non collision zone" or "You have entered into the city" to tell people to drive on the left. Again this won't solve the problem, but it will help.
  20. I think this is OK as it is just affecting what you see on your HUD and not affecting other players. However I am not sure. I would like to see this question answered my a member of TMP staff.
  21. I don't know, but it sounds like a good idea. I would suggest posting this under suggestions.
  22. I never recall having this problem. I would have thought that when a user is stopped at roadworks it would be pretty obvious what they were doing.
  23. I was referring to a previous post that suggested I had said you would be fined if you do not share your trailer. If you were to abandon your trailer then there should be no reason another player cannot move it.
  24. People can already dump trailers in dangerous spots and do trolling. This would mean that you could move that trailer to a safe place. It was never once mentioned that you would have to share loads and there was certainly no mention of solo drivers being penalized. Just to make it clear to everyone SHARING TRAILERS WOULD BE OPTIONAL!
  25. Possibly, but I think it is more of a TMP thing, SCS could help them, but I think they could do it on their own.
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