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Veteran Driver
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About Egor_138Rus

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  1. Offer name: Own transport company Description of the offer: Many play in the company with their friends. I propose to create a certain amount of money for your transport company with a common gaming account. Where you can invite everyone. Any examples of images: Why should it be added? : This introduction will very well affect the corporate game between players and even more will raise interest in multiplayer
  2. A suitable name. Interaction between players Description of what is at stake. There is a situation when the driver flies into a ditch, and other players can not help him in any way. You have to stand waiting until the driver of the wagon coming down will call himself an evacuator. I suggest adding interaction between the players. Those. drove up, hooked the wagon on the cable and yanked it out of the ditch The reason why it should be added / removed / modified: Well, firstly the traffic jams that are created when the crash will dissipate faster. Secondly, it will be much more interesting to play
  3. Name of the offer: Repair after the accident at the expense of the intruder Description of the proposal: Everyone faced the situation when the intruder flies out onto his wrong lane and crashes into you. Even if this violator is punished, you still have to do repairs at your own expense. And a couple of cargo delivery goes to the detriment of the driver. I propose to do repairs after an accident on insurance at the expense of the offender. And with the infringer of the infallible information. Any examples of images: Why should it be added? : If violators of the rules pay for repairs, unscrupulous drivers will first think before breaking the rules
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