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About Ozy

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Pennsylvania, USA
Driving Amberlampses
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Peterbilt -
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California: San Francisco
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I used to be able to use a 3 letter one and it forced me to change it to 4.
Ozy changed their profile photo
Came back from a break and it forced me to change my in game name from Ozy to Ozy1. Does anyone know when/why this change was made? Did a quick search and couldn't find much on it.
Substantively late reply, but while I agree with the concept I can see a rule like this being very hard to enforce.
There's a public one at TS3.ets2mp.com, but it's not really officially affiliated with truckersMP as far as I know, just a lot of the community uses it. Many VTC's also have their own teamspeaks or Discord servers.
Spirit Omega Wolf started following Ozy
@causevd I've thought about making one where pilots can get 'independently certified' using the standards set in this guide and people can search a list of them, but I haven't had the time for it. @Kr4zyB3n Same way as outlined in the guide; Pilot 1 will move a couple hundred meters infront of the convoy and act as a scout; notifying the convoy of oncoming traffic and notifying oncoming traffic about the convoy approaching (I know everyone, myself included, tends to drift and we don't pay the most attention when we think we're driving alone on a rural road - notification to oncoming traffic to pay more attention because a convoy is coming stops a lot of potential accidents). Pilot 2 will switch from the rear to the direct front of the convoy where Pilot 1 was. The idea being that - particularly on blind rural curves - any oncoming traffic would see the first pilot car and not the 10-15 trucks of the convoy taking the turn, thus (Ideally) slowing down/getting more control as needed. Also if there is a situation where the oncoming traffic isn't the best at driving, they'd just hit the first pilot car and the rest of the convoy would have ample time to stop instead of a pileup situation occuring.
[GLI] saeed kamali [CEO] started following Ozy
Major no. Anyone who legitimately built up money is going to get screwed out of it by this suggestion - everyone would have to start scratch. And there's nothing wrong with 'cheating' to increase your starting money or skills. Without either, starting in MP is basically impossible because of the amount of crashing into people / Server time scale / etc. I tried to start a fresh character once purely on MP and it was far from desirable. The way it is now isn't hurting anyone, so what if someone is just starting and has a brand new truck.
I imagine it should be possible in the same way the cop car system works. but instead of check if admin, have it set a variable on your TMP profile when you purchase a DLC. This can be done via a steam check the same way TMP verifies if you've bought the game legally or not. So, say, you attach a DLC item to your truck, and spawn, the game will check to ensure you have the variable set (Indicating you've bought the DLC). But if you have the content illegally or are save-file abusing to get the content (assuming it'd have to be added to MP so everyone can see it, therefor everyone would have the files) it'd kick/ban you from the game instantly like the admin copcar system.
I don't see how it'd really be enforceable, and then i can see people using it as a grudge thing. "Hahaha I got video of you not using your blinkers, report inbound!"
If you've recently bought the game, you need to play it for two hours before the multiplayer mod will recognize it.
The cars are preferable to nothing by all means, but IMO they're slightly immersion breaking on ATS. At the least separate skins for the car on ATS (particularly the pilot and police one) to make them more "americanized" instead of euro-themed would be neat. I'm aware I'm changing the topic from the suggestion though so I'll leave it at yeah, it'd be nice to have this, but it'd be a lot of development work for limited gain.
^Yeah, that's my point. They wouldn't have any official meaning, it'd only be worthwhile if VTC's want to enforce them on their companies, which is why I was asking if there's any interest in anything like that, since it's to my understanding the general quality of pilot's right now is bad. If there isn't interest in it obviously I won't pursue it.
^I never said it'd have any official power or authority, it's purely optional. You wouldn't have to do it to pilot or do anything like that. Purely optional if people want to improve their own standards. if it's that much of a issue to administration though then I guess not.
Had a idea pertaining to this, Would anyone (Mostly VTC's since this would most directly apply to you) be interested in me handing out 'certificates' to people who understand this guide and can answer basic theoretical questions around its content? So, i.e, you'd read the guide, answer several theoretical questions about piloting/the guide/common sense, and if you pass you get a shiny digital certificate stating you've met the standards set forth by this guide. I'd keep a master list and tamper-proof the shiny digital certificate to prevent counterfeits going around if it becomes a issue. It wouldn't have any real authority or anything, it'd be completely optional, but it'd be a nice way to raise standards and reward people who do so. Curious on thoughts, mostly from VTC CEO's because you'd be the ones who would want to enforce such standards if it's a issue in your companies currently.
I've been this close to committing ritual seppuku lately at the behavior of car drivers/pilots specifically, so have a guide. How to pilot by Ozy So, let me open this up with something that should be obvious but many people do not understand; You are not a admin. You are not a cop. Let me say that again. You are not a cop. You are not a cop. Now that that's out of my system, let's move on to what a pilot car is. What is a pilot car? Within the context of real life, a pilot car escorts a oversized/overweight load ensuring the safety of the load and other drivers. But, since we don't have any "real" oversized loads (Arguably the only things applicable "oversized" loads are the heavier construction equipment, due to their odd dimensions.), they are more likely used as convoy escorts for player convoys. What is a pilot cars responsibility? Since you asked, as mentioned, you're not a cop. What your job is is ensuring the safety of the load (Within the context of ATS/ETS2, the convoy) and other drivers on the road around your convoy. How? Through several main ways: Acting as the convoys eyes and ears. You're supposed to be up ahead of the convoy, spotting oncoming traffic, obstacles, etc, and relaying them over voice comms (be it in game CB or TeamSpeak) Navigating the various streets, highways, etc, among your route. It's your job and the convoy planners job to ensure the route is planned properly and everything is in place before you depart. Don't be that guy who makes a wrong turn and logjams the whole convoy. Acting as a warning device to other drivers, particularly on smaller roads. Ensuring the convoy gets from point A to point B safely. Maneuvering, vehicle operation, etc. There is really only two places the Pilot cars should be; at the front and at the back. Your job is utterly defeated by hanging in the middle of the convoy for extended periods of time as a pilot car. Here's a (poorly drawn) Illustration of pilot cars in relevance to a convoy on a 4 lane highway: Not a few things: The pilot cars are not blocking or obstructing any traffic. Non-convoy traffic has a clear route to pass the convoy, which will likely be driving slower than normal traffic due to its size. The convoy trucks are contained within the two pilots. The pilots job is to make sure the truckers know about other traffic and that the other traffic knows about the convoy. I understand controlling Convoys, particularly large ones, can be very hard, but AVOID the convoy taking up multiple lanes of a multi-lane highway. It's bad form and there will be other drivers who will want to pass the convoy. Take up the most-right lane (or in Britian, most left) and only use the others for people passing within the convoy or for making turns. On larger convoys you usually can count on having at least 1 admin able to help you out with this. Some times, pilots must also take initiative to ensure the convoy can safely traverse a adverse situation. A few examples: If approaching a tight turn/intersection, and traffic is nearby, you're better off letting that traffic through before proceeding. You're about to potentially hog up that intersection for a while with the convoy and there's no use forcing the traffic to be stuck. Particularly true if you need to make a tight turn and the traffic is in the other lane which the truckers might need to use to turn. When approaching a left hand turn (or right hand turn in UK) on a two way highway, the rear pilot car should swing out *before* the convoy and occupy the left hand lane. Illustration: Spacing + Small roads/tight corners While spacing isn't as important on divided highways, on rural/two lane roads, the lead pilot car should increase its spacing from the convoy. It may be practical to shift the convoys arrangement from the typical highway arrangement to this: This is for several reasons: The highway/road is no longer divided. Oncoming traffic colliding with the convoy is now a real possibility. Many roads have tight/blind corners that are prone to truck collisions. The lead vehicle, 3-500m infront of the convoy, can act two fold; to act as the convoys eyes and ears for oncoming traffic, and to let oncoming traffic know there is a convoy approaching. This ensures both the convoy and oncoming traffic knows about eachother before they meet on a small road or blind corner. Both are more prepared to safely navigate the situation, both slow down, etc. Pilot 2 takes over the role of 'leading' the convoy from its direct front. A rear car is no longer as important compared with the threat of oncoming traffic. Setting up your ride for pilot duty You've read the guide and want to shred it, what do you do with the Skoda? Dump the big engine. You won't be needing it, it's way too finnicky, hard to handle, and you won't be needing to go 140mph anyways. Use the pilot lightbar (Duh.) Use the pilot skin. Don't be that guy who is like "BRUHHH IM A PILOT!" when you have a savefile modded metallic skin on the car. You just look like a troll and no ones going to take you seriously (If anyone will anyways) If in some kind of official convoy, set your clan tag to CONVOY PILOT or something among those lines. It reaffirms who you are because there will be trolls in fake pilot cars pretending to know what they're doing. The key difference is they don't and you do. Conclusion I hope this guide has at least partially taught you how to pilot. Hopefully we can fix the reputation all pilots are trolls one convoy at a time. Have fun!
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