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Vellaco [ESP]

Veteran Driver VII
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About Vellaco [ESP]

  • Birthday 10/14/1997

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    Luxembourg: Luxembourg
  • Known languages
    Spanish,English and "Catalan"

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  1. Suggestion Name: Extend Non-Collision Zone on Kirkernes Quarry. Suggestion Description: Extend the Non-Collision Zone on Kirkernes Quarry through the DAM. Any example images: Clip from Krewlex admin stream, which explains perfectly why the non-colision zone needs to be extended across the Dam Why should it be added?: In order to prevent traffic jams and chock-a-block's on the DAM, just before the Kirkernes Quarry on the new famous "C-D" Road. On the DAM, there's a post with pysics that makes one place of the road to imposible to pass it on both ways. Also, futher on the Dam, going to the quarry, there is a complicated turn where, if someone gets stuck and drivers behind don't know about the "post", The Road could be blocked compleatly and, I know most people wants to go there for the amounts of drivers, this road should not be "blockable" as easy as it is now. im NOT saying to make ALL the route Non Collision, only the last part of it, to prevent chock-a-block's and avoid needing admins there to control the traffic.
  2. THANKS and CONGRATULATIONS to the Add-on and Event Teams to make it posible... Awesome job guys. PD: In my opinion, the finals track needs some chicanes and jumps, just like the 1rst one on San Francisco
  3. Congrats to the WINNER, the FINALIST and every Participant at this event, and again, Thanks and congratulations to the Add-on and Event Teams to make it possible... Awesome job guys. See you on Further Events ?
  4. After one try on every track i can only say THANKS and CONGRATULATIONS to the Add-on and Event Teams to make it posible... Awesome job guys. PD: In my opinion, the finals track needs some chicanes and jumps, just like the 1rst one on San Francisco
  5. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/87242-road-to-simulation-20-how-servers-should-be/ Saludos commpañeros. En previsión que esta sugerencia que he realizado en su correspondiente apartado tarde un tiempo en abrirse para ser discutida y debatida, creo que sería bueno para nuestra comunidad poder hacer un "debate preeliminar" en castellano (Que por desgracia somos unso cuantos que no nos defendemos del todo bien con el Inglés...) y para que la Comunidad Hispanohablante haga su aporte en el futuro de TMP. Os dejo un resumen de la propuesta para que podais opinar lo que querais sobre ella en este post. había pensado hacerlo con la versión de Encuesta (Poll), pero son tantas cosas que creo que sería bastante pesado y poco concluyente los resultados de esa encuesta. Así que sois libres cada usurio a aportar vuestras ideas que se añadirán/editaran, el post Original en cuanto se Abra a discusion, si es que eso se da algún día. Si no, pues este post puede servir para ver que opina la comunidad Hispanohablante sobre el asunto, que como los asíduos al foro ya habreis visto, hay ya 36 o 37 páguinas del Post Original donde explicaron el funcionamiento de los nuevos servers Arcada y Simulación. Resumen de mi Sugerencia Original: 3 tipos de Servidores: ARCADE ; FULL SIMULATION ; HYBRID. ARCADE. Igual que los server Arcade actuales (yo creo que con un bastaría.) pero CON Colisión. Porque a nadie, ni aunque no seas troller, le gusta jugar a este juego si no hay algo de realismo en las colisiones. SI no, mirar como estaba EU4... Alguna vez pasaba de los 300 jugadores??. Por lo tanto, pese a añadir colisiones, se mantiene como "Freeroam Server" en el cual no te pueden banear por las normas con * (básicamente todas excepto hacking e Insultar, creo). FULL SIMULATION Para VTC y conductores que realmente quieran simular, con límites de velocidad reales: 50km/h ciudad, 90km/h Fuera de ciudad. Y para desincentivar los trolls, mi propuesta sería que la Duración MÍNIMA de los 3 Primeros Baneos sea de 1 SEMANA (SOLO EN ESTE SERVER), que son a discreción de los Admin, pero nunca ponen más de 2 o 4 días. Además de Dejar más tiempo fuera de los servers a los que realizen actos baneables, otra ventaja de este sistema es que con 1 Semana de duración, hay más tiempo para Apelar en caso que se considere un Baneo Injusto y si realmente lo es, se podría quitar del Historial. Ya que actualmente con 2 o 4 días, es muy dificil que se pueda revisar y, aunque expire pronto, te queda en el Historial para el resto del año. El Skoda estaría permitido, ya que con estos límites de velocidad y el incremento de los castigos por Baneos, creo que los trollers no tendrán ningun motivo para ir a este server. Así el Skoda se usará para el propósito por el cual se nos permitió a los jugadores usarlo: Escoltar Convoys, y ahora para hacer "viajes de Acampada" realistas con la caravana. (¿alguien ha visto algun coche con caravanas a toda pastilla por autovías y carreteras secundarias girando las curvas a lo loco...?) Otra propuesta mía para ESTE Server sería "inutilizar" la norma 2.6 en referencia al Convoy Managment, ya que en la Realidad, si se diese el caso de un Vehículo especial Escortado hay que respetar al coche guia. Y como este es un server que quiere asemejarse lo máximo posible a la realidad este podria ser oto cambio a debatir entre todos. Y también se podría hasta quitar las Zonas de No Colisión si demostrasemos entre todos un poco de respeto en las empresas al dejarnos maniobrar uno a uno, dejar salir de los talleres antes de entrar... Pero esto solo se puede hacer en un server muy "harcore" en simulación como este, aunque yo mismo entiendo que traeria problemas, así que como opción futura a debatir también. HYBRID: Este pretendería que fuese el Server que a la mayoría le guste más (pese a que debería ser el Simulación, pero la comunidad estamos acostumbrados más a este tipo de server). El gran cambio que le pondría a este server, si es posible, sería unos Límites "diferentes" según si llevas Trailer (Incluye remolque propio Vacio) acoplado. Con trailer= 80km/h ciudad ; 110km/h El resto de mapa... Sin Trailer acoplado = 80km/h Ciudad ; 150 (o130)km/h el resto de mapa Así quien quiera correr, pues que no llebe trailer por, además de irealista, luego hay problemas con volcar, que se descontrole el remolque, etc.. Y si quieres correr a más de 150, pues ve al ARCADE Server. En caso de ser muy complicado o imposible aplicar el sistem pues esos 130km/h para todos y punto. Skoda NO Permitido, ya que no tiene ningun sentido para este server, porque si tienes que escoltar a convoys yendo a 130km/h, vaya "convoy" es ese... Igual con las caravana, demasiada Velocidad. Y también en este, para evitar los posibles trollers, mi otra propuesta distinta a la del Full Simulation sería de PROHIBIR acceder a este Server a Cualquier Jugador con 3 o más Baneos ACTIVOS (bola Verde) por Reckless Driving, Ramming,Blocking, WrongWay, Inapropiate Overtake, osea los relacionados con tu forma de conducir. Si estas en este caso, pues tienes que jugar o en el Arcade server y estar en la "Jungla", o ir al Simulación, pero con los bajos límites de velocidad que hay, si eres un troller te aburrirás mucho. Así que este es el "resumen" en Castellano para que todos lo podais entender bien y aportar vuestras ideas para mejorar/ampliar esta propuesta que ojalá se pueda llevar a cabo, tal y como ya sucedió con el Road to Simulation, que se hizo gracias a propuestas como esta de @FernandoCR [ESP] https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/80979-possible-solution-for-most-trolling/
  6. Suggestion Name: Road to Simulation 2.0: How servers should be. Suggestion Description: With lots of feedback given by the community about how they want the characteristics of the servers, I think This could summarize all of that in one suggestion. The Idea is to debate the changes I suggest, except for the server Slots, which will be modified in the future by how many people use each one. So please, give it lots of reactions to get it open to give you the option to do your contributions. ARCADE Server (2200 SLOTS) Like the actual Arcade ones, but !!!WITH!!! Collisions, even it still applies the Freeroam Server rules (No ban for ramming, the wrong way, etc). NO SPEED LIMITS WITH Collisions on the roads, as usual servers. NCZ (Non-Collision Zone) on truck-services, companies, etc. Skoda ALLOWED, Freeroam server Rules = Any active Moderation by GM's. and even the In-game Report could be disabled. If someone wants to report for any other thing, do it with the website System, with Very Low Priority. Full-SIMULATION Server (2200 Slots). The most important Server if TMP really wants to advance through a more Simulation style gameplay. In my opinion, this should be the Priority of any GM if he wants to do InGame Active Moderation More REAL Speed Limits: 50km/h on cities; 90km/h outside of cities. If you want to simulate, but also you want to do a 2000km job... as the real life, you will need to dedicate more than one day of driving. With Collisions, as always. On the future (OPTIONAL) even all the NCZ could be reduced at only the "green points" where you must stop to interact with the game. And real Simulation players could respect each other even at the unloading zones... Skoda ALLOWED, and (OPTIONAL) the 2.6& Rule could be disabled to give any convoy all priorities if they are well escorted with enough Pilots (OPTIONAL). With this low-speed limit, it will be so rare to take the Skoda for trolling, and it will be used by their original Pilot purpose or as a Caravan trips... INCREASE PUNISHMENT Only ON THIS SERVER: The first 3 bans of any account will have 1 WEEK MINIMUM length Duration, to discourage any kind of rule-breaking on this server. First Priority of any GM if he wants to do in-game Active Moderation, with always at Peak Hours, at least ONE GM Connected and looking for In-Game reports, If possible and TMP really wants to encourage the community to a simulation style. HYBRID Server (4200 Slots). I think this will be the most popular server if the “Different Speed Limits” are applied to it, but without any cars driving on here. This will be likely the old EU3, with some changes. Different Speed Limit: (80km/h inside any City for everyone) a. IF you HAVE a Trailer ATTACHED = 110km/h b. IF you HAVE NOT a Trailer ATTACHED = 150km/h 1.2. If this could not be set-up, the Speed limit for Everyone could be 130km/h (Something between the 150km/h and 110km/h) 3.WITH Collision, Skoda NOT Allowed, and rules and punishments will be applied as the same way as they are now, with one add-on. a. If you have 3 or more ACTIVE Bans for Ramming/Reckless Driving/Inappropriate Overtake/Wrong way/Blocking, you CAN NOT enter at this server, with an Automatic KICK system. This should be another way, more drastically, to discourage trolling, such as the suggested on the Full Simulation Server. 4.(OPTIONAL) If this server gets popular only for the C-D route, I propose to set up the Entire route as if it was a city, so the speed limit will be 80km/h inside C-D And if TMP needs Another server, it could be a second ARCADE or FULL SIMULATION, depending on which one is used more. Why should it be added?: With the new record of 36 pages of discussion about the “Road to Simulation” post which is the most controversial topic ever wrote, I wanted to make my suggestion about it. In the ideal world, there will be only the Full Simulation server style, but with lots of the community who wants to speed, they can do it at their own risk by their Priorities. Arcade server, where you can drive as fast as you want will be an “Anarchy” server with collisions. If they want more “security” about not being trolled, but drive at “high speeds”, go at Hybrid server looking at your bans, because when you get the 3rd ban for the reasons I mentioned before, you could not get access at this server, and you must play only on the Anarchy or the “Slow” Full Simulation one… And VTC's and real Simulation players who want to play ETS2/ATS, we will have the Full-SIMULATION Server, with real speed limits and, hopefully, any kind of NCZ which will increase the respect on the community and doing convoys with REAL Pilots. And most of the simulation drivers would accept to give way at bigger convoys(disable the 2.6 rule) if they are well designed and appropriately signalized. Also, with the increased punishment of the first 3 bans and the low-speed limits, I presume this server will not attract any troller at all. Also, if most of this will be applied on with new rules, another one must be added about SHOWING which server you are when reporting someone via the website or even at In-Game system, because of the different ban lengths on each Server. Thank you for reading all of it and share this post with your friends or VTC colleges to try to get open this suggestion as soon as possible to give everyone the opportunity to add their related suggestions. See you on the road.
  7. How severs should be in my opinon. Arcade, 4200slots: NO Speed limit, WITH Colision, “No rules” or as FREEROM Server, such as previus eu4, but with colision. Skoda alowed, of course. GM (admins) should Never moderate this server, only look at website reports, with low priority, for hacking, insulting or other rules applied on Freeroam servers (eu4), before the changes. Any other kind of reports on this server will get rejected “automatically”. Simulation “Harcore”. 2200 slots, Real Speed limits (50 or 60 km/h on cities, 90 outside of it) Skoda ALLOWED (at this low speed, should be only used as Escort Convoy... or “caravan travels”) and High priority of GM in-game Moderation, hopefully 2 or 3 at Peak time, if possible. Also, the bans lengh for the first 3 bans, which admins decides the duration, on this server Must NEVER be LOWER THAN 1 WEEK. ( Overal Increase of Punishment ONLY on this server). And a 3rd server Arcade-Simulator, just like the “old” EU3: 2000 slots, Skoda NOT Allowed, Arcade Speed Limit: 80km/h cities, 150km/h outside. And “usuall” ban lengh/duration of the first 3 bans. Here GM could do some In-game Moderation So everyone will get the server it wants, but if you want more and more speed, anarchy goes attach to it. Also, you must show in which server you are when recording for a Website Report in orther to apply the different ban leghts. And sorry if my writting english is too simple... react how you want.
  8. Your solution for all who want to speed... Buy a REAL Racing game, and this looks so good. FIA European Truck Racing Championship.
  9. Two questions @Digital 1rst: Which kind of event server will be? The same as the previous championships with 150km/h speed limit and NON-Collision everywhere? 2nd: Save editing (Additional Customisation By Forerunner: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/56300-additional-customisation-mod-successor-to-ultimate-mp-truck-customisation/) and Console Commands, to what extent are they allowed to be used? For example, the Truck stability console command can be increased from 0.5 (default value) to 1, which makes your truck almost impossible to flip over... GL to all participants, I hope to arrive at the final as the ATS one.
  10. No, please... If this gets too popular by Youtbers and streamers 1000 slots will not be enough since the first peak hour. I would prefer 4000 slots with lots of lag than 1000 slots with 1000 people on the queue to test the police car.
  11. Para asegurarme, TODO lo que hay en el mod este de Forerunner esta 100% permitido? hasta un apartado que pone "Triples" que parece estar compuesto por 2 "normales" y un HTC en medio? PD: Ah no, son 2s pequeños de un eje y un HTC en Medio, porque miden lo mismo que los triples de remolques "normales". Es que pensaba que estos eran todavía más grandes.
  12. @ASIR [CZE] Use this way instead
  13. Congrats to Slavik_32RUS why I have my Steam profile private? LOL ( have about 1700 on ETS and 200 on ATS) well, I don't think Slavik was using hacks... but on this kind of races which such narrow roads, enable collisions will get more troubles to overtake, even make it impossible on the final "track". But what I found the best option is to start at front line and stay 1rst to not be riding on you and, if you don't make mistakes, you win for sure, because of followers will battle "one inside each other" and get in troubles. On further events, another option could be to participate one by one (or begin one each 30 sec, and if you reach the guy in front you gg) and "record" our times with the /time command... Also, I think he has the same truck as I. Old Peter with 10 Allyson gear... try it and look if it is faster than 6-7 gears. IMO it is, with 10 gears you have more power or 60-70 miles/h, so can be faster...
  14. +1 But I agree that EU2 without collision will be too controversial and I can reach to decline all the suggestion. I'm FULL Agree with this new Eu1, and I think if admins Stop doing their work on EU2, rejecting automatically almost all reports, except hacking or insulting ones (or trait Eu4 server as a Freeroam one, with the special rules, even not being non-collision). Or creating a new rule: "If you go to EU2, is at your own risk of taking damage, Truckers MP will not claim any responsibility to the rammer or rule-evader" Also, admins can do more active work on EU1, such as Realistic Events they made on special Convoys, but more randomly. As @FernandoCR [ESP] said, if admins focus on Eu1, will need less time on reports and might do things like, for example: stopping players by some reasonable reason such as overspeeding (USA police behind a bush...), using the Police cars; doing some random "Detours" on popular places with some justification. Special escort drives... and many other ideas you can imagine to make Eu1 more Realistic and enjoyable even only arrives at 1000 population, by the moment.
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