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Announcement on the No Damage Mod & Hacking - And a new solution


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12 minutes ago, schnuppifreak said:

No Damage Mod ist nicht mehr erlaubt....


Und wieder schafft es TruckersMP , den Vollidioten die im Multiplayer unterwegs sind und nichts besseres zu tun haben,

als andere mit voller Absicht zu rammen , einen Vorteil zu verschaffen.

Man bestraft wie immer die Spieler , die versuchen ihre Fracht heil und sicher ans Ziel zu bringen...


Aber das man was gegen die Spieler unternimmt , die nur auf dem Multiplayer unterwegs sind um andere zu

Rammen , Blockieren usw. , und das mit voller Absicht.

Dagegen wird nichts unternommen.

Das ist einfach nur Traurig   



No Damage Mods waren sehr leicht zu missbrauchen. Für die, die den Mod sinnvoll genutzt haben, bleibt nun nur noch, Quicksaves zu erstellen, was erleichtert wurde, da man dank Ghost Mode nun auch auf der Straße spawnen kann, ohne ein großes Chaos zu verursachen.

Des Weiteren wird gerade die Man-Power der Ingame Moderatoren deutlich erhöht, was gegen Rammen und Blockieren bald stark zur Geltung kommen wird, da dann deutlich mehr Ingame-Reports bearbeitet werden können.



No-Damage mods were easy to abuse as well. And those who used the mod as it was supposed to will now have to stick to creating quicksaves, which was helped by the fact that thanks to Ghost Mode you can now even spawn in the streets without causing major accidents.

Besides, the man-power of ingame moderators is being increased as well, which will strongly reduce ramming and blocking soon as way more ingame-reports can be processed.


Edited by flybel


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This wouldn't help trolls. We're reviewing the situation In-Game, to try and ensure that Hackers don't ruin your in-game experience.


TruckersMP may not be a democracy, however, we're doing this update for your own benefit.

This is a simulation game, and no-one has No Damage IRL.


Please realise this is not GTA, this is a simulator.

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Current Status: status.png

Waddle On!                    

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The ban on no damage mod is a massive mistake IMHO, This won't really effect trolls as trolls don't really care about damage, it will effect ppl like me who are fed up with getting rammed and wrecked, and either have to F7 or load a save.

I've read ppl saying "just quick save", yes that will work but if you get wrecked and have to load a quick save, you'll spawn in the middle of the road.

Ok you have 30 seconds ghost mode but in that 30 seconds, you have to load in, start the engine, set off, get up to speed and pray nobody is coming up behind you at speed and either wreck you or wreck them.

It should go back to the old "rules" for no damage mod. You can use it but if you use it and troll, then you get perma banned.

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1 hour ago, Penguin said:

This wouldn't help trolls. We're reviewing the situation In-Game, to try and ensure that Hackers don't ruin your in-game experience.


TruckersMP may not be a democracy, however, we're doing this update for your own benefit.

This is a simulation game, and no-one has No Damage IRL.


Please realise this is not GTA, this is a simulator.

If this was a realistic simulator, trolls were gone almost from the 1st day the MP came up..

But they are still here, low brained kids with many: 


Edited by [ICG] [23]ThunderSky
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30 minutes ago, Seanster said:

The ban on no damage mod is a massive mistake IMHO, This won't really effect trolls as trolls don't really care about damage, it will effect ppl like me who are fed up with getting rammed and wrecked, and either have to F7 or load a save.

I've read ppl saying "just quick save", yes that will work but if you get wrecked and have to load a quick save, you'll spawn in the middle of the road.

Ok you have 30 seconds ghost mode but in that 30 seconds, you have to load in, start the engine, set off, get up to speed and pray nobody is coming up behind you at speed and either wreck you or wreck them.

It should go back to the old "rules" for no damage mod. You can use it but if you use it and troll, then you get perma banned.


I totally agree with that its a big mistake .


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1 hour ago, Penguin said:

This wouldn't help trolls. We're reviewing the situation In-Game, to try and ensure that Hackers don't ruin your in-game experience.


TruckersMP may not be a democracy, however, we're doing this update for your own benefit.

This is a simulation game, and no-one has No Damage IRL.


Please realise this is not GTA, this is a simulator.

But lots of people don't see it that way, but more like a GTA with trucks. Of course there's not a no-damage option in real life, but in real life you don't see 0.1% of the barbaric behaviour of the game drivers, trucks doing over 140 Km/h, driving on the wrong lane, overtaking on the hard shoulder or on the grass, ramming you just "because"... IRL you don't have the "Load an autosave" option either. Or the save-editing, like @Graywolf71 said. Or starting a new career with several billions in cash, home offices in every cities, a fleet of 10-20 full powered trucks... Let's face it: Most of the people in the MP world don't give a **** about "Simulation" or "Like in real life". If they did, there would be no need for a no-damage mod. But that only happens, more or less, in the EU#1 server.

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@FernandoCR [ESP] We need more Slots for EU#1. The same as EU#2. So, normal drivers can drive on EU#1 with simulation and Not-Brained kids, can drive on EU#2.

I think can be a solution.

Edited by [ICG] [23]ThunderSky
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On 8/1/2018 at 9:06 AM, [ICG] [23]ThunderSky said:

@FernandoCR [ESP] We need more Slots for EU#1. The same as EU#2. So, normal drivers can drive on EU#1 with simulation and Not-Brained kids, can drive on EU#2.

I think can be a solution.

Exactly this is a possible soluction or ban for permanent hacks , speed hack , no clip but not for no damage mod .

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well can you read german??


than you will understand my point


the no damage mod is usefull for us who want to do some seriues driving with friends 

and you have a lot of noobs driving on ets2MP

that you will get a ban for using those mods i really understand BUT look at D-C route is there always an admin 


and there is an reason for those who using the no damage mod

think about that

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11 minutes ago, [DRGE] TurboRobbie [NL] said:

well can you read german??


than you will understand my point


the no damage mod is usefull for us who want to do some seriues driving with friends 

and you have a lot of noobs driving on ets2MP

that you will get a ban for using those mods i really understand BUT look at D-C route is there always an admin 


and there is an reason for those who using the no damage mod

think about that

That´s the reason I don´t drive C-D when I want to do deliver a freight with 0% damage.


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Just now, [WT] AlexXX said:

That´s the reason I don´t drive C-D when I want to do deliver a freight with 0% damage.

understand that but it is not only the D-C route 

the point is everywhere is driving idiots on MP if you wanna have a serieus drive well than .........


and if you say smething about it then you wil get a big mouth from that player and is that normal you think??

i think not!!!


there is on that moment no admin online for that and the report system is to complicated

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16 minutes ago, [DRGE] TurboRobbie [NL] said:

well can you read german??


than you will understand my point


the no damage mod is usefull for us who want to do some seriues driving with friends 

and you have a lot of noobs driving on ets2MP

that you will get a ban for using those mods i really understand BUT look at D-C route is there always an admin 


and there is an reason for those who using the no damage mod

think about that

There is no serious driving behind it,if you know that you are using something to prevent damage to your truck,wether it's made by yourself or an other player.

If you avoid C-D road,you will get a 0% damaged freight.

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       Greetz,DerPatrick9  eymAgcq.png P19Gj7N.png kxhDML1.png



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I personally think No-Damage mods should be allowed as long as its not abused. There are so many trolls/ bad drivers on this game, which means players who are trying to get around and do drops are being stopped due to being damaged all the time by being rammed. Yes it does take the realism away, but makes commuting around ETS so much easier. 

If TMP could added the No-Damage mod into the 'Tab' menu, and make it a choice to use it; Or give it to players without a severe ban history. TMP will be able to run efficiently and smooth. People who will get rammed by trolls will now have to 'F7' which will cause trouble at services. Its probable that it will then lead to trolls blocking service entrances. The problem has been taken from one place, but will likely go to another.


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2 hours ago, Penguin said:

This wouldn't help trolls. We're reviewing the situation In-Game, to try and ensure that Hackers don't ruin your in-game experience.


TruckersMP may not be a democracy, however, we're doing this update for your own benefit.

This is a simulation game, and no-one has No Damage IRL.


Please realise this is not GTA, this is a simulator.


With all due respect, but the IRL/ simulation argument is unsustainable considering the fact alone that TMP provides mulitple servers without a speed limit.
Furthermore, the number of users that intentional and repetitive violate the rules (even if they are a minority) does not speak for the awareness nor acceptance of a simulation at all.


No, unfortunately, , TMP is far off being a simulator. i think we just experience challenging times - but all hope is not lost!

I am confident that TMP will become more realistic in the future.


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For all those who call this game a simulator: it is, but it is a game as well. You would not play it if you had no fun, would you?


The no damage mod has never been a mod for me. From my point of view, it was am allowed hack. And I’m also glad that this is over now.


But normal modding (like save editing) cannot be abused as long as it follows the guidelines. So I see no reason to prohibit this as well. 


If you think it’s not realistic, don’t do it. It’s that simple ;) 

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6 hours ago, gerrit76 said:

I'm new to TruckersMP, but ; isn't "Europe 4" a Non-Collision server which disables damage to your truck and freight while on the road?


If so... that server might be a good solution for people who are affraid of taking damage while delivering their freight with 0 damage. I dont understand why people are in need of mods to avoid damage as there's a No-Collision server.

Or is it still possible to take damage while beïng on the road on Europe 4?  :-/



I would use it as a solution, but no. That server has no population what so ever, and i hate playing on sparsely populated servers.


Don't get me wrong OK, i've not had time to play MP in the past couple of weeks.


Edited by RXRNathan
Accidental double post.
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@gerrit76 If i've to drive alone on a public server, i prefer to play Single Player or just untinstall the game. Playing into MP = finding real peoples, that respect real rules, but NO. 


EU#1 [Sim] = 2300 + 400 queue = you can find 1 truck in 4 hours. (ADD SOME SLOTS <_<)

EU#2 = 3700 + 200 queue, 90% kids with cars, 9% kids with truck, 1% Players that play simulated.

EU#3 [No Cars] = EU#2 without cars = 99% kids with truck, 1% Normal players.

EU#4 [No Collision] 100 players = Am I playing Multiplayer or Single Player with a NO TRAFFIC mod?

EU#5 = EU#3 = EU#2

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