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How to tell if a mod is allowed in TruckersMP


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Note: all uses of the word “mod” include direct save editing as a type of mod.


This topic is meant be used as a checklist by anyone making mods, as well as anyone that has downloaded a mod, to check whether the mods are allowed in TruckersMP or not.


If the answer to any of these is yes, any and all modifications of these types must be removed before use in TruckersMP.



  • Does the truck have any slots (red dots when customizing) used more than once, such as an LED under a Beacon?
  • Does the truck have more beacons than allowed by default, have you added any beacons which you couldn’t without mods?
  • Are there any addons (parts which attach to red dots when customizing) which are placed where not allowed by default, except LEDs which may be placed on the Roofbar and Bullbar as well as default places?
  • Are there any interior accessories (Steering wheel knobs, mugs, pennants etc) that are placed on the outside of the vehicle?
  • Are there any exterior accessories (Beacons, LEDs, spotlights etc) that are placed on the inside of the vehicle?
  • Does the vehicle have more bars than allowed by default (usually 3, 4 with Mighty Griffin DLC bars)? Important note: a truck with 2 bullbars for example is allowed as long as this maximum is not breached, meaning that a truck with 2 bullbars can only have 1 other bar.
  • Other than bars, are there slots used more than once? This includes tinted Scania lights.
  • Is the hitbox extended by significant amount?




  • Do the wheels exceed car’s wheel arches?
  • Is the paint job from a DLC pack or trailer?
  • Does the car contain police accessories?
  • Are any of the truck modding rules broken?




  • Is the cargo mass value below 1000 (1 ton in-game)?
  • Is the hitbox extended by significant amount?
  • Have any/all of the wheels been changed?
  • Is the paint job from a truck or a car?
  • Is it a double/trailer that is longer than default?



Local-only accessories (if applicable):

  • Has any local-only accessory been installed in a way that removes the headlights or taillights?
  • Has any local-only accessory been configured (in the .sii) to have a collision?


If the answer to any of these is yes, any and all modifications of these types must be removed before use in TruckersMP.


If you are still unsure, please ask by using the feedback system found here, please make sure you include images and some quick details of what modifications have been applied: https://truckersmp.com/feedback

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Hello. Another question on this fact. Real company names are allowed or not?


Tell me if I´m wrong, but I think the only two questions to be answered are these:


                   Is the paint job from a truck or a car?  NO

                   With the exception of local-only accessories, paints and license plates, is it a modified combination of more than 1 trailer?  NO


Thank you

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Thanks very helpful information @forerunner


Happy Trucking!

Safe Journeys Fellow Drivers


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What if i add a local-Sound for the INTERIOR, and leave the outside sound by default... so only my game load the sound for the inti (cause i am the one who sdriving this truck ^^)

Is that allowed?
It will be only client sided, no-one will get crahses etc... others wont get any errors, and will hearing the default sound.

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