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Suggestion Name: Auto kick for CB Abuse 
Suggestion Description: Everyone gets mad when someone keeps pressing the button to use the CB Radio, just for make noise, not for talk. I had an idea that could fix this thing, and it won't happen anymore. The base for my thing is, you kown when you send a lot of messages on the chat, and this player gets a delay from the server for spamming, thats should be the first advise or delay for pressing the button many times just for make the CB Radio noise. If the player keeps pressing after the "delay", he would be automatically kicked for CB Abuse, just like the kick system for ghost driving.
Any example images:                                                                                                 

Why should it be added?: Should be added to help players who just freak out with this thing and offer some support for admins instead of deal with reports on TMP website, this should fix the problem automatically. I bet you hate this: https://youtu.be/vDZ6kRC7DYE


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Personally, the easiest thing to do is either switch channels, turn the cab off or lower volume. Yes people who abuse the cab are annoying, but it’s like witheverything, if there’s a way it can be abused, it will be abused. 


Personally, I have my cab turned off as soon as I start my truck because it’s too annoying and we don’t have it where I’m from anyway, but if I did use it to talk to friends, I’d pick a random channel that people rarely use, you get peace and quiet and can communicate easily. 


The issue with auto kicking is distinguishing what’s by accident/general conversation and what’s spam, I can see people being wrongly kicked for doing something by accident. 

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I don't agree with your suggestion. CB radio is used just for communicating. If you find any one abusing then just do web report. If you feel annoyed by CB radio just turn it off or if you wanna talk with some one just use another channel. there are many ways to use CB radio. To be honest everyone should enjoy game but not to get kicked/Banned from game for everything :P.



How do you detect a spammer?

If you press the button for a too long time?

If you press the button to often in period of time?


What if players are driving with the CB and warning each other or just having a disscussion?

If you set the parmeters to low you will kick a high amount of players just for normal talking if they are too high they are useless.



That would be a great idea for changing that problem. But I think the real "trollers" would wait until the 10 seconds have finished and talk again. And if you want to talk with somebody you have to wait 10 seconds and I think it would be bad then, also when you press it provided and then can't talk. So the easiest way to stop is to turn the cb off by chatting "/channel 0 "

Leon :)


agree cb abuse kick should be implemented asap as its horrible when someone spams it


I do agree action should be taken on those who literally just sit there and press the button over and over again to cause the noise to played, it's really annoying if I'm trying to listen to someone, then someone else starts spamming the button to make the obnoxious noises.

You could say to just disable those sounds in the settings, which is true, but I do think it makes the CB more realistic... just not hearing it constantly because of one person.

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Signature made by Aestrial


This is quite a good idea. But then again you can always turn it off which is what I usually do.

1 hour ago, Ponczek13 said:

Okay, may it's good but what if I will be talking with my friend and system will be kicked ourselves for CB radio Abuse?

It is impossible that could happen, only if you are talking to your friend in a way that you will be spamming the CB Radio.



You have Julio, from Cocoricó, as your avatar so it means I now have to give a +1 on this suggestion.


Just joking. :P Seriously, though. I do find this to be a neat idea. Could help quite a bunch on our work to diminish the amount of spammers. I personally also have quite the dislike for those who constantly keep pressing X just to make the noise.

  • Haha 1

Some people should really get a license before even thinking about buying Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator. Drive safely, folks!



< < < Don't bet on sinking ships because they'll turn your chips to trash! > > >


I think this is a good idea, but could be a bit more than 10 seconds. I think 20-30 is reasonable. A user will be warned in the chat, and the CB automatically stops transmitting after that time. And, if the user opens and closes his mic more than say 5 times in 10 seconds, warn the user, and if it happens again, kick him automatically. 

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