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Veteran Driver VII
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Inthernet last won the day on November 23 2015

Inthernet had the most liked content!


About Inthernet

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  1. Calais - Duisburg on EU #2 shows the absolute best of humankind. :)

  2. What a pity delivering Coal doesn't count for the Dragon achievement. :P



      i just put coal in my presents :P

  3. Used offline mode to pull a trailer with the car. The car just does not handle. There's a good reason why it's banned on the servers!
  4. waking up to like 11 notifications. only off @MrCreeper

    1. Inthernet


      wot a spammer

  5. Thank you Sgt. Tailor for giving a reasonable ban duration for my report.

  6. For those who took part in FCT convoy today, I've reported him.


    1. Cooper's Freightmaster

      Cooper's Freightmaster

      omg imagine if reports have adverts

    2. Inthernet


      Adblock. I get annoyed at YT ads too. :P Dailymotion's nowhere near as strict as YT when it comes to music.

  7. Load from Redding to San Diego, 746mi in 20 minutes, peak speed 92mph.

  8. Truckers like it hard. Harder than DARK SOULS. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3rj4gw

    1. Stuart  (GB)

      Stuart (GB)

      that's what she said

  9. I used the word "mature" on a video title and the site auto-flagged it as 18+.

    1. jacoblovekw



    2. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      Well that was real mature of the site to do...

  10. ATSMP, so far, so good. Just wait until it goes -50% and all will be ruined.

  11. Congrats on the rebrand.

    1. John [RO]

      John [RO]

      Clever rebrand, looks good too.

  12. Report Burner for insulting admin. :P

  13. Sari on forums mentioned the small road from Calais to Germany. R.I.P. https://youtu.be/TKZbAUPZeeI

    1. SprinterFS


      Road of Death —— Duisburg - Rotterdam - Europoort - Harwich - London. Tons of trolls.

    2. [LKW Tr.] Elliot [CEO]

      [LKW Tr.] Elliot [CEO]

      What server was this recorded on?

    3. Inthernet
  14. ProMods is addictive, trying to reach RusMap but not quite there yet. :)

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