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Veteran Driver VII
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About Salguero

  • Birthday 02/13/1997

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  • EU Garage Location
    Luxembourg: Luxembourg
  • Known languages
    Spanish, English

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  1. Happy Birhtday  🎉

  2. Topic Title: Users Id bug TruckersMP ID: 73 URL: https://truckersmp.com/user/ Server Time / Date: 2018-10-08 18:30:00 UTC+2 How to reproduce: Look for Id with few digits and try adding more numbers and some will redirect to the original id (e.g. 73, add 001, 73001) Not always happen. Changes with time. Browser: Mozilla Firefox 62 (also tested on Chrome and Opera) Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/vssfUyo.png (url: /user/73001) I think i have found a bug. In https://truckersmp.com/user/<ID> page, sometimes does weird things. For example, my TruckersID is 73, so I tried the id 73001 https://truckersmp.com/user/73001 and it redirected to my profile (73). Later I tried again and it worked fine, showed me the profile 7301. Also happen with other shorter IDs. like XX or XXX. Is not only my account (73). @mwl4 @Kat_pw @_J-M @CJMAXiK @HumaneWolf @Krashnz @ShawnCZek @Scar
  3. @Forerunner I already know it's allowed to add/change color of trailer skins (trailer's skins, not truck's skins in trailers). This suggestion is about metallic skin. Great mod, btw I have no hope in this be accepted. Probably it will never happen. (at least until scs add the trailer ownership system)
  4. Suggestion Name: Allow trucks skins on trailers Suggestion Description: Short version: Allow the use of truck's skins in trailers, wich are locked by kicking the user when connecting. Long version: I was testing the new system of trailer looks included in the 1.25, wich separates the "color" and the "texture/model" of trailers. Then I tried to use a metallic skin from a truck, so I replaced the default.sii skin of the trailer with a color.sii of a truck. (I replaced "/def/vehicle/trailer/schmitz/universal/company_paint_job/default.sii" with "/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros2014/paint_job/color3.sii", as they only defines the color) In singleplayer works fine, without console errors. But when I tried to connect to the server I get automatically kicked for "Invalid accesory set detected. Non-trailer accesory exists." So I'm making this suggestion to the devs to consider allowing this type of mod/editing, wich is safe to use, as they are on trucks. (In case of a skin from a dlc, use the same replace system used in truck skins, or directly only allow to use base game skins.) Any example images: Why should it be added?: It's cool to allow more customization when it is harmless and safe to use it.
  5. "El Equipo de tradución"... ¿Qué equipo de traducción, Rober? ¿El de TruckersMP o el de SCSsoftware? ¿O estás en ambos?
  6. "Sastre"... ¿Todavía sigue ese error de traducción? Ese logro se llama "Sailor" (Marinero en inglés) pero lo han traducido al español como si fuera Tailor (Sastre en inglés.) En cuanto al logro Lo que sea que flota tu barco, tienes que entregar en una empresa oculta llamada Port Container, que solo está en Esbjerg y en Oslo.
  7. Esto... Mariio, el autumn lo desactivaron ya hace un par de versiones...
  8. Lo siento, yo soy más de Gadgetron...
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