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Veteran Driver X
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Status Updates posted by Hook'IT

  1. Explains it pretty much about right  @Salguero


  2. WTF??? Permanently banned for what??? 

    :mellow: I am lost for words honestly :blink:



    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. IpilkAlaus


      This clearly shows the professionalism of some of the admins out there.

    3. Whitelodge


      @MetaltigerEU I will find you on the webcams around Guernsey. Lovely island isn't it? Spent many a summer there on holiday on our boat xD


      Hope you get your ban stuff sorted out bud and keep in touch

    4. Whitelodge


      In fact @MetaltigerEU i can see it on the webcam now in Victoria marina ;(

  3. And Vodafone India not picking up on IP addresses that are hacking :huh: or trying to...

  4. RIP Kane Pro keyboard :( Coffee has won this time <_<





      my favorite player cover. 

      "eye of the tiger" :D

  6. Any chance somebody got a copy of my old website? :(


    Lost the backup during the move, looking for the same layout (theme)

    1. Penguin
    2. Hook'IT


      Sweet, thx bud :)

    3. Penguin


      Noot worries, glad I could help :P Waddle on!

  7. New setup up and running... Not to bad for a starter :):wub:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hook'IT


      Hi, what mod you talking about exactly?

    3. Casu


      Trailers color mod!

    4. Hook'IT


      Think you got the wrong modder, I never did trailer color changer

  8. AFK until new setup is up and running :ph34r:

  9. Concrete mixer trailer update 1.26.x for who ever wants it :troll:




    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      this replaces all trailer with the concrete mixer does it? I have a mod for it already but it doesn't replace all trailers :rolleyes:

    2. Hook'IT


      Yeah I missed a few trailers, DLC's I didn't touch

    3. Hook'IT
  10. 24 February - Last day at work ^_^

  11. Thinking of moving back to the UK (maybe one the Channel islands if is UK out)...  :huh:

  12. Sunday evening... Monday is coming x_x

    1. jx_23
    2. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      Would Kravday be like the start of WW2?

    3. heyhococo
  13. ETS2MP pensioner, see ya guys around ;)

  14. NOTE: 29th of September 2015 My website www.MetaltigerSA.co.za will be shutdown. Thanks to all the visitors, it was fun while it lasted but it has come to its end. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. [WieltonSA] NoviFrance

      [WieltonSA] NoviFrance

      Closes!? For what reason? Sadly a good website......

    3. Hook'IT


      The mods where uploaded to ShareMods which gives points per user downloads,

      which was transferred to Paypal to fund the server and nothing else.

    4. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      I'll create a Mirror on my domain (or one of my domains) and I'll notify admins of it soon.

      If thats ok with you :)

  15. Done...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Khalifa


      Hello, can I make a new interior Dafa, and push it into the old

    3. Hook'IT


      Hey, think you can, seems possible. I can't remember as I did this years ago. I remember a crash thou so not sure with the engines updates now a days.

  16. Wind tube & plant cargo trailers added **Scandinavia DLC required**

    1. delboyspencer


      any chance of hybrid truck engines

    2. Hook'IT
  17. 4 Trailers added to the collection (Volvo trailer, Scania trailer, empty truck transport trailer and livestock trailer)

  18. AFK due to work...

  19. Need an holiday from the holiday...

    1. PursuitGamer6


      Same here, but had the last vacation a few weeks ago :$$

    2. Flashylights


      Its coming may vacation

      2 months waiting

    3. Pieter


      I'm gonna have 2 weeks vacation after this week


      Feels so good not setting your alarm :P

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