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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by AlecksDeeHD

  1.  Gonna have a nice relaxed drive. Music, Scandinavian roads and a good old cuppa. Going to be a nice evening.

    1. AlecksDeeHD


      On the CD road at the moment but going to TP to Oslo i think :)


    2. Aestrial


      Can't hit the road without a cuppa sir haha, enjoy ;) 

  2. erm.PNG.0dfba291a0e730d07c0d4462a41fe848.PNG

    Why cant i download and reinstall my DLCs?

  3. 2 packets of ramen and 2 sausage rolls. im set for tonight!

    1. [VIVA] Savage Frog

      [VIVA] Savage Frog

      What about the tea bro....can't forget a cup of tea

    2. AlecksDeeHD


      Yep got one of them too :D

  4. 60 hour work week so far. one more day to go! Loving it tho ngl :)

  5. Am I the only person who misses vine?

    I actually used it unlike some XD

    1. moopmoop00


      I mean. I cant say im exactly upset. but I think it had like 0.2 billion users so I would say quite a few people would miss it

    2. AlecksDeeHD


      Yeah im not upset. Just miss it :D

  6. Calling it a day. Trying to get corrupted files off an sd card. Struggles are real...

  7. Can i have my bans that are more than 12 months old removed from my profile or do they have to stay there forever?

    1. -VOYVODA-


      no mate they been delete one years later . you your ban at profıle but ıt dont have a mean.  only permament ban stay forever

      you see your ban ı mean

      offf ı mean they wıll stay at there , but no mean .

    2. Smoky


      Hello, it's not possible to let the bans on your profile "disappear", the ones that are older than 12 months old won't count for history bans anymore. (yellow dot). However, if a ban is incorrect it will be "removed", but you'll still see it with a red dot.

    3. AlecksDeeHD


      I see. Just wondered if the actual ban disappears eventually. maybe not ;)


  8. Convoy at nantes farm EU3 if you want to join :)


  9. Europoort is mayhem at the moment!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. .Rhys.


      Ok no problemo :)

    3. .Rhys.


      Hey, I haven't received your message yet of the youtube link.

    4. AlecksDeeHD


      internet is shocking mate. just gotta search through my footage too XD


  10. First ever pair of yeezys arrived today :D 

  11. Happy Birthday! :D

  12. Hey, my friend is trying to play ATSMP and he only has 3 hours. does he need to play (x) amount to play MP?

    1. Positivetrucking168


      If your friend has three hours logged on Steam, yes he is free to download ATSMP. Tell him to go to this link here and download the mod:


      If you or your friend needs any further help with regards to TruckersMP, check out this section of the forums:


  13. How are the roads looking today?

  14. I just tp'd to duisberg and my game crashed. Even gota good PC too LOL

    1. Rev.


      I'll have to test that. :troll:


    2. AlecksDeeHD
  15. I might have missed something but are triples allowed on MP? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chipmunk197


      in ats yes since the last update and rocky mountain doubles 

    3. Noxii


      Yes but only the short trailer ones are allowed, any long trailers are counted as excessive save editing if they're triples and is against TruckersMP rules.

    4. AlecksDeeHD


      Thanks guys! Appreciate it!

  16. I'm going on a trip in my favourite scania truck ;)

  17. Kinda like listening to this YouTube 'beef' at the moment. Brings more creativity to the YouTube community

  18. Man, some of the people on here have so much community reputation :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlecksDeeHD


      What did he do?

    3. AlecksDeeHD


      Oh hahaha.

      Get people you know to give me good rep jks

    4. Penguin


      We'll let you into a little secret...

      Blame Krav for everything :P 

      He's the current blame person :P

  19. May be a stupid question but is Special transport available on MP/soon going to be added :)

  20. OMDS! 183 Notifications LMAO

  21. Spotify premium worth it?

    1. _Pingu_


      Yep if you can get it for free

    2. Spieker


      if you have enough money sure, but maybe there's probably more important stuff to spend money on

  22. Streaming on youtube. Come watch if you like!



  23. Ugh my steering wheel files are corrupt and wont let me uninstall. Rang logitech and never seen this before *facepalm*

    1. Brads331


      Why don't you try to install a file repair program otherwise my only suggestion is to re validate the files if these don't help i'm sorry but is worth a try!

    2. AlecksDeeHD


      Thanks man. ill try it out :D

    3. Brads331
  24. What does TMP forum rank do? xD

  25. What happens if you drive with doubles (in ETS2MP) out of scandinavia and into another country?

    Is it a bannable offense? Do you get automatically kicked by the server?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LordBenji


      Automatic kick is not a ban. Some people need to get their facts straightened out. Anyway I'm not going to argue about it, but I'll just say that driving a double trailers outside Scandinavia (in single player) can lead to unexpected issues. Especially when it comes to tolls, ferries, calling assistance, etc. 

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