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Retired Team Member
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Everything posted by Positivetrucking168

  1. Witaj, Jako że ten wątek jest nieaktywny przez dłużej niż 14 dni, przenoszę go do Archiwum aby zostały w tej sekcji forum tylko wątki aktywne. Dziękuje do nas wszystkich za wzięcie udziału w tym wątku. Jeżeli masz jakieś pytania, lub chcesz abym przywrócił twój wątek w przyszłości, proszę napisać mi wiadomość. //Zamykam i przenoszę do Archiwum
  2. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @[LKW Tr.] Kap dostał awans na Community Managera
  3. Hello there, Because you are experiencing a technical issue I am going to move this topic to the Help section to ensure that you are able to get your issue solved that way. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  4. [PLAYER] @Elsassisch_Trucker [FR] a rejoint en tant que Trial Support.
  5. Hello there, Because this topic is a suggestion related to the game, I am going to move this topic to the respective section. Please edit the post so that it follows the following format: Suggestion Name: Suggestion Description: Any example images: Why it should be added? Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Game Suggestions > New Suggestions
  6. "Hello, can I order a police car for Killua please? 

    Yes sir. "


  7. Deze DLC is nu ondersteund, hierdoor sluit ik dit topic aangezien het niet langer meer nodig is. Bedankt iedereen voor jullie deelname in deze discussie. //Vergrendeld en verplaatst naar Archief
  8. Hello there, Since this is a technical-related issue I am going to move this topic to the Help section, that way you are able to get some solutions to your issue from the community. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  9. Hello there, As this post looks like it's something you may need help for, I am going to move it to the Help section, that way you'll be able to get high-quality answers from the community. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  10. Thank you so much for the update as always! With the rework of Germany and its high level of detail being put into 1.32 I am definitely anticipating an increase in player interest around the reworked area in general.
  11. Tema je neaktivna. //Zakljucano i premjesteno u Arhivu
  12. //Topic archived due to lengthy period of inactivity If you wish to get your topic unarchived, please contact me.
  13. Hello there and thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately your post does not meet the suggestions format required for suggestions. Could you edit your post so that the topic meets the suggestion format shown below: Suggestion Name: Suggestion Description: Any example images: Why should it be added?: Thank you for your understanding.
  14. Hello there, Because this is a technical issue related to TMP and to provide a higher quality of answers that are posted I am going to move this topic to the Help section. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  15. Well, it is my pleasure to announce the achievement of 500 posts! It's been an incredibly long ride to reach this point but I'm not prepared to stop achieving.


    Thank you to everybody for your efforts to help me reach another personal milestone.



    1. AshlynsGaming


      congraz! I will be hitting 1000 soon :kappa: xd 

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang
  16. Hello there, Since this is a technical issue that you are experiencing, I am going to move this topic to the Help section, that way you are able to get some answers from the community that might help resolve your issue. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  17. Hello there, Since this is more of a Help question I am going to move this topic to the Help section, that way you are able to get some answers from the community on this issue. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  18. Hello there, I would like to remind you that the Forum Games section is only to be used for creating fun forum-related games, not for general questions. Therefore, I am going to move this topic to the Help section as you will be able to get higher-quality answers from the community there. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  19. Hello there, Since this is more of a help question I am going to move this topic to the Help section, that way you will be able to get some answers from the community. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  20. Hello there, Looking at the replies, this is more of a help question than a discussion. Therefore, I am going to move this to the help section in order to provide a better quality of answers. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  21. Hello there, I see that your forum display name is different to the display name seen on the website. If you wish to change your name, in that case you should log out of the forums, then log back in and you'll see the change take place.
  22. Hello there, Because this is more of a help-related technical issue rather than a discussion I am going to move it to the help section, and also to allow for a higher quality of answers to be posted. Thank you for your understanding. //Moved to Help
  23. Hello there, As this is a question that is more suitable for Help I am going to move this topic to the Help section in order to improve the quality of answers in this topic. Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Positivetrucking168 Community Moderator on the Forums //Moved to Help
  24. Happy birthday to our retired team member Fyzz! 

  25. Hello there and welcome to the Forums! Because this is a technical-related issue about the game I am going to move this topic to Help, that way you are able to get some answers from the community. Regards, Positivetrucking168 Community Moderator on the Forums //Moved to Help
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