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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Smalley

  1. I'm enjoying the Forza Horizon 3 bass arena track list right now! so many good songs like Diplo ft Sleepy Tom- be right there

  2. Who is looking forward to Forza Horizon 3? cause i'm most certainly am. Just saw a half an hour gameplay of it and it looks absolutely awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smalley


      Unfortunately I didn't :c I wish I did though

    3. videogamer


      I'm getting it on the Xbox One since I haven't upgraded to Win10 yet

    4. Smalley


      I will also be getting it on Xone once I get a new TV. 

  3. So tonight I was just enjoying playing on my computer chatting to a couple of friends then I heard a loud engine outside my house...



    Yes it is indeed a Lamborghini Huracan and they are very rare around my area

  4. Another good day at college. Now time to listen to some music and chill out playing some games. :P 

    1. Cyrusj


      That's pretty good timing.


      I just got home from my College classes as well. :P

    2. Smalley


      Enjoying college so far. Our tutor can take banter. It's no where near like the teachers in school haha xD

  5. Looking forward to getting on the road again

    1. Smalley
    2. spider.r0ot2


      Hahaha have a nice trip bro :)


  6. I'm having so many days of from college this week it's unbelievable xD Monday (College) Tuesday (Off) Wednesday (Off) Thursday (College) Friday (Off) 

  7. Time for another day of College! Also got my monitor working :D

    1. Fezz


      Enjoy your day at college! :D

    2. Smalley
  8. Was doing a bit of driving yesterday with @DJ Lewis when a guy was overtaking when there was oncoming. My truck was strong enough to take the truck on and I could say my truck won! xD and surprisingly my truck got no damage in the crash what so ever xD 


    1. CaptainKostaZ


      Well sadly I wasn't there.

  9. And the forums are back :D welcome back!

  10. Hm, which truck shall I drive today? so many trucks to choose from xD 

    1. SgtBreadStick


      I know a MAJESTIC! XD

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I've the same question XD So so many trucks to choose from :D

    3. Smalley
  11. 222 rep. I feel special c:

    1. DerAmpelmann


      I'm not gonna donate you one just to ruin it :P

    2. Smalley


      Someone already did xD

  12. Is it only me who see's that @Clarkinator's avatar is broken?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Smalley
    3. Smalley
    4. DerAmpelmann


      Cyberbully Mr Panda, cancer, CANCER! (To the new mods, it's a joke)

  13. Today is my first ever day at college and im nervous xD 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Lukas4544 [LTU]

      Lukas4544 [LTU]

      What is college ? In Europe we have university or something else. Is this the same ?

    3. Smalley


      College is basically School but instead of having to have loads of lessons throughout the day. You have 1 and you can choose whatever course you want to learn. And you dont have to class the teachers as sir or mr. You can call them by their first name.

    4. Smalley
  14. Well good morning/afternoon/evening/night. I am off to bed! See you soon

  15. For the first time ever I got into a vtc with no minors or majors. So proud :D thank you HET

    1. jacoblovekw


      Good work buddy, welcome to the team!

  16. I wish the very best to the people who have clicked the link and hope for them to get the issue sorted. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Smalley


      Good. You may want to scan your PC incase it left viruses

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    4. devo343


      why what happend


  17. I'm pretty sure @Aragon0450 has been hacked on steam.if anyone is getting spammed by him then block him for the time being. And do not click the link which he is sending 

    1. stilldre1976


      Yeah seems so matey have blocked him now

    2. Smalley


      Hopefully the issue will be sorted soon

  18. Why does American Truck Sim run sooo much smoother then Euro Truck? xD dunno if the dlc's are causing the lag on ets2 or what. 

    1. Ross.gif


      Because its newer. ETS2 was released in 2012.

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I think it has something to do with the x64 platform. From day one I had basically the same performance on ETS2, even when I had no DLCs and it has never really changed. I run the x64 version of ETS2, obviously. I think the fact that it was originally coded for x86 and then ported to x64 and it has the need to keep both codes must influence its performance, somehow. It can only be optimized so much, you know! ATS on the other hand, was "born" on pure x64 and doesn't need to fiddle with x86 to keep itself playable. With x86 out of the way, the developers could focus more on improving the code to better optimize it to take more advantage of the hardware in x64 systems, thus, making it run much smoother than ETS2.


      For reference, when I am not recording, I get an average of 40/50 FPS on my GTX650 and about 22 FPS (with few people nearby) when I am recording. On ATS I have 60 FPS when not recording and 30 FPS when recording (with few people nearby). It's actually a considerable difference, when you think of it!

  19. Just finished getting setup for College. Got my uniform and my ID card. Going home now 

    1. Smalley


      Im doing motor vehicles. Of course I do xD

    2. Smalley


      Yeah cause im obviously going to go naked whilst working on cars

  20. Something seems to be going on at Chris Browns house. Police are there. Fox is on the case and so is TMZ. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smalley


      Chris Brown is a rapper. 

    3. stilldre1976


      that's going a bit far smalley HAHA :lol:

    4. Smalley


      Singer/rapper. I don't know he some kind of person who does music. Lets leave it at that

  21. My game crashed in the middle of europoort. How unfortunate. xD

  22. It's a bit hot xD it's like 30 degrees where I am

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Smalley
    3. Penguin


      It's alright @Smalley, I might be able to find a space to bring you back with me ;):P

    4. Smalley
  23. Got my Xbox one updating, got my iphone updating. Need my ets2mp & atsmp updating

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TrademarkGamer
    3. videogamer


      but the thing is i don't have to go through youtube for it to work it's built into my cell

    4. TrademarkGamer


      you could set it up on any smart tv with an app

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