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Status Replies posted by Nataliia

  1. Nataliia, thank you for everything that you have done for me when I first joined the team as a Community Moderator. With your guidance and leadership, it helped me grow and strengthen my moderation skills, as well my overall voice within the community. I'm sad to see you go, but I'm happy that I had the opportunity to meet you and be able to be under your amazing leadership as a manager. You're a wonderful person and never change that about yourself.

    Thank you for everything and good luck in life. ❤️

    1. Nataliia


      You've got me on my weak spot, boo. It was always a pleasure. ❤️ 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and Happy a new year, @Nataliia! \o/ ?



  3. Happy b'day and merry Christmas catto queen


  4. Today is a sad day for me... after almost two years it was time for me to leave the TruckersMP Team

    The main reason was due to personal reasons that basically got to the point where they were getting worse day by day

    I'll never forget the times I had within TruckersMP... who knows I might return in the future

    For now though... it's time for me to deal with IRL things but I'll still be around in the community - thank you to everyone who I met along the way ❤️ 




    I had one last drive as staff last night and it was memorable.

    @Nataliia @issam0707❤️ 

  5. mEoW! This is my fav paint job dlc now.






    1. Nataliia


      Yes! Loved the little tail on the back. ?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Guest

    Guest    Nataliia

    i am try message。。。

    1. Nataliia


      This is the last time I am verbally warning you, stop talking about a ban on Forum. Head up to the proper platform, if you cannot appeal anymore, nothing that can be done other than living with it. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Guest

    Guest    Nataliia

    i am try message。。。

    1. Nataliia


      Alright, then as I told you. Wait patiently until you have an answer from the Game Moderator. And as I also told you, please avoid speaking about a ban on the Forum platform, use the proper place for it. Please. ?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Guest

    Guest    Nataliia

    i am try message。。。

    1. Nataliia


      I'd like to ask you to answer me through the inbox instead on my profile, please. ?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Guest

    Guest    Matt


    1. Nataliia


      Hello there,

      I apologize for the frustration this might be causing you, due so much despair in trying to reach the Game Moderator. But, I will remind you that our Forum isn't the place for you to request your ban to be removed, revoked or reduced. If you wish for it to happen, please move to the appealing section of our platform. Fill it and patiently wait for the Game Moderator that banned you to answer.




      Please, use the correct system for doing so. 

  10. eu fui banido injustamente reveja o vídeo, não existe motivos para mim banirem eu tava saindo do posto, o transito tava parado para ele, e ele não podia fecha a saída do posto deveria ter parado   

    1. Nataliia


      Olá @ANTONIO100, gostaria de lembrar-te que nosso Fórum não é o local apropriado para reclamar ou apelar sobre algum banimento que um membro da Staff tenha lhe dado. Por favor, use o sistema de apelações aqui:https://truckersmp.com/appeals o GM que te baniu entrará em contato por esse sistema e terá contigo uma conversa privada explicando o porque de seu banimento. Estarei fechando este status para evitar informações controversas que possam estar lhe dando ou que dêem continuidade a este tópico aqui. 

  11. oque eu fiz pra leva um ban ?


    1. Nataliia


      Olá @bruno_BR,
      Gostaria de lembrar-lhe, como disse o rapaz acima... O Fórum da TruckersMP não é o local adequado e tampouco correto para estar questionando um moderador do jogo ou qualquer membro da Staff sobre uma punição/banimento que você tenha recebido. Para isso, você deve fazer uso do sistema de apelações. Lá você poderá questionar o banimento que você recebeu, lá o moderador responderá você privadamente sem que nenhum outro player veja, apenas você. Este é o sistema de apelos: https://truckersmp.com/appeals . 

      Estarei bloqueando este status.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Oi, who said you could look at this forum :troll:

    1. Nataliia



      Well, I cannot guarantee anything... Here, your truck has what I assume being 4 bars. One of them, on the roof, seems to be kinda glitched, but if i recall correctly that do not affect the truck hitbox by any way. 
      However, I'd still recommend you to ask on the above link as BlackSkill sent. 
      Do not take in consideration everything I say, please, I am no longer a Staff member. ^_^ 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Am I following the rules?


    1. Nataliia


      @-RiPuZ- & yakuza
      Ben Türkçe konuşmuyorum doğru, ama benim iyi bir arkadaşım var ve biri türkçe dilinde yardim istiyorsa, o zaman bana yardimci oluyor. Her iki dili iyi biliyor ve bana yardimci oluyor. Soruna gelirsek, kullandiğin güneşlik tamamdir, tirin hitboxunu herhangi bir şekilde uzatmiyor. Ama söylediğim gibi, doğru konuda sormani tavsiye ederim. Lütfen söylediklerime çok önem verme.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    1. Nataliia


      Tirinda ki ve demirin arasinda ki boşluğu görüyorsun, senin ve öbürleri için herhangi bir tehlike oluşturmuyor ve hitboxu da uzatmiyor. Bu nedenle tirin tamamdir. Bundan yana herşey iyi. 
      Lütfen gelecekte Save Edit konusuna bak, bunu unutma. Sana bununla ilgili yardimci olamam ama benim söylediklerime önem verme. Takim üyesi cevap vermeli.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. https://prnt.sc/m6s91d araçta full strobe01.addon_hookup vardır aracın her yerinde full çakar strobe01.addon_hookup kullanmak yasakmıdır ? 

  15. https://prnt.sc/m6s91d araçta full strobe01.addon_hookup vardır aracın her yerinde full çakar strobe01.addon_hookup kullanmak yasakmıdır ? 

    1. Nataliia


      Tirin iyi ve yanliş olan birşey göremiyorum. Ama lütfen ilerde yukarida ki konuda sor tamam?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. https://prnt.sc/m60t43 

    Bu araç kurallara uygun mu ?

    1. Nataliia


      @Goca Bolulu
      Herhalde bu tirla ilgili gereken cevablari profilimde verdim. Istersen bi göz at. Tirin iyi görünüyor ve ilerde lütfen burda sor çünkü yukarida ki bağlanti artin aktif değil ve bununla ilgili başka bir yer acıldı: 


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Merhaba Nataliia Bu Araçta Ban Sebebi Bir Parça Varmı Acaba ? http://prntscr.com/m5yndf http://prntscr.com/m5ynz2 Bir de güneşlikdeki ışıklar normalde sarıyken yandıgında beyaz oluyor ? http://prntscr.com/m5yugr

    1. Nataliia


      Açikçasi, orda iki tane V8 logosu var, mavi olan ve metallik olan, bildiğim kadariyla. Bunlari başka bir yerde kullansan ban sebebi değil, ama çift olarak kullanip da rengini değistirirsen ban sebebi.


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