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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by antrax737

  1. Here is my new Volvo, 475 horse power with 18 speed gearbox





    SCS made the national park in Cali un-passable with cargo, or you have to go around the tollbooth




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. antrax737


      @Killua // Ireland ^_^ I expected an invisible wall but no, you can drive around them :D

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great :D Wonder if you can go through with an empty owned trailer :thinking:

    4. antrax737


      Good question and no idea, gonna try when i'll be in that area again :)

  2. That Volvo is really nice to drive but some things about it seem not finished.

    1. Prototype


      What do you have in mind?

    2. antrax737


      Angles of mirrors are all messed up and those roof top lights just dont seem right

  3. Oi! Who ate the sun?! :angry::kappa::lol:

  4. Done  with the event, so not worth it and boring, for the most part of the event I drove around the old Germany, so, really demotivating. Feels like SCS crashed into a wall and they cant climb over it now. I used to support SCS and both games, but the more i think about it, the more i get feeling like the game hasn't really changed in 5 years, we did get many things over the years but nothing that would change core gameplay, maybe trailer ownership and heavy/special cargo. Hell Cities Skyline simulates industry, cargo management, traffic and transport way better, sure you don't get to drive truck, but in CS things happen, in ETS I feel like I am just doing: get cargo, drive, refill, drive unload cargo and nothing really changes, we are getting more and more roads which many players wont really use that much, economy is the same as it was 5 years ago, fuel prices are irelevant... to translate for SCS fanboys, try to eat pizza every day, every meal, for 3 months, it's the same  old pizza but it was good for the first week after that everybody wants something else on that pizza... another rant, had to do it, feel free to comment or ignore, thank you.  

    1. [23]ThunderSky


      We must wait Euro Truck Simulator 7 for some changes:lol:


      All the roads are the same in 70% of the map. The only thing that bring still money to SCS is the Multiplayer, with all of the banned peoples that get another copy just for trolling again..

    2. antrax737



      ...they could earn and do way more if they'd do Farming sim strat, new game each 2 years and 3-4 DLCs per game

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Well the game is doing what its made for and trailer ownership was a massive change that people wanted for ages :D I'm very happy with the way the games are going and all the new things they are bringing out :wub:

  5. Whos idea it was to set trailer stability to the max and now we cant set it to 0?? Ruined my MP experience, gives me a f****** great reason to quit TMP for SP... why, just why?? Supporting the noobs and kids and speeders since day 1, nice really nice, this is the second thing that really hurts my butt, firstly speed limiter off, now trailer stability. Cars in PC2 and AC are less stable than trucks in TMP. 


    I apologise if this isn't TMP thing but i'm pretty sure that I can't set trailer stability on 0 and it d*** sure isn't something SCS would do to their truck sims. Here's a rant for the day, now go have fun, cuz i won't. :angry:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. antrax737


      @[LKW Tr.] Kap Hi mate, that's the thing the slider doesnt work as it should in MP, in SP it works normally. Maybe I should try console tho. I need to clamdown now as the slider not working really pissed me off, so I will most likely type a feedback ticket later today, especialy because it seems the staff isn't avare of what I guess could be a bug...

    3. Marc [NL]

      Marc [NL]

      Some days ago i tried to lower my trailer stability with the slider in settings because my trailed was acting wierd at sharp turns (highway exits). After finishing my job i checked my stability again and it back on 100%.


    4. [CESC]01Carltru  ^[ARG]^
  6. Repost, official post by Truck Show Hrvastka

  7. First time that I've won in a crash against the car, normally it ends up way worse for me :D


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DerAmpelmann


      That's because the weight of the car was corrected when it got an update ;)

    3. antrax737


      Oh nice to know that Ample, finally nerf for cars :D

  8. Lets hope SCS will rework all the tunnels in Germany too, it doesn't seem like they are going to tho...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. antrax737


      Yea that all is weird, they didnt rework the tunnel Hamburg-Groningen, which is wanna be reworked part of the map. Same with the tunnel at Nurnberg, new road same old tunel... they said they reworked east France, now if you take a drive around east France, you can clearly see, they just reskined the road...

    3. SgtBreadStick


      They are doing bits at a time

    4. antrax737


      North Germany is done for SCS, but the fact is Groningen-Hamburg tunnel is in Germany and it has not been reworked. Go check it out if you dont believe me or if you don't really know what i'm talking about...

  9. I bet they learned a lesson that day :lol: immigrants wanted to go to UK, they jumped on a truck which was going to NL... read it for yourself, theres a video too


  10. Back to Ostrava for a weekend break, this time only 1 day, on monday i'm going to Banska B. I'd do it today but I've run out of my service hours :D #roleplay


  11. I had to take the picture, this is in my opinion the cutest truck+trailer combo i've seen since i'm playing TMP (if anyone knows the guy please tag him)


    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      baby Merc :wub: love that paint :wub:

  12. The hell a lot of wrong way, 2 lane and not knowing how to drive drivers tonight... where do they come from, Idnotknowhowtodrivestan??

    1. IpilkAlaus


      Friday night as usual

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      The weekend has began :wacko:


    1. Valheru  SLO

      Valheru SLO

      Trucking/Hunting sim wrapped into one product? Sounds promising, but if there's no interior camera view for the trucks, #fuggedaboudit :mlg_doge:

  14. Parked and ready to head home, it's been a long week, 20.000km in 5 days, gonna take 2 days off and then I'm off to Torino on monday, from Ostrava :D that BMW is my in case you were wondering :P


    1. IpilkAlaus


      The graphics, the truck and the trailer - I swear everything seems identical to my setup :D

      EDIT: well just noticed the skin. Still a red Scania, like mine

    2. antrax737


      The graphics is set to maximum, ultra tho, just imgur makes picture look weird :D

  15. Croatian company Klanatrans shared this earlier today on Facebook and i'd Like to share it here. Pictures from 5th Croatian truck show, there is 273 pictures and all are awesome, there were trucks from Germany, Swiss, Italy, Slovakia, Czech, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia, here's the link (click on fb icon or something):


  16. Now you'll get to camp D-C from different point of view :D congrats :D

  17. Just delivered some cargo from Dortmund to Bordeaux, you know what I liked the most about the job? No other players from 200km north of Paris and all the way to Bordeaux, no racers, no non sense, such as doubles in area where they arent allowed irl. Just relaxing, smooth drive, loved it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. antrax737


      Poland-Germany are nice runs now that part of Germany got rework :P

    3. IpilkAlaus


      Not this time, though. Got rammed multiple times.

    4. antrax737


      Yep, it happens to everyone :/

  18. I think we all know how he did it xD




  19. Dude!! Now we can have a party!! Thank you @mwl4 and everybody else who helped!

  20. Anybody else got that update for ets2 today?? Seems like even more work for tmp devs... SCS WHY?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. [LazyT] xProgodzx

      [LazyT] xProgodzx

      nope i tryed and due to the trailers i did not have a backup of that safe file to even match it

      i would have to completely start over due to trailers

    3. chipmunk197


      at least ats will be done and hopefully out before ets2

    4. antrax737


      @Titanic4 thank you for posting the link :D

      @chipmunk197 would be kinda nice indeed, more players for ATS atleast for a few days

  21. Did it, this is my last milestone for some time now, with hours i'm somewhere around 2300, with jobs just below 3200, so I guess at least a year until next milestone.


  22. How many of you will actually obey this sign?? It's one of the most imporatnt signs for truck drivers irl, in Italy you can lose your driving license for 6 months if you fail to obey the sign. (6 or 3 months, not sure, something crazy).


    1. DerAmpelmann


      I will. You know me. :D

    2. [23]ThunderSky


      It's hard for me to overtake, as I drive at 85km/h max.. and other drivers have a 150km/h speed as a minimum speed.. <_<

    3. antrax737


      3 of us I guess, firstly we are too slow to overtake anybody, secondly we somehow try to follow the signs :D but my guess is people will just fail to see the sign

  23. i just keep on checkin forums every 2 hours since yesterday... the hype once update releases will be huge!!


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