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Veteran Driver VII
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About OriginalDoubleO

  • Birthday December 10

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Runcorn, Cheshire
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: London

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  1. Happy birthay! Wish you all the best!

  2. I feel like they have most probably missed it out, im sure if you make a post in suggestions it will be considered!
  3. Hello A few things I can think of that this could be are, firstly, if you have switched between singleplayer and multiplayer during the mission, the times will be different. This is because multiplayer has set times so that its set the same for everybody on each server. Otherwise, it could have been an 'urgent delivery' and that's why it has shown as you being late. All I can suggest really is completing a delivery before leaving the game. Hope this helps
  4. Great guide, had no idea this was even possible. Thanks
  5. Hows everybody's Saturday going? ?

    1. rakster [PL]

      rakster [PL]

      Hello, my Saturday is not bad what about yours ?

    2. OriginalDoubleO


      Not bad thanks, just chilling trucking around Britain ;)

  6. Hi TMP, it's been a while x

    2. [FL] Nate [Director]

      [FL] Nate [Director]

      Welcome back


      Hit me up on steam, man's got some deets....

    3. Brad313


      long time no see :P


  7. Happy Birthday :D

    1. OriginalDoubleO
    2. Penguin


      No worries, hope you have a wonderful day :)

  8. Can I have some M&Ms from you ;)

    1. OriginalDoubleO


      Sure... £30 plez :P 

  9. Haiii im back! :D College has been a pain but im now used to the routine of waking up early and going to sleep late every day ;) 

  10. Gonna go through my fleet and flog my old ones on the auction :P 

  11. A fix which seems to work for me is go to My Documents, then into the Euro Truck Sim 2 directory, and delete "config.cfg" and "game.crash.txt", whenever i get game crashes this seems to work for me. However this method will mean getting all your settings back to how they were.
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