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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About WF-093-Lao-Liu

  • Birthday 07/20/1995

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Play basketball.European truck Simulation 2.Listen to the music

  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    Chinese Europe America

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  1. It's almost Christmas. I'm really looking forward to it:wub:

  2. this really wont solve anything. people can do in trucks what they do in the cars.
  3. Merry Christmas Seimaen
  4. 1) Klavyenizdeki Windows Tuşu + R (Windows + R) tuşlarına basın 2) "% programdata%" girin ve Enter tuşuna basın (tırnak işaretleri olmadan) 3) "TruckersMP" klasörünü bulun ve o klasörü silin. 4) C: \ Program Files \ 'a gidin ve "TruckersMP Launcher" adlı klasörü silin. 5) Web sitemize gidin ve Launcher'ı yönetici ayrıcalıklarıyla yeniden indirin ve yükleyin https://truckersmp.com/download/ 6) Yönetici ayrıcalıklarıyla Launcher'ı açın ve "Mevcut Güncellemeleri Yükleyin"
  5. Have you ever had this problem updating the game over and over again?


    1. Ghostprotocol[NL]
    2. Kowalski22


      And I have the same problem

    3. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      This is an ongoing issue and is being looked into. Please be patient and wait until developers fix it

  6. Hello there,


    Thank you for following :) 

    1. WF-093-Lao-Liu


      You're welcome, friend.

  7. Very much looking forward to the arrival of the team, I will participate
  8. In order to downgrade your game and to play online, follow the next steps:


    1- Login to Steam

    2- Right click on American Truck Simula tor and click on properties

    3- Navigate to the Betas tab and click on the drop-down arrow

    4- Choose-Beta: temporary_1_32 - 1.32.x for incomp atible mods

    5- Now wait for it to install and you will be ready to play!

  9. Winter mod will arrive around Christmas time (maybe December)

    But if you like it, you can play game with winter mod Single Player

    You can find mod here:https://ets2mods.lt/euro-truck-simulator-2-mods/ets2-others/frosty-winter-weather-mod-v6-6-1-31-x/

  10. My favorite truck is the Scania S730 because I like the design of the truck and the way it was designed!



    What kind of trucks do you like?^_^

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I like most of the trucks, not sure which is my fave ^_^

  11. The convoys made by TruckersMP are really good! I like to participate and I'll certainly try to participate in this one.
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