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About Toto63

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  1. Thanks for your reponses. I undersatd it is normal and I consider to take deliveries with lot of delivery time or deliveries that I can finished in one connexion. Good trips, in my region this afternoon is a good time for playing... with containment and it is raining. Toto63.
  2. Hello everybody, I am new on this mod on ets2. I have a problem with the time when I save and quit the game. - This morning, I create a new profile, I saved and quit during a mission at 9 o clock - But when I lauched the game at midday, I I have a message that the time to finish the delivery is out. In my game saves, 9 oclck save -> time in the game week 1417 Tuesday 3 oclck PM 12 oclock save -> time in the game week 1417 Wednesday 1 oclock PM Could exist a solution to solve this problem, before with the solo mode, when I created a new profile, the time the game start at first week. Thank you, sorry for my possibly bad english... a french newbe maybe :) Toto63.
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