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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by OriginalDoubleO

  1. Hows everybody's Saturday going? ?

    1. rakster [PL]

      rakster [PL]

      Hello, my Saturday is not bad what about yours ?

    2. OriginalDoubleO


      Not bad thanks, just chilling trucking around Britain ;)

  2. Hi TMP, it's been a while x

    2. [FL] Nate [Director]

      [FL] Nate [Director]

      Welcome back


      Hit me up on steam, man's got some deets....

    3. Brad313


      long time no see :P


  3. Haiii im back! :D College has been a pain but im now used to the routine of waking up early and going to sleep late every day ;) 

  4. Gonna go through my fleet and flog my old ones on the auction :P 

  5. Can't wait for the Haulage 64 one week to go truckfest! See you all at 7pm in Oslo sea port EU#1 :) 

  6. My trailer is now half full... its actually really heavy :P  #500ForumPosts

    1. Digital
    2. Digital


      Yeah... you'll reach 10,000 soon. :/

    3. [VIVA] Savage Frog
  7. It's really sad to see Soarfly go :( So many good memories, will post some images soon when I get home :P

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      yeap true :P i use to have pics of the first time when i came to truckersmp :P but back  it was just ets2mp :P  same with etr now its truck sim radio :) 

      i had fun  with many drivers  i still remeber funny moments with kat pw driving  XD i thought he was a bot chasing me  hahahaha good times 

    2. OriginalDoubleO
    3. Matt #CarLadMatt
  8. Currently in additional maths revision, anybody know how to do co-ordinate geometry cos I don't have a clue 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Subtle [HKG]

      Subtle [HKG]

      good luck then, try to do some more exercises before the exam.

    3. OriginalDoubleO
    4. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer


      this is me when you guys are doing exam :P i hope you guys do very  good in your test and  , keep safe and have fun guys  

  9. Just gone live on TFM, get your trance/pop requests in! http://truckers.fm 

  10. Live on air for the first time in ages over at truckers.fm ... Your Drive, Your Music. It's DJ Double!

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      if i was a girl i would be screaming :P jks

      its good that you are a dj <3 ill tune in tfm today for you  but  i have about  1 more hrs until i go to bed :P  i sleep at 1 am or 2 am :) 

    2. OriginalDoubleO
  11. My first planned convoy for SEMS went pretty well last night :) , don't forget to sign up early for the next Soarfly Friday convoy at this link: http://truckers.events/event/55-Monthly-Special-Super-Delivery


    See you there! :D 

  12. WOTRDB 1.2.0 update finally released :) Check it out at http://wotrdb.com 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ratcho


      Hello @El1teZombiezHD, can you try copy the password then put a backspace, then try entering the password?

    3. El1teZombiezHD


      ^^ That worked, thanks, it seems there is a period point at the end of the password ;)

    4. Ratcho


      No worries, I will look into this. Thank you :)

  13. New signature and cover photo :) 

  14. Ze cat is bae





  15. any1 know any decent sources on Kodi?

    1. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      A friend showed me this Kodi thing and set it up for me. 


      I have no idea how it works but I know how to use it a bit. Where would I find the source that he set up for me? (So I can give you the name of it)

    2. OriginalDoubleO


      It's just the names of the addons xD

  16. +rep nice guy... even his jar is full :D

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