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Everything posted by poland.ball

  1. Well, this explains why many people race in the game.
  2. Yes! I want too benefits! 2,5 years on this TMP, so I'd like to get some special stuff. Except kicking and banning... +1
  3. Im ETS2 gibt es nur LKW-Tanken. Etwas gleichberechtigung meinerseits
  4. Kann es sein, dass du fast jeden Tag eine Neue Nachricht hier schreibst?
  5. Suggestion Name: More Cabin Accessories for Skoda! Suggestion Description: See picture first! On Slot 1, the navigation should be able to get placed. On Slot 2, any item can be placed PLUS CB radio can get placed / removed from the dashboard. On Slot 3, any item can be placed, just without the CB radio. On Slot 4, any hanging item can be placed. If the CB Radio isn't placed, no voices can be heard by the player (silence), which adds more realism to the gameplay. Any example images: Why should it be added?: The Skoda has only one accessories point, which is kinda annoying to customize the vehicle for a better feeling. Adding those 4 slots can give the player more customization to the vehicle. The trucks have this option, so the car can have them too, why not? This adds also more realism, as you're able to remove the CB Radio now, which usually dont exist in normal cars. This should also disable the CB functions!
  6. ^ Oh! Now I lost more faith in humanity. Being AFK looks like an illegal operation. Where are all the kids spamming: rec ban poland.ball no afk permanent ? This is a fake video! Report! Edit: Just noticed, spanish subtitles? what da? Proves its more fake!
  7. TruckersMP showed me how stupid humanity is.
  8. Du bist ETS2 süchtig, wenn du schonmal eine ETS2-Map gemacht hast.
  9. You might've been in this situation, but HOW TO: USING THE LIGHTS PROPERLY? Many people have problems with that, because they seem to be using the wrong lights all time. 6.00 - 21.00 Press the light button once. The day light goes on. It is not necesarry in every country, but its strongly recommended. 21.00 - 22.30 Press the light button once again, so the lower beam light goes on. If you do not turn on the low beam, you will get kicked withhin 15 seconds. 22.30 - 3.30 If theres no traffic infront of you and on the other lane, you can turn on the high beam by pressing the high beam button. As the high beam is very bright, people passing you will experience problems while driving, as its too bright. If people are infront of you, they will experience their interior being extremely bright, which increases the crash rate. 3.30 - 6.00 Its now too bright to have high beams on. Turn them off by pressing the high beam button once again. Continue driving with the low beam until it's 6:00. NEVER, EVER: 1 Never pull over / park with the high beam activated. People passing will experience the problems mentioned in 22.30 - 3.30. 2 Drive with high or low beam while its 6.00 - 21.00. Combined with daylight, the crash rate will increase! 3 Abuse the light horn. Its annoying especially for people infront of you. 4 Misuse the blinkers (turning indicators). Players will get confused, and the crash rate increases. If you follow all the rules mentioned here, you just became 1/4 a good driver. And you're doing a great job too, congratz!
  10. Suggestion Name: adjusting the engine power Suggestion Description: so currently the engine is accelerating so slow. To accelerate realistic, I need to accelerate 3/4 otherwise I would be a snail. Why should it be added?: Fixing this acceleration would make in fact the car more realistic. Entering the highway would be easier, as you can accelerate full to enter the highway. If possible, both engines should enjoy this feature. Overtaking on normal roads would be much easier.
  11. Hello, so is it legal to add for example 50 hp to the Skoda's engine. It annoyes me, that the acceleration is so bad and it should be better, so thats why I'd like to set it to 230 hp, so hopefully it will work. Is it legal and not bannable? I mean its only 50-100 hp getting added, and it doesn't go over 150 kmph (except at those annoying bumps) and it should add more realism to my vehicle. I'm following the speedlimits and shifting at that theme: - 1. Gear @ 0-20 kmph - 2. Gear @ 20-40 kmph - 3. Gear @ 40-60 kmph - 4. Gear @ 60-80 kmph - 5. Gear @ 80-100 kmph - 6. Gear @ 100-150 kmph To make the acceleration better, I want to add some HPs. Currently, to drive realistic, I need to make a 3/4 acceleration. Maybe this could get added too, but I'm just asking if this is legal SAVEGAME EDITING !!!!! Edit: Who set this to suggestions? It's a savegame editing question
  12. Hello there! I was wondering, if actually rear ending is considered as ramming. I mean, if someone stopped and you have no chance to brake and hit him, it could be technically considered as ramming. So I had an idea, how it could be: - If theres enough space to brake, it could be bannable. - If theres almost no space, but the player DIDN'T brake, it could be bannable. I'm not very sure about that. Well, how is it now? Bannable or not?
  13. ^ Ofc I know that stuff, I'm not a TMP noob. I was just curious, as I didn't bother with the new pilot customization at all. Thanks anyway for answering.
  14. Well, good points but I honestly dont think its possible. You could try to suggest SCS to walk around, leave the truck and stuff. And TMP could add the ability for other people to enter cars and lock the cars so other people cant enter them. (the character look from profile creation should fit to the body) This would be an amazing RP point.
  15. Nope. I was a veteran, well before I deleted my account. Now I recreated one. Its a reason for new members to stop playing. Veterans aren't also that special, except they have some experience of the game, but nothing else..(as xXBlazieXx mentioned)
  16. Its a true point, but honestly I think its not that good. People sometimes need to go AFK, so if they're in a city and have an ability to park its easier. If people can't do this, they will need to drive somewhere else. Also, what about being at the services? The server would detect the player to be AFK and kick him. This would also apply if the traffic light is red or there is a jam. Also, if there's no autokick system, thousands of new reports will approach the TMP staff - important stuff, like cheaters can't get banned that fast. This would be such an easy way to get an enemy banned from the game, so in my opinion its not good.
  17. No collision would be bad at all. The Trollers would think, that they won the match.
  18. Yes, good point. But trucks should get a 90kmph speedlimiter, meanwhile cars should stay at 100 kmph.
  19. Good Idea. I'd also suggest to have a 4 - ban system. 1 - Warning, which will pop up every time you use the scout having the notification "You've got warned for breaking rules with the scout. Be careful!" which will get removed after a month. 2 - Restriction for 1 week. 3 - Restriction for 1 month. 4 - Permanent restriction. People should be able to make ban apply for permanent bans, so the one's not abusing the cars have also a chance to enjoy it. The car itself is not bad. But the driver is. I'm one of the low percentage not abusing the scout to ram people. I'm just enjoying it..
  20. Good idea, but I think the possibility to have more skins with adjustable colors and maybe a text which you may edit (containing ofc fillter for police, admin, sexual stuff, insult,..) could be good for VTC names. And add it also to the Skoda! So people can use their company car either!
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