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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About MHT_

  • Birthday December 15

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Joensuu, Eastern Finland
  • Interests
    Genetics & Neuroscience
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Colorado: Denver
  • EU Garage Location
    Finland: Helsinki
  • Known languages
    Finnish, English, Swedish, and a little bit of German

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Rookie (2/13)

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Community Answers

  1. Happy birthday 🤗

  2. Happy Birthday 🎉

  3. Long time no see, my friend

  4. Thank you for your time on the team. 

    Good luck in your future projects. 

    good km 

  5. it's sad to that you left from the team, hope to see you again ❤️ 

  6. Thanks for following me , my friend ?

  7. hank you for your follow !??

  8. XeoNN

    Thank you for the follow! ^^ 

    1. MHT_


      You're welcome. Thank you for your follow as well! ^^

  9. MHT_


    Hello there, @Simonizer80! Yes, that is entirely normal. We enable "Seasonal Effects" (snowflakes) during the winter season, and you can easily disable them from the in-game settings. To do so, please follow these instructions: Launch multiplayer and press TAB; Right-click on your mouse & click on the bottom left cogwheel (= settings icon); Navigate to "Game" and untick the "Enable seasonal effects" box; Click "Apply Changes" and close the window; Now the seasonal effects should be disabled. Please, let us know if you have any further questions. Your confirmation on the status of your issue helps us to keep the forum organized! Kind Regards, MHT_ TruckersMP Support
  10. Hey again! Since you have not requested us to reopen this topic for seven (7) days, I will go ahead and move this topic to the "Unsolved Topics" section. If you are still requiring assistance with your issue, please contact us via the Support System. Kind Regards, MHT_ TruckersMP Support / Moved to Unsolved Topics.
  11. Hey again! Since you have not requested us to reopen this topic for seven (7) days, I will go ahead and move this topic to the "Unsolved Topics" section. If you are still requiring assistance with your issue, please contact us via the Support System. Kind Regards, MHT_ TruckersMP Support / Moved to Unsolved Topics.
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