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Veteran Driver III
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S I C A R I O last won the day on November 29 2021

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About S I C A R I O

  • Birthday 10/17/1993

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  • Interests
    computer and internal hardware.
    cars and car engines,Convoy management and convoy organization,
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  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    İngilizce Türkçe

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  1. Thx for the follow ! :HaulieLove:

  2. happy birthday buddy🫡🥳

    1. Der Joey

      Der Joey

      Thanks buddy 🙏

  3. This is exactly the comment I've been waiting for ^^
  4. Hello, You are absolutely right in what you say, but I would like to point out that as long as there are routes that players regularly drive, such as the Kirkenes mining route, and the Duisburg Calais route, reports will continue to come unconsciously through the website, and it is an important detail in this regard that players prefer routes on other maps, However, unfortunately many players do not understand this, the issue that I do not understand is that as I mentioned above, the crowded and preferred routes in the game are certain, the report rights of the players who send unnecessary reports and occupy the system can be directly 0, of course, this is my opinion, so maybe the workload of the Moderators will decrease. ^^
  5. I am aware of this issue, but there is a situation I want to draw your attention to, how many game Moderators are online on any server, instant control of reports will be easier and the workload will be less, the website report is of course a reliable report system that all players should prefer, but online report control should not be ignored, I think a little more care should be taken.
  6. I hope you will reach your goal, my friend, never give up!
  7. Hello. First of all, thank you for starting this topic, I would like to point out that the first route that comes to mind when it comes to the Simulation 1 server is the Duisburg Calais road and this is a very sad situation, the speed limit for players who carry loads in realistic status has been the speed limit indicated on the navigation, I can include myself in this issue, because my goal has always been realism and the speed limit is absolutely ideal for me, for players that want to go faster, they can choose different servers, for example Simulation 2 or arcade servers. sincerely MazaL
  8. Thank you for the follow ❤️

  9. Hello. Thanks for the information, First of all, my goal is not to create chaos or to show a negative behavior like this, I think you definitely misunderstand me, and I would like to point out that the Promods server is not only about the Kirkenes mine road, what I want to say here is that the reporting system in the TAB menu, if there is a game moderator on the Promods server, only checks the report from the Kirkenes mine road?
  10. Thanks for the follow 

  11. Hello. First of all thanks for the feedback, I would like to say that I know that Game Moderators are volunteer gamers and I know that they cannot be in front of the computer all the time, no one can do that. As I mentioned in another comment, online time is required in the applications and I totally agree, I think there should be an option in the Game Moderator applications to specify which dlc's we have, sincerely MazaL
  12. Thanks for the follow, mate! Much appreciated! 👍

    1. S I C A R I O

      S I C A R I O

      You are welcome, I believe there will be a lot of information I will learn by following experienced players like you. ^^

  13. Congratulations my friend, I wish you continued success 😊🫡

    1. Maxi.


      Thank youuuu, MAZAL! ❤️ 

  14. Everyone is right about everything here, but to tell the truth, if the game Moderators are more active in the game and intervene in the game rather than on the website, the web reports will not accumulate and therefore the workload will decrease, this is my opinion. Sincerely MazaL LionRoad Logistics / Driver
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