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Veteran Driver VI
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Status Updates posted by IpilkAlaus

  1. Starting a new job tomorrow. I hope this goes well *excited and nervous at the same time*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Funkenstein


      Great to hear that, must be the hard work passing the hours by hehe :) Planning on building a career up within that rank (for example master chief or waiter) or just a temporarily sidejob? 

    3. stilldre1976


      @aleksandraszilys glad to hear it went well :) 

    4. IpilkAlaus


      @Pomerov well, as I will be here (UK) for university for two more years at least I see this job as a way of supporting myself (rent, food, etc.). Who knows, maybe I will.

      Thanks, guys.

  2. OK, I give in, downgrading the game. Just don't release the update today, because that will make me PISSED. 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SgtBreadStick


      Well its not 100% confirmed obviously but i've been told that staff have told someone that it's coming out on weekend. Idk

      For all i know it could be fake. But it kinda looks like it will be today after the staff testing it apparently on eu2 and the fact posts were made on twitter and fb with it. So yeah

    3. [ST] Lilloote [FR]

      [ST] Lilloote [FR]

      I don't think the update will be out today because there is an official convoy on ATS at 17:00 GMT so if they update TruckersMP every player still on 1.31 will have to download the update and for people with slow Internet it will take time.

    4. _Pingu_


      i just want a tutorial on how to download local mods for mp 

  3. Wow. Poland just embarrassed themselves.... They will not make it out of the group stage

  4. Due to the school bus breaking down, today the kids of Vasteras were taken home by this beasthRalkQx.png

  5. pA9iMeY.png

    I worked my whole life for this

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grundii


      You're confuuuuused :P

    3. Leon Baker
    4. IpilkAlaus


      Yup. Just like in real life, I've no idea what's going on most of the time

  6. How manu deliveries have you done in the new ATS event? I'm about to begin.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. [S.PLH]Warrior


      me also still 0 :thisisfine:

    3. [ST-E] eckleyzack

      [ST-E] eckleyzack

      I'm waiting until TMP supports it :D

    4. IpilkAlaus


      Just did my 4th one, I forgot how good these American trucks sound :D Also, the game seems to be so much better in terms of optimization compared to ETS2...

  7. Everytime I go to the job menu, the game freezes, and forces my computer to restart. Anyone have any ideas why's that and how to fix it? :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guest


      That should not be due to this.

      Do you have a back up of it?

    3. IpilkAlaus


      Yes, just a bit weird. The problem still remains, though, I'll try re-installing everything, but probably later lol

    4. Guest


      Alright, sounds good.

  8. It is a sad day, as I have said goodbye to the trusty Angry React that have served as my profile picture since I've joined TMP. However, it's time to move on and replacing it is another spectacular creature, 1-800-CON-FUSD. (See what I did there?)


     - IpilkAlaus (Neighbor Jones)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IpilkAlaus


      Didn't take long lol

      C O N F U S E D


  9. Sunday funday! What are everyone's plans for today? :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IpilkAlaus


      It is my favorite reaction here, not gonna lie, I just keep spamming it :D (like the facebook angry react)

  10. Angry SCS considering major changes.The Germany Trade Connections event has been embarrassed.Impatient players violated trust.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grundii


      Read again what SCS has written! You STILL need to have 10 cargos with 300+km to pass the event!

    3. IpilkAlaus
  11. Scania R730+6 speed gearbox - this thing can absolutely fly.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. antrax737


      How is a vehicle with 6 speed gearbox even considered a truck, I am trolling my friend all the time for using it xD

      Nothing personal, nice to hear that you like it.

    3. #BlueLivesMatter88


      its better than a 12 speed 

    4. antrax737


      Sure it is when it works when it shouldn't work, considering real life physics, you shouldn't be able to pull 40 tons with 6 gears, not enough torque... really didn't want to discuss these stuff, sorry op

  12. Rq5ojvf.png




    driving in finland with the snow mod on just feels right

  13. Wait, so does ATS MP work with the Volvo update?

    edit: It doesn't. Eww.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. #BlueLivesMatter88


      eww volvo:RIP: should have just put a scania in it :wesmart:

    3. IpilkAlaus


      anything that's not american, i'll take it:troll: everybody knows european cars/trucks are superior

    4. chipmunk197


      next is the mercadies american truck even though iv not seen on up here in canada ino they do make one 

  14. Yo how do you like the new doubles/triples?

  15. 2000km trip from Le Mans to Gdansk, all done. Drove strictly at 90 kmh all the way and liked it. Also, Man TGX is underrated.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IpilkAlaus


      And yet, nobody does (Well, almost nobody). Feels more like an exception than the norm.

    3. JeffSFC


      Trust me, I feel that.


      Unless the job at hand requires differently, I am always in a lorry with ~450HP, next to 0 accessories, and I drive at 80km/h/50MPH or lower if the road is set at a lower speed. It's almost like the game is a simulator or something like it's in the title of the game. :thinking:

    4. IpilkAlaus


      Yeah, I get it, it's really nice to fly around in 730bhp Scania with tons of accessories and a fancy paint job, but I like driving trucks that actually look like what I see on the road even more :)

  16. UK people - any snow in your area yet?

    1. Ali.


      I have quite a lot surprisingly :wow:

    2. IpilkAlaus


      Need some in the South East URGENTLY.:excl:

    3. Raymond_


      Negative, no snow has arrived at my location as of yet.


      Ray Dobson.

      Founder of Select Your Game, Gaming Community.

  17. Vacation over. Damn it, why do they always go so fast?

    1. Sticky


      Time flies when you're having fun.:)

    2. H4ppyPT


      Always the same... :rolleyes:

      What's good ends fast.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  18. I was easily the quickest Iveco this morning on the road between Milano and Lodz

    1. [Ekip] YasinEmre

      [Ekip] YasinEmre

      I don't think there are many Ivecos doing that road tho. ^^

    2. IpilkAlaus


      Yeah. That made it much easier lol

    3. wesleyr99
  19. UiyM8Pf.png

    45 min break on the way to Le Mans. (ignore the Offline mark, connection BrOke)

  20. It's been a while, but I'M BACK. Not that this is good news or anything.

  21. So still no update. This is getting ridiculous.

    1. Simplywild1


      It will be worth the wait, and the update was big. 

    2. Guest


      Thats cool I will explain how salty you are on my own status

    3. Araleya


      people need to learn to have patience I'm just still happily playing 1.31 just downgrade already it won't kill you.

  22. Can we rename TruckersMP to Multi Truck Simulator?

    1. #BlueLivesMatter88


      Multi Trock Simulator yes we should :troll:

    2. IpilkAlaus
    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
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