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Community Manager

Everything posted by xBestBBx

  1. xBestBBx


    Hey, Thank you for your interest in translating our official posts made from TruckersMP management. Unfortunately, by doing this, you are violating rule §4.4 - Translation of content to other Languages. Because of this, I must trash this topic. However, please keep in mind that your dedication is not going unnoticed! We truly appreciate your effort and time spent on this post, but please allow our Translation Team handle these official posts. // Locked and Trashed
  2. [Game Moderator] @DJFrontier saiu da equipa(e) devido a falta de tempo. [Game Moderator] @El Reja foi promovido a Game Moderator Leader. [Report Moderator] @Azuly foi promovido a Game Moderator. [Report Moderator] @Road Tracker foi promovido a Game Moderator. [Trial Support] @Flindix foi promovido a Support. [Translator] @ThiagoBR_ volta a entrar na equipa(e) como Game Moderator.
  3. That's too high of a number.. reset pls
  4. Actualización [25/07/2021] [PLAYER] @ZabbeX fue agregado al equipo y al post como [TRANSLATOR] [PLAYER] @Road Tracker fue agregado al equipo y al post como [REPORT MODERATOR] [GAME MODERATOR] @Tuna_ fue promovido al rango de [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] [GAME MODERATOR] @El Reja fue promovido al rango de [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] [SUPPORT] @SarahMaddy fue suspendida por violar las reglas oficiales [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] @Beater Opressor deja el equipo por razónes personales [COMMUNITY MODERATION MANAGER] @Nataliia deja el equipo por razones personales, queremos agradecerle a ella por todo lo que ha hecho para hacer esta comunidad aún mejor durante estos increibles 4 años. [GAME MODERATOR] [EVENT TEAM] @Owen. fue promovido al rango de [COMMUNITY MANAGER]
  5. **Update [29/06/2021]** Membros adicionados, removidos e atualizados. @willians1002@Flindix@Road Tracker@-Azuly-@Beater Opressor@ThiagoBR_
  6. Happy Birthday! 

  7. //Moved to Portuguese General Discussion
  8. What a savior this update is, my ears are thanking you.
  9. @FrostyDog941 - 1.40 is only a public beta at the moment. TruckersMP does not support public betas. Once version 1.40 releases officially, the Developers will work hard to get TruckersMP up and running with the update. Please keep in mind that it isn't as easy as porting files over to one thing and being done, it takes time and patience. Hopefully, the wait won't be as long as it was when 1.39 came out, however as a community we should be patient and support the Developers commitment to this mod. After all, it is a volunteer job.
  10. Nah. I win, because I can lock this topic and trash it and ruin the fun for all of you.
  11. It will be available on March 8th. Currently, it is not available due to staff not being awake. Within a few hours, it will be available.
  12. Good luck to you! The team will miss you dearly. Stay safe ❤️

    1. Caernage


      Thank you, yeah but the new generation of Staff will remove this feeling because you're the future of TruckersMP. And I'm proud of you guys ^^

  13. The feeling when you become more popular than ever before in TMP compared to being a regular pleb user. :kappa:

  14. Thank you! Keep on with the new improvements!
  15. This is yet again an amazing change for the community. TMP has been progressing so much in the past year alone - now, with this major change, I see a bright future with the banned trolls removed. Racism is something that this world is plagued by, and TMP is doing their best to try and remove it from their community. Well worded, and well done. Keep it going!
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