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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by Jutonk

  1. #prayfortheworld 

  2. Hai, however it is not possible. The once what TruckersMP could make is make the non collisions zone a bit bigger, but that would be useless imo. -Jutonk
  3. You really deserve your new rank :) <3 

    1. Aestrial


      Thank you very much, that means a lot <3

    2. Jutonk


      Or The moderator witch never sleeps 

  4. Good morning everyone :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chev


      Good morning, have a great day. ;)

    3. RaiglacheL


      Good morning gardash

    4. BurakPow [TR-DK-ENG-DE]
  5. Schrijf een support ticket: https://support.truckersmp.com/
  6. Probeer de MP verwijderen en opnieuw installeren.
  7. Thank you for your follow <3 

  8. Uhh congratulations new moderation team leader. You really deserve it. :) 

  9. Julius is back <3 :D

    1. RaiglacheL


      Welcome back topraam :troll:

  10. Uiii new profile picture <3


  11. Very nice YouTube channel. <3
  12. ets200170c9dvbkajut.png

    It was a really nice convoi. We had much fun! Thanks for driving @bluesbass @RaichuTR @LIGHTOFGOD @Nymrodeth

  13. ets200135xwt450eu9n.png

    @RaichuTR and @Jutonk on the road

    1. RaiglacheL


      Attention attention - Jutong on the road !!

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      like the way both trucks are both the exact same :)

  14. Yeayyy new profile picture :P

  15. maybe a short beep at 1 minute and a second beep at 30 seconds ( +1 )
  16. Good Morning TMP i wish you a great day without an accident :) 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BurakPow [TR-DK-ENG-DE]

      BurakPow [TR-DK-ENG-DE]

      Wish the same to you buddy ;)

    3. SgtBreadStick


      i've been on and krav i am going to use Autonomous Driving. ;)

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  17. Happy Birthday :) <3

    1. RaiglacheL


      Thank you gardaş <3 

  18. Good morning TMP! I wish you a great day! :) 

  19. Congratulations my litte blues <3333 :D

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