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Veteran Driver VIII
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Status Updates posted by Daniellus

  1. I still think it's a bad dream. Or stupid joke. 


    I can't say anything. I can just quote Your song. 

    So true. 


    Goodbye master. [*] 

    1. tra812000



      This might help you a little to understand more and give you a better and more secure feeling that yes his death is real and yes what we think is a joke is not a joke but a real situation. 

  2. Congratulations :) You deserved that ;)

    1. -VOYVODA-


      Oh thank you so much mate ♡ 

  3. https://ibb.co/hfrLEn


    @[L.A] [41] Lorena* [PE]

    Photo from thursday :P I was to lazy to add that :troll:

    Thanks for short convoy ;) 


    PS. Ticket for inappropriate parking on grass will be sent :P 

    1. Daniellus


      @Caernage Please admeeen no :(

      Dont ban me, My dog bited me and I couldnt go with bleeding arm :troll: She stopped to help :P


    2. [T.G.E][01] Lorena*
  4. Happy Birthday :)

    1. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Thank you ❤️

      Wanna a Donut?

  5. Thank You for everything You did in team. You were great Team Mate :)

    I hope to see You on Staff Convoys ;)

    Noot! Noot! :P


    I won't give You any fish :troll:

  6. Congratulations :) Good Luck!

  7. Życzę wszystkiego dobrego. Podjąłeś decyzje jaka uważałeś za słuszna mam nadzieję że nie będziesz żałować. 

    Trzymaj się :)

  8. Happy Birthday Mate :)

  9. For all ladies.

    Enjoy your Day :) It's 8 Match - International Women Day ! 

    I was chosen by all men on Earth to say that :D :troll: ..... 


    We love You :wub:





    Best wishes :wub:



    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      why don't have man's day ? :D

  10. [PL]


    Pisaliśmy na PW. Ale też napisze tu, oficjalnie. Razem pracowaliśmy od Lipca jako Moderatorzy forum. Poznałem Cię i od razu wiedziałem że jesteś spoko gość. Niemal tego samego dnia dostaliśmy awanse, razem zostaliśmy Game Moderatorami. Nie mogę policzyć ile razy mi pomogłeś. Rada, dobrym słowem, feedbackiem :troll: (zartuje oczywiscie)... Jeździliśmy wiele konwojów, spontanicznych trasek... a każdy razem gadając, zartujac. 

    Wiedz że dążę Cię ogromnym szacunkiem i nie zmieni tego to że nie jesteś już w teamie. 

    Powodzenia, było przyjemnością móc z Tobą pracować. 




    We were talking on PV, but I want to say something more officially. We were working together since July as Forum Mods. I met You and immediately I realised that You are nice guy. Nearly in the same time we got promoted to Game Moderator team. I can't count how many times You helped me, gave me advices, made feedbacks for me :troll: (ofc it's joking). We were doing many convoys together, we were talking, laughing on Voice Chats... Please keep in mind that You got my respect no matter that you are in team or not. 

    Good luck. It was a pleasure to work with You. 

  11. Happy Birthday :)

  12. O nie :angry:


    Kolejny Badmin...

  13. Thank You for all Birthday Wishes for me :wub:

    I was glad to see them :)

  14. Hello :)

    How are You?

    I'm little bit sick , yesterday I played ASG with my friends when was -2℃  :wacko:


    I hope that my statuses will be more and more useless in future :troll:




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Daniellus


      @RaneMoro Naprawdę? To dzięki w sumie nie myślałem o tym. 

      Znaczy w ciągu gry myślę że było koło zera :D

  15. Hello :D


    I promised You some photos from Real Operations. But I was too lazy to post them :troll:


    But I felt bad, I couldn't sleep so I made short video :)

    (Yes, sometimes I'm afraid of myself :troll:)

    I putted only few photos, whole relation from Event you can find on TruckersMP official channel or on many other Streams. 


    Here is link to my video :)



    Hope You will enjoy :D



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShawnCZek


      Too short :( ... but still cool! B)

    3. Daniellus


      @ShawnCZek Yes, it's short but as I said during event I didn't have much time for screenshots. Maybe on next events I will make more , who knows ;)

    4. ShawnCZek


      @Daniellus okay, I am looking forward to it :)

  16. Thanks all for taking part in Real Operations V3 :D

    It was amazing event :wub:

    I will post photos tomorrow :)

  17. Happy Birtthday :)

    All Good for You!

  18. Short relation from spontaneous convoy on Italy roads :D






    Thanks to @KOZIK, @BoSsik2, @Coppekss, @BlocKing, @[BTS] wojtinho:D


    If You want to see stream from that convoy, visit KOZIK's YouTube channel. (No link, enjoy beeing Scherlock :P


    I know you miss my useless statuses, they will back soon, don't worry :troll:


    Have a good day,



    1. Leon Baker
    2. Daniellus


      Thanks, thats cause they are not made by me :troll: @BL4CK$K1LL 

  19. Congratulations :D

    Have fun in game :P

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