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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/22 in all areas

  1. [COMMUNITY MODERATION MANAGER] @flybel left the team due to lack of time. We want to thank him for everything he has done for TruckersMP.
    51 points
  2. [PLAYER] @Allex2k joins the Game Moderation Team as a Game Moderation Trainee.
    44 points
  3. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @TreesFamilyMember has joined the Game Moderation Team as a Game Moderation Trainee while also remaining in the Community Moderation Team.
    27 points
  4. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Mr. Calvin has left the team due to lack of time.
    25 points
  5. [SUPPORT TRAINEE] @Nightmaree. has been promoted to Trial Support.
    12 points
  6. [PLAYER] @flotus joins the Game Moderation Team as a Game Moderation Trainee. [PLAYER] @Moy. joins the Game Moderation Team as a Game Moderation Trainee.
    9 points
  7. Hello all! ? So last Thursday I attended the Golden Phoenix Convoys and loved it so much and the route was amazing and it was a lot of fun streaming on the GPE and I cant wait for the next convoy ? A Massive shout out to @ProXCloud for taking theses amazing pictures during the convoy and thank you @HandOfClash for planning an amazing convoy and cant wait for the next one. ?
    6 points
  8. The addition of the ghost mode was a much needed feature and it really helps to avoid a lot of crashes and incidents. But recently, a new problem has arisen, which is increasingly common - players who do "not see anyone". Usually, this happens in places where there are many players, so players connect to the server and immediately start moving, but since other players have not yet appeared for such a player, it causes damage to other players, which creates even more problems in such places. Are there any plans to deal with this? P.S.: perhaps this will be discussed, but in my opinion a system is needed that does not allow movement to start for a certain time, for example, while the ghost mode is active.
    3 points
  9. Reminder: if someone breaks the rules, this does not give you the right to ram, block or insult such players, otherwise you can also be banned. In this situation, you can submit a report in the game or on the website.
    3 points
  10. Hey! Currently we have no plans to develop a "Driving School" like you have described, that would indeed be more of an SCS suggestion. However, I can say that currently the CM team is looking at possible ways to support new members of the community through different methods such as video tutorials and so on. I cannot guarantee this will happen but it is definitely something we are thinking about! Thanks, Owen.
    3 points
  11. Hello @MarkON, Thank you for your questions. I will try to answer them as detailed as possible. 1. This would be better suited as a bug report. I have been aware of this for years but as this is pointed out hardly from time to time, I easily forget about it. Which is not an excuse, it definitely needs to be fixed. It is just something that easily slipped my mind. 2. If I remember correctly, the initial idea was born at the end of 2019 after seeing a prototype of DBus World, and the initial discussions took place in early 2020. Proper research and work started in Q3 of 2021. 3. To be honest, the bus we started with was liked by @Smoky and we somehow just sticked with it. Because that bus is pretty much ready, as it can be seen in the teaser, it would not make sense to go for a different one. 4. This is an unintended behavior that will soon be changed. I personally am a big fan of synchronized environment which includes both time and weather. The latter is yet to be done, the former should not change. 5. Again, this is something that should never happen. Synchronizing the game traffic is just not about vehicles but about the whole game world. For example, what should happen if a car triggers the tollgates? For other players, the gate would open without any reason. There are definitely things that would need to be changed including some system to disable certain behavior per a server, as you say. Moreover, allowing unsynchronized game traffic would lead to strange visual situations. Either way, if you are a big fan of AI, I would recommend you to follow our social media pages. Maybe there are some hints. ? I hope this answers your questions.
    3 points
  12. What a beast this tiger @HandOfClash
    3 points
  13. Hello everyone! I'm developing a project which will be a feature that might help some TruckersMP players and I won't describe more to leave the suspense ( IT IS NOT A VTC PROJECT). I keep it secret. Do you dare to continue? Well... let's continue. My small team and I are looking for competent and motivated people. Are you motivated? Are you looking for personal fulfillment? Do you have experience? So go ahead! If you fits our needs, you will be invited to participate in an info session talking about the project itself, its objectives, its role (100% PowerPoint ). Are you interested? Then let's go on https://forms.gle/JvjpFLCZTBvYsh3Y7
    3 points
  14. Ending the GPC event... with @.Stan @Smiddy1050 @MousemanLV
    3 points
  15. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @AvxLightning has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.
    3 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Thanks for following, meow! ^^ xD
    2 points
  18. @OnurBey. @DesertEagle26 @POW&R
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. [PLAYER] @OtherGuy has joined the Add-On Team.
    2 points
  21. [COMMUNITY MODERATOR] @_sneaht_0810 has been promoted to Community Moderator Leader.
    2 points
  22. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @JuanK. has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Slammed_UK has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @harryp32 has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.
    2 points
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. You did it finally! Congrats and good luck with your position
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Congratulations and good luck in your new position ??
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity ZBIÓRKA NA CEL Dla zapewnienia najwyższych standardów diagnostyki i leczenia wzroku u dzieci. FUNDRAISING FOR A CAUSE To ensure the highest standards of sight diagnosis and treatment in children. 30., jubileuszowa, "Orkiestra" zabrzmi dla zapewnienia najwyższych standardów diagnostyki i leczenia wzroku u dzieci. The 30th, anniversary, 'Orchestra' will sound for the highest standards of sight diagnosis and treatment in children. Zapraszam do pomocy ? Link do zbiórki : https://www.siepomaga.pl/wosp302022 Feel free to help ? Link to the collection : https://www.siepomaga.pl/wosp302022
    1 point
  32. SG team participated in the LY team's New Year's combined transport activities
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. congrats wish yıu good luck on your new position welcome to team ?
    1 point
  35. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Chubbywolf has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Type of event: Convoy Server name: PUBLIC ACTIVITY OF TCS IN FEB URL to thread: https://truckersmp.com/event-request/2023 Organiser: @[TCS-VTC]*002*Gao Han Date and hour of the event: 19 Feb 10:00 UTC - 19 Feb 15:00 UTC Participants: https://truckersmp.com/events/7201-public-activity-of-tcs-in-feb Event Rules for Participants: Only approved event staff can use the following tags in their player tags: "TCS team CC" Impersonating Event Staff using the aforementioned tags is forbidden. Overtaking is prohibited. Advertising is prohibited. Heavy cargo configurations are not allowed. Free roaming on the server is prohibited. Double trailers and triple trailers are prohibited. Participants must follow Event Staff instructions All participants must use a trailer when driving in the convoy. Participants must ignore traffic lights unless it is unsafe to do so. The use of beacons is prohibited (only event staff can use beacons). Cars are allowed for event staff and moderators only. Event staff must use a clear tag to indicate their role All other TruckerMP rules apply. Event Rules for Event Staff: Event Staff are allowed to use triple trailers. Event staff can block intersections and roads approaching the intersection in order to direct the convoy. Event Staff overtaking the convoy cannot be performed by more than 2 members at a time. Event Staff can drive the incorrect way where roads have a central reservation barrier ONLY. In accordance with the rule above. Event Staff can park out of bounds. Providing this is on the ground and not on top of buildings or other inappropriate places deemed unsuitable by TruckersMP Staff. All other TruckerMP rules apply.
    1 point
  38. Currently, we do indeed not share such statistics with the public but is is theoretically possible that we will in the future. We have, however, very recently worked on a blog post with more information about what the Game Moderation Team has been working on last year, including interesting statistics. This blog is intended to be published soon, so stay tuned for that. In regard to your question about the load on the web report system, we currently only display an indication of how high the load is. We currently do not have plans to show the exact number of pending reports. It is indeed true to the area surrounding the road between Calais and Duisburg is very popular and that it attracts a lot of players, although I would like to emphasise that not everyone that drives on that road is a troll or has the intention to ruin the experience of other players. Some users simply enjoy driving in areas with real players, which is more likely to happen in popular areas than in remote locations. We have no plans to close the road as that will not resolve the issues that we sometimes experience. If we were to close the road, it is very likely that players just shift to a different location. For instance, back in the days, before the road between Calais and Duisburg became popular, many people were driving on the road between Rotterdam and Europoort in the Netherlands; you can still find videos on YouTube to see how that looked like. There are, however, plans to host special events in the future that will (hopefully) make other locations on the map more popular. I hope to having informed you sufficiently. Have a nice day!
    1 point
  39. Hey there! Winter mod support will end towards March time when the Spring Mod will inevitably be supported once again as usual. I hope this answers your question! Owen.
    1 point
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