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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/21 in Posts

  1. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Chev rejoins the Game Moderation Team as a Game Moderator.
    51 points
  2. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Flye001 has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator. [GAME MODERATION TRAINEE] @Mılo. has been promoted to the position of Report Moderator.
    49 points
  3. [GAME MODERATOR TRAINER] @Koneko joins the Community Moderation team as a trainee Discord Moderator, whilst remaining as a Game Moderator Trainer. [PLAYER] @Mr Thornton joins the Community Moderation team as a Stream Moderator.
    31 points
  4. [PLAYER] @xBestBBx joins the Community Moderation Team as Community Moderator Trainee (Forum).
    9 points
  5. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Geοrge. has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Istanbullue has been promoted to the position of Game Moderator. [PLAYER] @Velcta joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee.
    5 points
  6. [PLAYER] @Drexyy rejoins the TruckersMP Team as Support Trainee.
    4 points
  7. Hello there! We are very proud to announce that a new version has been released! Like in the previous version, fixes and improvements to the audio have been one of the main goals of this release. Features Replaced the engine sounds of vehicles of other players by the AI game traffic sounds This change is the only possible fix for the issues when a sound randomly started playing again (i.e., the engine sound restarting issue) While some users faced this issue much more frequently than others, and it would be shame to drop all the work, it is possible to use the previous engine sounds by adjusting the TruckersMP settings: For more details, check the following knowledge base article: Commands, Keybinds & Settings Fixes Fix that disabling the reverse sounds in the game audio settings affected only the (local) player's truck Fix playing exterior animations (wipers and opening windows) in busy areas Fix playing the wipers animation of a different player when their engine is off Changes Smoothed out the driver's animation
    3 points
  8. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Shadii. joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee.
    3 points
  9. A propos du Checklist: Cette checklist aborde presque tout ce qui peut affecter votre ping/lag. Elle peut vous aider à identifier la raison d’un ping élevé. Le but est de résoudre les problèmes de ping que vous rencontrez lorsque vous jouez à des jeux en ligne en temps réel. En tant que joueur de League of Legends, ces conseils m’ont beaucoup aidé à réduire le ping. J’ai publié un article sur la réduction du ping pour les utilisateurs de Windows il y a longtemps. J’ai reçu de nombreux commentaires et j’ai tout rassemblé sur une seule page. Cette checklist est divisée en trois parties: Haute, Moyenne, Basse. Ceci fait référence à l’effet du problème sur votre ping. Et juste après le problème entre parenthèses, il y a un mot (Facile, Moyen, Difficile), qui représente la facilité avec laquelle le problème peut être résolu. Légende: Niveau de priorité - Quelle est la gravité du problème Correction de la complexité - La facilité d’application d’une correction ------------------- Qu’est-ce que le lag et cela aidera-t-il à le réduire [lisez tout]: Sans savoir ce qu’est le lag, vous ne pouvez pas savoir s’il est possible de le réduire. En termes simples, il s’agit du temps de trajet aller-retour entre votre ordinateur et le serveur. Cela dépend de nombreux facteurs, dont la distance physique et l’encombrement des liaisons. Cela signifie simplement que si vous êtes un Asiatique qui essaie de jouer sur un serveur nord-américain, vous aurez un ping élevé même avec la meilleure configuration possible. Essayez tout dans cette checklist, si vous avez toujours le même ping, ce qui signifie simplement que vous ne pouvez pas le réduire par vous-même, que vous avez besoin de l’aide d’un fournisseur d’accès à Internet (FAI) et de l’organisation qui hôte le serveur (dans League of Legend, ce serait RIOT Games) ------------------- Checklist: Désactiver les mises à jour automatiques (Facile) - De nos jours, presque tous les programmes disposent de mises à jour automatiques et sont activés. Par exemple, votre antivirus se met à jour tous les jours. Si cela se produit dans un jeu, vous êtes fini. Alors arrêtez les mises à jour automatiques et faites-les manuellement quand vous en avez besoin. Fermez tous programmes à forte intensité de bande passante (Facile) - Ce point est simple, mais je l’ai mentionné par souci d’exhaustivité (Exemple de programmes à forte intensité de bande passante: programmes de voix sur IP tels que Mumble, Skype, Ventrilo ou Teamspeak, les streams vidéo tels que YouTube, Chat vidéo par messagerie instantanée, LiveStreams, Steam Game ou Patch Downloads). Vous pouvez toujours utiliser le moniteur de ressources pour identifier les programmes à forte intensité de bande passante. Désactiver le pare-feu/Ajouter le jeu comme exception (Facile) - Votre pare-feu vérifie la plupart des paquets envoyés par votre ordinateur et reçus par votre ordinateur. Ce processus prend du temps (parfois plusieurs millisecondes). Désactivez votre pare-feu (il existe un pare-feu Windows et il se peut qu’il y ait un pare-feu anti-virus) et ajoutez le jeu comme exception dans les paramètres de votre pare-feu. L’ajout du jeu comme exception dans le pare-feu permettra d’envoyer librement les paquets du jeu. Utiliser une connexion câblée à la place d’un WI-FI (Moyen) - J’avais l’habitude de jouer au jeu avec une connexion WI-FI et le passage au LAN a fait une énorme différence. Il est marqué comme moyen, car cela peut nécessiter de longs câbles LAN et quelques ressources pour la mise en place. Cependant, si vous êtes assis près de votre routeur, c’est un processus facile. Surchauffage (Moyen) - C’est un autre problème que j’ai rencontré et d’après mon expérience personnelle, je sais que cela peut conduire à un ping élevé. La surchauffe peut se produire principalement à deux endroits. Dans votre ordinateur ou dans le routeur/autres périphériques réseau. Mon ordinateur surchauffe à cause de la chaleur et j’ai dû acheter un tapis de refroidissement. Les routeurs surchauffent en raison de leur utilisation continuelle et de certains problèmes de matériel. Éteignez le réseau pendant plusieurs minutes avant de jouer et si elle se réchauffe rapidement, il peut y avoir un problème avec votre matériel réseau. Problèmes de connexion temporaire (Facile) - Redémarrez le routeur. La plupart du temps, il peut y avoir des problèmes temporaires liés au routeur et à la congestion interne. Le redémarrage du routeur résoudra la plupart de ces problèmes. Contactez votre fournisseur d’accès Internet (Moyen) - C’est est aussi une chose importante. J’ai eu plusieurs problèmes de ping dans le passé et j’ai essayé tout ce que je savais. Après un certain temps, j’ai appris qu’il y avait un gros problème dans les lignes du FAI. Il se peut que cela ne fonctionne pas, mais il suffit de les appeler (si la ligne est totalement gratuite) pour leur dire que vous avez un problème de lag et leur demander de vérifier s’il y a des problèmes de leur côté. Ils peuvent s’en occuper ou pas. Cela vaut quand même la peine d’essayer. Est-ce que votre connexion internet est suffisante (Difficile) - Parfois, notre connexion internet ne suffit pas pour jouer à des jeux en ligne. Les RTS (jeux de stratégie en temps réel ont tendance à utiliser moins de bande passante que les FPS (first person shooter) et les jeux de conduite). Vous devez examiner plusieurs aspects de la connexion comme la fiabilité (QoS), la vitesse et la bande passante. Lag graphique (Difficile) - La raison principale de tout lag, c’est le résultat d’un ralentissement général des graphiques, et c’est un phénomène courant pour tout joueur. En fait, votre système ne peut tout simplement pas produire suffisamment d’images par seconde (FPS) pour que tout semble bien fonctionner. Chaque fois qu’il y a un lag graphique, la réactivité de vos commandes est généralement réduite. Vos actions prennent une fraction de temps supplémentaire pour être reflétées dans les graphiques à l’écran parce que votre système prend un peu plus de temps pour créer chaque nouvelle image graphique et l’envoyer à votre moniteur. Vous pouvez y remédier en diminuant votre résolution, en réduisant la résolution des textures, en désactivant le filtrage anticrénelage et anisotropique, etc. Gardez les pilotes à jour (Facile) - Il est important de garder vos pilotes (pilotes graphiques, pilotes réseau, etc…) à jour. Problèmes de disque dur (Moyen) - Défragmentez votre (vos) disque(s) dur(s). Certains problèmes du disque dur peuvent affecter l’ensemble de votre ordinateur. Si vous avez tendance à entendre un son près de votre disque dur, et que vous avez l’impression que l’ensemble de l’ordinateur se bloque lorsque vous accédez à des fichiers volumineux, il peut y avoir un problème dans votre disque dur. Désactiver les services inutiles de Windows et des pilotes (Facile) - Vous devrez peut-être faire des recherches à ce sujet, car le fait d’arrêter le service deWindows sans les connaître peut être dangereux. ------------------- Conclusion: J’espère que vous aurez un meilleure ping. Je vais mettre à jour cette page de façon contentieuse et je m’assurerai qu’il n’y a plus rien de manquant. Si vous avez essayé tout ce que j’ai mentionné et si votre ping est le même, vous devrez peut-être penser à un autre serveur plus proche ou apprendre à jouer avec le lag. Video Exemple: Merci tout le monde! Article d’origine écrit par @HamitCanKilic -> article original [ici] Traduit par @Nelicopterr
    2 points
  10. As we have seen already, the NCZ seems to be more a temporary solution than permanent. We are now suffering from side effects of NCZ, which is added in Duisburg. But I think, the most important thing is the truth that our TMP team is trying to make Duisburg much better place. Additionally, I would like to share/suggest my idea to improve the Duisburg situation. I think it would be good if we utilize the combination of our existing “server auto kick” and “in-game report” system. Here are the details for this new system : 1) A player could be reported up to 20 times from the players near him/her by this new system, if he/she breaks the rules in Duisburg area. The count will begin with the sign, “You have entered the city”, and it will be maintained while a player stays in Duisburg. Once a player leaves Duisburg, the count will be reset to 0. A player can report the same player only one time for the count, and this special count will be applied only in Duisburg area. 2) If, someone reaches the full count 20, he/she will be kicked automatically by the server. 3) The maximum count presented above is just an example. It should be set to prevent misuse or abuse of any sort. And of course, I believe our TMP team knows the best number for it. 4) This system should be utilized in limited areas/situations, and it needs to be used secondarily, because we already have superb admins(moderators) and we should also respect their work. And needless to say, we have to consider its misuse and/or abuse. 5) New rules need to be added to support this system. 6) By using this new system, I expect the players in Duisburg to solve their problems by themselves during admins’(moderators’) absence. In conclusion, trolls will be kicked from the server promptly, and it will improve the Duisburg situation. This is just my personal idea what I’ve wanted to share, and I don’t think it would be a perfect solution. I have no doubt that there are much better solutions to solve this problem. ?
    2 points
  11. [GAME MODERATOR LEADER] [COMMUNITY MODERATOR TRAINEE] @Jeronimο has been promoted to Community Moderator (Discord), whilst remaining as Game Moderator Leader.
    2 points
  12. [COMMUNITY MODERATION MANAGER] @Nataliia left the team due to personal reasons. We want to thank her for everything she has done to make the community better during the incredible 4 past years.
    2 points
  13. Event Team Recruitment From the 22nd February until the 8th March, we are going to be looking for individuals to join our Event Team. The Event Team is responsible for the planning and execution of official events within the TruckersMP community. We are currently seeking new members to volunteer each month to help us manage events, as convoy control or general assistants. Your main focus will be managing the Public Convoy, which takes place every month at 17:00 UTC on either Saturday or Sunday. You will be expected to assist with managing other events, too, such as the Real Ops events, TruckersFM partner events, the Nut House Convoy for Twitch streamer Squirrel, and more. Core Requirements: Be punctual. Have strong communication skills, and the ability to follow instructions. Fluently speak English. Have a working, clear microphone. Be 16 years of age or older. Have had no punishments in the past 12 months. Must have no more than 3 bans in the last 24 months. Be a member of TruckersMP for at least 12 months. Be registered on the TruckersMP forum for at least 6 months. Have some decent forum activity. Have at least some mentionable experience in convoy control. Have both American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Benefits when considering candidates: Solid experience in convoy control. Map expansions. As an Event Team member you will: Volunteer each month to help us manage events, as convoy control or general assistants. Your main focus will be managing the Public Convoy, which takes place every month at 17:00 UTC on either Saturday or Sunday. You will be expected to assist with managing other events, too, such as the Real Ops events, TruckersFM partner events, the Nut House Convoy for Twitch streamer Squirrel, and more. You must be active in the team, which means fulfilling set activity requirements. If you would like to apply for this position, you can do so here. Recruitment for this position ends on the 8th March.
    2 points
  14. TruckersMP Steam Helper Chrome / Firefox extension to provide useful information about TruckersMP player in Steam Installation links Google Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera, maybe other Chromium browsers - click here Mozilla Firefox - click here Microsoft Edge - click here, click "Allow extensions from other stores", then install Older Opera versions - install this extension first, then click here Screenshots Features TruckersMP Info panel in a community profile Compact TruckersMP Info in Friends tab (including Pending Invites) Settings This extension is inspired by TruckersMP Helper and internal TruckersMP Team tools. Source code Click here
    1 point
  15. Suggestion Name: AFK Timer Changes Suggestion Description: Certain areas of the game (e.g. garages, rest areas, and non-collision areas) have an unlimited, or at the very least increased AFK timer before getting kicked. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: This would be a really neat addition to the game for several reasons. First, and most important reason is the server does not recognize when someone is at a game menu selecting a new cargo to delivery or making modifications to their trucks. Almost inevitably, any time I do any truck customizations, I am kicked from the server for being AFK. I see the addition of a reconnect button is already suggested quite commonly, and for the reason stated, I would be in agreement with this as a feature if the AFK timer is not adjusted. Secondly, rest areas are designed for people to rest and trucks should be allowed to pull into her and do just that. Which is why I believe the increased/unlimited AFK timer should only apply to certain areas. These areas are already partitioned from the game in the sense of non-collisions. And lastly, if a group of individuals or VTCs want to get together and chat or what not, these rest areas could be used for this purpose. I understand the purpose of the AFK timer and I am in no way recommending to do away with the timer. I just think there are certain areas of the game (especially while at main menus or customizing a vehicle) that a player should not be kicked from the server, when they are not truly AFK.
    1 point
  16. Suggestion Name: Option to stop the launcher closing whenever we launch ETS2/ATS Suggestion Description: An option (likely on the launcher) allowing you to change whether the launcher closes or not after launching one of the two games. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: It probably isn't as important as some other suggestions, but it'll certainly reduce the annoyance (at least for me) of having to open the launcher over and over again every time I need to re-launch ETS2MP.
    1 point
  17. Olá pessoal, A última atualização das regras foi publicada e com esta postagem/publicação do blog, gostaríamos de explicar por que fizemos tais mudanças, bem como dar uma visão sobre as mudanças futuras em termos de punições. A primeira alteração relevante está relacionada à regra §1.2 – Evitar um banimento (Ban Evading). A punição por evasão a um banimento, na maioria das vezes, resultou em um banimento permanente devido à gravidade das infrações cometidas por meio de contas múltiplas. Decidimos padronizar as punições para Fuga de Banimento nos banimentos permanentes. O que é classificado como Ban Evading? Fugir de uma proibição inclui qualquer tentativa de evitar uma punição, que inclui, mas não se limita a: Criar uma nova conta Steam e um novo perfil TruckersMP para usar os serviços dos quais você foi banido (apelo, reports do website e sistema de feedback, servidores); Pedir emprestada a conta de outro jogador e usar os serviços TruckersMP dos quais você foi banido; Retirar as suas próprias evidências que o levaram a ser banido, a fim de conseguir que o banimento seja retirado. Vale a pena explicar que faremos um esforço maior para detectar Ban Evaders por ofensas relacionadas ao 2.1§ e graves ofensas intencionais. Outra mudança interna que também afetará você/a si é a capacidade de reportar Evasores ao Banimento. O nosso foco é ter uma abordagem enxuta/mais rígida sobre o que fazemos, livrando-nos de etapas que muitas vezes são improdutivas e fornecem quase nenhum resultado. Trabalhamos muito com reports do website e tickets de feedback, verificando as contas que recebemos e consideramos esse método altamente ineficiente. Dos 6496 reports de evasão de banimento que processamos, apenas 30% deles foram classificados como um report válido e resultou em um banimento. A partir de hoje, não será possível reportar de forma alguma os Ban Evaders através do sistema de report do website ou sistema de feedback, todos os processos relacionados ao Evasores de Banimento serão tratados internamente com as ferramentas adequadas disponíveis para a Gerência de Moderação de Jogo. Outras melhorias foram feitas em §1.4 – Reportar Usuários. Melhorámos o texto para permitir que jogadores e membros da equipe(a) tenham um melhor entendimento das regras e também decidimos compartilhar publicamente as punições que temos emitido no ano passado de acordo com as regras internas. A partir de agora, a Equipe(a) GM rejeitará qualquer report que não esteja de acordo com as regras, a fim de aumentar a qualidade média dos reports do website e para certas violações de regras, a Gerência de Moderação do Jogo emitirá manualmente um banimento de 30 dias do sistema do website de reports do qual será necessário apelar por meio do sistema de feedback. A segunda ofensa será permanente. Sentimos que esta é uma etapa necessária devido ao valor pendente do total de reportes do website que caiu, que chega a 326.989, 26% do total recebido. Seguindo a postagem/publicação do blog A Caminho da Simulação #2 (Road to Simulation #2), gostaríamos de dar novos passos para prevenir a ocorrência de ofensas intencionais em nossos servidores. O Gerenciamento de Moderação de Jogo fez amplo uso da regra 2.9§ nos últimos meses e emitiu banimentos permanentes, mesmo como primeiros banimentos, para jogadores que estavam intencionalmente violando as regras. Em 2019, emitimos um total de 14.323 banimentos permanentes que ainda estão ativos até hoje. Em 2020, aumentámos para 17.919 banimentos permanentes com um aumento de 25%. Não temos a intenção de interromper essa tendência: faremos novas mudanças internas para banir ainda mais rápido as pessoas que violam intencionalmente as regras para crimes relacionados com a condução. Estaremos restringindo o ciclo ainda mais em comentários racistas e teremos uma política de tolerância zero para crimes relacionados ao racismo e iremos tão longe como emitir banimentos permanentes instantâneas para tais violações. A TruckersMP é uma comunidade mundial, cheia de jogadores de todas as idades e origens e não consideraremos mais o racismo como "apenas" um insulto pior. Nos últimos meses, já começámos a emitir proibições mais severas para esses crimes, no entanto, queremos deixar claro o que faremos com esses eventos. Uma mudança importante que você pode ler em nossa atualização de regras mais recente é o uso restrito de qualquer coisa relacionada a organizações criminosas em tags, avatares, nomes, nomes de VTCs etc... em todos os nossos serviços. Na TruckersMP sempre restringimos a possibilidade de se fazer passar por outros usuários, membros da equipe(a), figuras políticas e policiais, líderes e autoridades de qualquer tipo e não acreditamos que seja permitido o uso de organizações criminosas como a "Máfia". para a nossa comunidade. Não apoiamos nem encorajamos as opiniões de tais organizações e, por este motivo, não queremos que façam parte dos nossos servidores. Estamos muito bem cientes de que alguns nomes específicos são amplamente utilizados na comunidade, e é por isso que vamos dar um tempo limite de 7 dias para remover e/ou alterar todos os conteúdos relacionados à organização criminosa, sejam eles tags no jogo, nomes de usuário, tags de veículo, nomes e tags de VTCs, avatares etc... Após o término do tempo limite, no dia 21/02/2021, prosseguiremos a emitir punições por infrações relacionadas ao jogo e mudanças feitas à mão para os demais serviços relacionados ao TruckersMP, como fóruns, VTCs e perfis truckersMP, como fazemos diariamente por outras violações da regra 1,5§.
    1 point
  18. Suggestion Name: Detailed info about missing DLC's/ProMods files when accessing ProMods server Suggestion Description: So far when the player is missing any of the DLC's, or is missing any of the ProMods files(assuming that the player has all the required DLC's) the game will give error message, appropriate to the condition. The message is a bit simplistic, since it doesn't show the detailed info about missing DLC's, or ProMods files. Any example images: None provided Why should it be added?: This could allow the player to check if there are any missing ProMods files, such as definition file, or if any of the required map DLC's are missing.
    1 point
  19. Hello there! :) Since you marked a best answer, I will go ahead and move this topic to solve topics. If you have anymore issue in the future, feel free to contact us again Best regards, maksch TruckersMP - Support //locked and moved to solved topics.
    1 point
  20. Hello @TeamAudi_Chemistry_EM, After an internal discussion with the Development team, we've decided to accept this suggestion. There's currently no ETA of when this feature will be added, but it's being looked into. Kind regards, .Christopher TruckersMP Community Moderation Manager // Accepted
    1 point
  21. there is 'radiant' on the side. and this is not about game design. It is done with save edit and causes too much fps low
    1 point
  22. As Tobyn said that is save editing. The guide they sent is not (strictly) for save editing though, here is one that helped me:
    1 point
  23. [REPORT MODERATOR] @Istanbullue Game Moderator pozisyonuna terfi etti.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for this guide,It will be very useful.
    1 point
  25. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Djinsomnia rejoins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee. [PLAYER] @[FORZA] iamRHT joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee.
    1 point
  26. [PLAYER] @SarahMaddy rejoins the TruckersMP Team as Support.
    1 point
  27. [PLAYER] @AllstarDK joins the Community Moderation team as a Stream Moderator.
    1 point
  28. Herkese Merhabalar! ? Gercekten sundugunuz modlar cok güzel görünüyor ve düşüncelerinizde harika fakat MP'ye otobüs gelmesinin biraz zor olduğunu düşünüyorum. Sizinde dediğiniz gibi Skoda modunu entegre etmeleri yıllarını almış. Otobüs modunun gelecegini düsünmüyorum fakat gelirse mükemmel olur.
    1 point
  29. [PLAYER]@StateCA (NL) joins the Community Moderation team as a Stream Moderator.
    1 point
  30. Mainly because the area in and around Calais and Duisburg is contaminated with incompetent, rude and ignorant players whos main goal seems to be to become the next main actor in one of the "idiots on the road" videos.
    1 point
  31. [GAME MODERATOR] @legress has left the team due to lack of time.
    1 point
  32. Merhaba, @emredndr145358 Lütfen buradan bir bilet oluşturun ve sorununuzu iletin = https://truckersmp.com/support Saygılarımla, OmSaL
    1 point
  33. [PLAYER] @Tony [UK] joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee. [PLAYER] @jeza1 joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee. [PLAYER] @TruckerDave98 joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee.
    1 point
  34. [PLAYER] @Mılo. joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee. [PLAYER] @bogs97 joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee. [PLAYER] @Flye001 joins the Game Moderation Team as a Trainee.
    1 point
  35. Thank you for this community event. I would like to see Racing Championship later this year. It's been a while since the last one.
    1 point
  36. Thanks for this guide, helped me and members of my VTC when they needed help save-editing!
    1 point
  37. Hello Thank you for taking the time and effort to make such a good guide as this, it will be very useful for many. Best regards!
    1 point
  38. Hello, From the 1st February until the 28th of February 2021, we are going to be looking for talented individuals to join our Community Moderation Team. The Community Moderation Team (CMT) is responsible for moderating all non-game related platforms that we use to interact with the community. Included in this, is moderation of our Forums, Discord guild and livestream channels. Through this recruitment, you will be invited to moderate one of these platforms dependent on our needs and your preference. Requirements: Have good knowledge of TruckersMP and the rules Must be a member of TruckersMP for at least 12 months Must be registered on the TruckersMP forum for at least 6 months No bans / forum or Discord punishments within the last 12 months; Must have no more than 3 bans in the last 24 months Show activity on the TruckersMP services Must have overall good behaviour, which includes forum, Discord and our official social media pages You have sufficient knowledge of English language and the one which you apply for Good communication skills Resilient, active and flexible Ability to work within a team and on your own at times Eager to learn and progress your knowledge Organised and adaptive Be able to accept constructive criticism As a Community Moderator, you may have some of the following responsibilities: Forums: Engage in positive community interaction Ensure all topics, posts, replies, status updates and messages comply with the official TruckersMP rules Moving mistakenly submitted topics to the respective sections Keep the forums organised Archiving inactive topics Handling the forum reports Discord: Engage in positive community interaction Ensure all users of the guild follow the Discord guild's rules Deal with reports submitted by members of the Discord community Reviewing Discord suggestions with Community Moderation Managers to check they are worthy of implementing Reviewing Discord rules with Community Moderation Managers to ensure they meet the community's needs Work with our users to keep a clean ambience and environment Please note that we are not recruiting Discord Moderators during this particular recruitment. Stream: Engage in positive community interaction Ensure the livestream chats are moderated to a professional standard and in accordance with our rules Liaise with Community Managers and Official Streamers where applicable Participate in regular team discussions Additionally, we encourage every Community Moderator to be active on the public Discord guild, forums and stream channels in order to be informed about everything. The more you know, the more valuable you are for the team and the better you will understand various situations. There is no language we are primarily looking for but general English knowledge is a must. These are what we are primarily looking for, however, we are willing to be flexible. You can apply for this position here. End date: 28th of February 2021
    1 point
  39. Calais - Duisburg Road i this route because there is a lot of traffic jam
    1 point
  40. since the traffic is so heavy on duisburg / calais I always use this route. a friend of mine doubt that it is faster so we tried it and it is faster. Thank you
    1 point
  41. All official rules are in place during an official TruckersMP event. Although, there are some that are different from the public servers. Be sure to follow these rules when attending an official TruckersMP event. Last updated: 03 Nov 2023 Overtaking - It is not permitted to overtake during a convoy. If you are overtaking, you will be kicked from the server on your first offence. The second offence will be a ban depending on the situation. Cars - Use of cars are prohibited during any convoys organised by TruckersMP as they are reserved for staff. The only cars you will see during a convoy will be either Game Moderators or the Event Team. If you are caught using a car during an event, you will be kicked from the server. Repeated offences may result in a ban for the duration of the event. Reckless Driving - Please ensure that you are keeping a safe distance from the player in front of you, to ensure you can stop safely. There will be Game Moderators watching over the event, making sure that participants are acting appropriately. Free-roam - Roaming throughout the server and not following the event is not allowed. You must be participating with the convoy, or in the surrounding areas. Failure to comply will result in removal from the event server. Convoy Control - You must follow convoy control instructions given by the TruckersMP team. They are there to ensure that everyone is driving in the correct direction and alert you of upcoming hazards. You can identify them by their coloured usernames and in-game tag! They will be driving a police car. Their instructions must be followed at all times, otherwise, you will be removed from the event server. Signs and barriers - You must adhere to any overhead signs (Including the "Red X"), directional arrows, barriers and any other object placed down on the road. You must not drive around them and/or ignore them as they are placed to ensure your smooth passage at our events. Trailers - Unless explicitly stated otherwise, a trailer is required to participate in our convoy's. For Euro Truck Simulator 2; you should not exceed two (2) trailers. For American Truck Simulator; you should not exceed two (2) trailers with the exemption of the base triple. Heavy Haul cargo is not permitted for either game (empty trailers are permitted so long as you are not causing a gap). If your trailer is causing gaps in the convoy, you may have to pull over or teleport to the Services. Traffic Signals - The convoy will have priority over traffic signals. It is not required for convoy participants to stop at red traffic signals, or yield at junctions unless directed otherwise. The event servers are only online for the duration of the event, they are not available 24/7.
    1 point
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