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Veteran Driver IV
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About Colored_Greens

  • Birthday July 9

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    English, Dutch

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Community Answers

  1. Hallo Truckers! We zijn verheugd om onze nieuwe merchandise winkel te introduceren! We hebben naast veel unieke producten met onze nieuwe mascotte Haulie, ook veel bekende producten van onze oude shop toegevoegd. Je kan de winkel hier vinden: https://truckersmp.sellfy.store/ Vanaf nu zullen we nieuwe producten in thema van het huidige seizoen en TruckersMP evenementen aan de winkel blijven toevoegen. Deze seizoensproducten zijn maar voor een paar maanden beschikbaar voordat ze vervangen worden door nieuwe producten. Onze standaard producten zijn het hele jaar door beschikbaar. Aanvankelijk krijgen al onze Master Trucker Patrons 10% korting. We zullen binnenkort ook wat exclusieve producten toevoegen voor onze Patrons. Volg onze social media kanalen zodat je niets mist! Meer informatie en antwoorden op mogelijke vragen zijn hier te vinden: https://truckersmp.com/kb/1441 Als je feedback hebt, of vragen die niet beantwoord worden in de knowledge base, neem dan hier contact op met Community Management. Geniet van onze winter collectie! TruckersMP Team
      • 1
      • Awesome!
  2. Hello @cityboy, We're glad to hear that your question has been answered! I will now be locking this topic and moving it to solved. If you have any queries or issues in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out again. All the best, Colored_Greens TruckersMP Support // Locked & moved to Solved
  3. Suggestion Name: Include temporary event rules in event page Suggestion Description: The temporary event rules of an event taking place on a dedicated event server should be included on the event page, rather than in a the forum post that is currently used for it. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: Currently it is very difficult to find the rules of an event unless they have been included by the creator of the event, which is not always the case. Navigating a forum topic with that many pages is basically impossible, and the search function usually doesn't work well enough to be helpful, so it would be better for the rules to be included on the event page instead.
  4. Hello @_EUROPEANTRUCKS_VJ, You can follow this guide on save editing to allow you to use a double trailer on CD (and anywhere else): Regards, Colored_Greens TruckersMP Support
  5. // Moved to Polish help
  6. Hello @_EUROPEANTRUCKS_VJ, Has the above answer given you the solution you were looking for? Please let us know to help us keep the forum organised. Kind regards, Colored_Greens TruckersMP Support
  7. Hello @apro_234, Thank you for reaching out to us on the forum. Unfortunately there is not much we can do for you here regarding this issue. Instead, if you have a concrete suggestion for the interchange, I recommend you post it in our suggestion section on the forum: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/850-new-suggestions/ If you want to share feedback about the intersection you can do so here: https://truckersmp.com/feedback I hope this helps. Kind regards, Colored_Greens TruckersMP Support
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