Suggestion Name: realistic convoy pilots
Suggestion Description:Mandatory pilot vehicles for convoys of 25 people or more.
As we know, there are convoys exceeding 25 people. and some of these convoys do not have pilots, in others the players become pilots themselves.
The players themselves are pilots, they cannot block the way, or give any orders.
but my suggestion is to assign mandatory authorized pilots in convoys exceeding 25 people.
authorized pilot: can intercept. He can give some orders to keep order. these pilots will be like an admin but they cannot ban. It will be sent to the convoys by the TMP team as an officer.
He is responsible for the order and safety of the convoy.
is authorized but not admin.
They have a special vehicle, lighting and horn.
Any example images:
Why should it be added?:It makes convoys safer, more realistic, and other vehicles respect convoys more.