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Veteran Driver IV
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About TT.Ertugrul

  • Birthday 09/23/1999

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Playing basketball.
    To travel.
    playing truck games. inspecting trucks in real life.
    listening to metal music.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Turkey: Istanbul
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  1. Ben de Patreon oldum 😄 

  2. Happy Birthday 🎉

    1. TT.Ertugrul


      a little late reply sorry 

      thank you so much :))  

  3. Happy Birthday 🎂

    1. TT.Ertugrul


      a little late reply sorry 

      thank you so much :))  

  4. Happy Birthday! ?

    1. TT.Ertugrul


      thank you so much 🙂 I m sorry ım late reply :') 

  5. OK thanks. I had no problem delivering this load. https://trucksbook.eu/delivery/23467487 yes I got the answer, thanks
  6. https://youtu.be/rARZUGg2xQg
  7. there is 'radiant' on the side. and this is not about game design. It is done with save edit and causes too much fps low
  8. ok , thank you
  9. Hello. Is it normal to have warning lights there?
  10. Hello to everyone. I came across a truck today and they all had such warning lights. fps suddenly crashed. I don't think this is the right vehicle design. this kind of design, I think, should be 'kicked'.
  11. Öneri Adı: güvenli oyun içi mesajlar yazın. Öneri Açıklaması: Bu oyunu 'klavye' ile oynayan kişiler. örneğin klavye ile oynuyorum. Oyun içi mesaj yazarken çok fazla zorluk var. çünkü 'y' tuşuna bastığımızda, kamyonu hiçbir şekilde yönlendiremiyoruz. ve bu yüzden riskli ve hatta bazı kazalara neden oluyoruz. Oyun içi mesaj yazarken: Fare ile yön verebilirsiniz. Oyun içi bir mesaj yazarken: direksiyon simidi ile yön verebilirsiniz. Oyun içi mesajlar yazarken: neden klavye yön tuşları için talimat veremiyoruz? bu yüzden TMP ekibine önerim . Klavye ile oynayan kişilere adaletsizlikten kaçınmak için, 'y' tuşuna (oyun içi mesaj tuşu) basarken ok tuşlarıyla kontrol edebilmek. Herhangi bir örnek resim: 3 gün önce bir yasak aldım. Nedeni, mesajlaşırken meydana gelen küçük kazadır. 10 days ban. Neden eklenmeli ?: Klavye ile oynayanlar için daha güvenli yol. daha iyi mesajlaşma.
  12. Suggestion Name: realistic convoy pilots Suggestion Description:Mandatory pilot vehicles for convoys of 25 people or more. As we know, there are convoys exceeding 25 people. and some of these convoys do not have pilots, in others the players become pilots themselves. The players themselves are pilots, they cannot block the way, or give any orders. but my suggestion is to assign mandatory authorized pilots in convoys exceeding 25 people. authorized pilot: can intercept. He can give some orders to keep order. these pilots will be like an admin but they cannot ban. It will be sent to the convoys by the TMP team as an officer. He is responsible for the order and safety of the convoy. is authorized but not admin. They have a special vehicle, lighting and horn. Any example images: Why should it be added?:It makes convoys safer, more realistic, and other vehicles respect convoys more.
  13. Suggestion Name: more police cars Suggestion Description: The more active police cars in the game, the better the layout. I think there should be a police car on the roads, in the city, at the crossroads, as in real life. I think players who see the police car will be more careful and obey the rules. and there may be a chance to see some accidents closer. If this situation is too intense for the managers to be constantly in the game; These police cars can be driven by executive assistants. assistant administrators: cannot impose any ban. They can only act as bridges between players and administrators. Any example images: sorry i don't have any photos for this situation Why should it be added?:makes it more realistic. makes it more organized. people who follow the rules increase more. sorry for english I hope you understand me. have a nice game, have a nice day
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