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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/18 in Posts

  1. [Forum Moderator] @Lukavsky has left the team due to personal reasons
    14 points
  2. Quick little update, I've added zoom buttons in the bottom right corner so if you don't have a scroll wheel you can still zoom in and out. The follow API is back. You can use https://ets2map.com?follow=<tmp_id> to follow a user if they are online. <--- Also, if you click image under the "TruckersMP Profile" button it will also follow the user. We are working on supporting Italy as well as ATS but since this is quite a lot of work it may take some time.
    3 points
  3. TruckersMP საზოგადოების კონტრიბუტორის პროგრამა მოგესალმებით, მძღოლებო! დღეს დადგა კიდევ ერთი მშვენიერი დღე TruckersMP-ის ისტორიაში. ზოგი თქვენთაგანი გვეკითხებოდა, შეიძლება თუ არა განვათავსოთ ჩვენი YouTube ან Twitch არსების ლინკები ჩვენს პლატფორმაზე. ჩვენ ასევე ვფიქრობთ, რომ ხალხი, რომელიც რაღაცას აკეთებს იმისათვის რომ გააუმჯობესოს ჩვენი საზოგადოება, მათ ეკუთვნით თავისი საქმის აღიარებას. ამიტომაც, ჩენ შევქმენით ეს პროგრამა იმათთვის, ვინც აუმჯობესებს ჩვენს საზოგადოებას: საზოგადოების კონტრიბუტორებისთვის. ვინ არიან კონტრიბუტორები (Contributor)? ეს არიან მოთამაშეები, რომლებიც აუმჯობესებენ ჩვენს საზოგადოებას. ზოგი ლაივ-სტრიმებით YouTube-ზე და Twitch-ზე, ზოგი კონკურსებით და ზოგი უბრალო დახმარებით ფორუმზე, ისინი უფრო და უფრო აუმჯობესებენ ჩვენს საზოგადოებას და ხდიან მას უფრო საინტერესოს. მოთხოვნილებები. საჭიროა TruckersMP-ის მოდიფიკაციების ინტერესის ქონა, კარგი და ხარისხიანი კონტენტის გაკეთება, რომელიც მოიზიდავს ბევრ ახალ მოთამაშეს. მაგ ადამიანს რომელიმე სოციალური ქსელი მაინც უნდა ჰქონდეს და აქტიური უნდა იყოს. საჭიროა საზოგადოებაში ყოფნა მინიმუმ 1 წელი და კარგი სტატუსის ქონა საზოგადოებაში. კონტრიბუტორს არ შეუძლია იყოს TruckersMP-ს გუნდის წევრი. რა სარგებელი აქვს ამას? კონტრიბუტორებს ექნებათ სპეციალური რანკი ფორუმზე და ჩვენს Discord სერვერზე. მათ ნამუშევრებს გამოვაქვეყნებთ სხვადასხვა პლატფორმაზე. ასევე მათ ექნებათ TruckersMP-ის გუნდის წევრებთან მუშაობის საშუალება ახალი კონტენტის შექმნაზე. როგორ გავხვდე კონტრიბუტორი? ამ მომენტისთვის თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გახდეთ კონტრიბუტორი მხოლოდ იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ TruckersMP-ის გუნდის რომელიმე წევრი მოგვცემს რეკომენდაციას თქვენზე, თუმცა მომავალში ჩვენ შევეცდებით სხვა სისტემა შემოვიღოთ. არიან თუ არა კონტრიბუტორები TruckersMP-ის გუნდი წევრები? არა, ისინი არიან საზოგადოების ისეთი წევრები, რომლებიც აღიარებულები არიან თავისი აქტიურობის და კარგი მუშაობის გამო. ვინ არიან ისინი? სულ მალე გამოქვეყნდება კონტრიბუტორების პირველი სია. საუკეთესო სურვილებით, TruckersMP-ის გუნდი. ავტორი: საზოგადოების მენეჯერი Primeთარგმნა: @BL4CK$K1LL
    3 points
  4. Я, вот, вообще не понимаю, что те, кто любит "погонять" делают в этой игре?
    3 points
  5. > OUTDATED < You can find the latest version of this guide here: https://truckersmp.com/kb/27 Hello truckers! "How to become game moderator?", this is a question you might have been thinking about. This topic will contain an answer to that question and some general information that might interest you. First of all, being a game moderator isn't just about driving a police car. A few of you might be reading this topic solely to find out how to drive a police car. This version of the car is only reserved for staff members with game moderator permissions such as our game moderators, managers and developers. Driving a police car is not the main purpose of a game moderator (will be using "GM" as an abbreviation in this topic). It's only an additional perk of the rank. The duties of a GM are not just flying over the map and randomly kicking or banning users. The rank of a GM comes with a great responsibility. A GM deals with various duties on our website and in-game, including website reports, in-game reports and ban appeals, judging what is right and wrong. Every GM is chosen with great care to ensure maximum quality. As of January 2018, there is open GM recruitment, however there is no plan to open it very often. As you may have noticed, GM's are mostly selected from within our current team. To be specific, you need to join our team as another rank in order to get selected for a promotion to GM. Not everyone gets the promotion, there are various of reasons why they are not selected. If you join the team with the aim of being a GM, you are most likely to fail that. We want people to join our team with a big interest in their section of which they applied for. If you are doing well, a Game Manager might notice you and offer you a promotion if they are needing more GM's. It's your choice to accept or decline that if you prefer to remain in your current sub-team. Here is a summarary for the two different paths you could walk to become a GM, see below: Step 1 - Join the team as another rank (Support, Moderator, Media). Step 2 - Work hard, do your duties as you are supposed to and be nice. Step 3 - Offer by GMM to join GM on a trial period. The second option is the following: Step 1 - Make sure you have no bans, good forum activity and good behaviour Step 2 - Once GM recruitment opens, apply to join and make sure you fill your application out with good detail. Step 3 - Invite to an interview, chat with GMMs Step 4 - Training period with both GMMs and GMTLs. Step 5 - Trial Period of 2 months. Some tips and advice we can give you: - Never ask to become a GM, this decreases your chances to become one. - Don't contact anyone about your candidacy for a position as GM. - Don't join the team with the sole aim of being a GM, you will most likely fail to achieve this then. - Don't ask when other recruitments will open. + Do your best if you are selected for another role in the team, do your duties and get noticed in a good way. + Practise your skills of the English language, this will be your main language as GM. + Obey all rules on the forums and in-game, having a ban or warning point decreases your chances. + Be active on our forums, get known in our community and give others a positive impression about yourself. Some related questions Q: Do I need to have both ETS2 and ATS if I would be a GM? A: No, we recommend you do but this is not a requirement. Q: Is being friends with other staff members giving me an advantage? A: No, we select new GM's based on their activity, behaviour and skills. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Q: I'm not really interested in the forums, can I skip being a moderator first? A: No, we require you to participate in discussions and the community. It is important to know how our community works if you want to be on the TruckersMP team. Q: I'm never chosen in a recruitment, what can I do? A: Not much, free spots on our team are limited and many are interested in it. Try to improve and try again during another recruitment session. Q: I speak {language}, there are no other GM's who speak this language. Can I become GM right away? A: No, you still need to follow all steps involved. We are not giving someone the GM rank for the language only. Q: I have a question that is not mentioned here, who should I contact? A: Send your question to the feedback, we will try to answer your question as soon as possible.
    2 points
  6. Konwój pożegnalny kierowcy vs-ki Wataha: Anime z firmami: WATAHA, ETG, MAR-TRANS, POL-TRANS
    2 points
  7. Szybki strzał z @[JT]Rosyjski Elektryk
    2 points
  8. Selamlar, @ReguluSs durumu şöyle açıklığa kavuşturalım. TruckersMP platformunda uygulanan kuralları takiben, siyasi liderler, askeri liderler, terör örgütlerine ait görseller ya da liderler ve bunun gibi siyasi, askeri, ırkçı ve terör sempatizanı paylaşımlarda bulunmak, profil fotoğrafına görseller eklemek ya da bunların reklamını yapmak/konuşmak yasaktır. Bu sebeple oyundan yasaklanmış bulunmaktasınız, Steam profilinizde bulunan Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK'ün fotoğrafını kaldırmalı ve Steam profilinizin ekran görüntüsünü alarak ban itirazı oluşturup karşı tarafla paylaşmalısınız. Takiben ban cezanız kaldırılacaktır. Yukarıda bahsettiğim duruma ait kuralı aşağıda görebilirsiniz: §1.5 Uygunsuz Dil Kullanımı, İletişim Kanallarının Amacı Dışında Kullanılması ve Taklit - Inappropriate use of language, communication and impersonation of any kind. TruckersMP platformu üzerinde diğer kullanıcıları aşağılamak ve kullanıcılara karşı buna benzer davranışlarda bulunmak yasaktır. Kural, belirtilen durumlarla sınırlı olmamakla birlikte: ırkçılık, ayrımcılık, ötekileştirme, siyasi ve yasak içerikler paylaşımı veya bu ve buna benzer durumlar hakkında tartışmak/fikir belirtmek yasaktır. Diğer kullanıcıların güvenliğini tehlikeye atabilecek websitesi ve içeriklerin paylaşımı yasaktır. Diğer kullanıcılara karşı yapılan hafif sayılabilecek derecedeki "Idiot" veya "noob" gibi tanımlar, durum suistimale gitmedikçe cezalandırılmaz. Bu inisiyatifin istismar edilmesi durumunda cezalandırma işlemi uygulanır. Diğer kullanıcıları, politik figürleri(Örneğin: Devlet başkanları, terör örgütü üyeleri/başkanları ve/veya Askeri liderler.) ile oyun yetkililerini taklit etmek yasaktır. Bu kural, belirtilen durumlarla sınırlı olmamakla birlikte: kişinin fotoğrafını avatar olarak kullanmak, onun sözlerini sarf etmek ya da onun gibi konuşmak, adını kullanmak, araç içi plakaya adını yazmak gibi davranışlara yönelik ceza işlemi uygulanır. Tüm platform kurallarına aşağıdaki bağlantıdan ulaşabilirsiniz: izm07 Forum Moderator
    2 points
  9. Я стою на красный, глухой светофор или нет, значения не имеет.
    2 points
  10. Wczorajszego wieczoru, czyli 03.02.2018r. otrzymaliśmy zaproszenie, oraz mieliśmy przyjemność uczestniczyć w konwoju z okazji II urodzin firmy SpediStar! Zaproszone firmy stawiły się na specjalnie, na tą okazję zorganizowanym serwerze, na którym kilka minut po 19 z francuskiego portu znajdującego się w Calais wyruszyliśmy na Rotterdam -> Hannover -> Norymberge, aby dotrzeć do celu naszej podróży, czyli autostrady pod Mannheim Konwój minął bardzo szybko, w miłej, wesołej i przyjaznej atmosferze, za co serdecznie dziękujemy, oraz jeszcze raz w imieniu całej wirtualnej spedycji H&C Logistics pragnę złożyć kolegom ze SpediStar życzonka urodzinowe Chłopaki wszystkiego najlepszego, 100lat, jeszcze większej ilości pokonanych wspólnie kilometrów, no i czego oczywiście sobie tylko życzycie! Miejmy nadzieję do zobaczenia w przyszłym roku na podobnym konwoju! Szerokości Byłbym zapomniał... Wielkie dzięki również dla naszego pilota @[SpediStar] TowarowyGTW, za bezpieczne dowiezienie nas do celu Targać tylu ludzi samemu, to też niezły wyczyn
    2 points
  11. Wow look great. I will be there. Can't wait for it See all you there
    2 points
  12. Тренируются под Rally Dakar on TRUCK.
    2 points
  13. Dzis odbyl sie konwoj z okazji 2 urodzin naszej firmy. Dlatego tez chcialbym podziekowac: TMP - udostepnienie specjalnego serwera tylko na ta uroczystosc, Bakerpk - zalatwienie i postawienie serwera, Bandero oraz Bossik - pilnowanie porzadku jak i kickowanie niechcianych osob potocznie zwanych TROLL Firmom: @BlueTransSpedition, @Magic-Trans, @Orzeł-Trans Wirtualna Spedycja, @ITLtrans, @Dakar Logistic, @K-Speed, @H&C, @Antrans - Wirtualna Spedycja, @VS RISA, oraz chcialbym tez podziekowac wszystkim osobom z naszej firmy ktore braly udzial I oczywiscie nie moglbym napisac o najwazniejszej osobie bez ktorej tego konwoju pewnie by nie bylo a jest nim JakubP, ktory to zoorganizowal ten konwoj od A do Z z pomoca Bandyty ktory to zaja sie grafika oraz pilotom grup (choc jeden na poczatku sie zamotal i sie "zgubil" z grupa 2 - tak musialem byc wredny Piterku ale wybaczone dosc szybko to naprawil). Ponizej zdjecia ;]
    2 points
  14. Support @King^ a été promu Trial Game Moderator
    2 points
  15. How do I change my tag while I'm banned? The following guide will be able to help you with changing your tag while you're banned. Step 1 - Changing your tag. Starting multiplayer. 1. Start multiplayer like normal. Even when you're banned, you are still able to open the launcher to reach the login screen. Example screenshot: http://prntscr.com/i4590k Finding multiplayer settings. 2. Locate the 'gear' icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Clicking this will enable to you open the multiplayer settings, the place you need to go to change your tag. 3. Locate to the general tab in multiplayer settings. This is where you'll be able to change your tag. Example screenshot here: https://imgur.com/34JvGhJ Changing your tag. 4. You've now reached the place where you can change your tag. Locate the 'player tag' box, and remove the inappropriate tag. Replace it with a new one, or none at all, it's up to you! Example screenshot: http://prntscr.com/i4526z > Your done! You've changed your tag, and your now ready to appeal your ban. Step 2 - How to prove you've changed your tag: Before you're allowed back in-game, you need to prove to the Game Mod that has banned you, that you've changed your tag. In order to do this, you need to post a screenshot of the multiplayer settings, showing the edited or removed tag. Taking a screenshot of the modified tag. 1. Take a screenshot. You can take a screenshot of the modified tag. 2. Uploading the screenshot. You can upload to whatever safe site you choose, just make sure we are able to view it. I would recommend http://imgur.com or prntscrn. Appeals. 3. Posting the link in your appeal. Once you've got a working link, please make a ban appeal, and post the link in your appeal comment. > All done! Your ready, you now need to be patient, and wait for a response on your appeal. Once the Game Moderator comes to review your appeal, he/she will be able to quickly and effectively deal with your appeal. Being able to post the link in the first instance will speed up the process of you getting unbanned. Any questions relating to this, don't hesitate to contact me and I'll help best I can. Thank you, Aestrial Tags should always be in accordance with the game rules: http://truckersmp.com/rules
    1 point
  16. Witajcie! Zapewne co niektórzy wiedzą o tym, że zacząłem tworzyć własny skrypt. Początkowo zaczęło się od niewinnego pisania kodu, a później zamieniło się to w tachograf. Dzisiaj... nadszedł dzień wydania skryptu! Co ten tachograf oferuje? Dodać i edytować trasę "na żywo", (tylko administratorzy) Dodawać, edytować i usuwać użytkowników tj. kierowców, dyspozytorów itd. Dwa oddzielne panele - administracyjny i dla kierowców Listować trasy własne (dla każdego) (tylko administratorzy) Listować trasy dowolnego użytkownika i listować użytkowników (tylko administratorzy) Widzieć podsumowanie swojej VSki (tylko administratorzy) Ranking kierowców (najekonomiczniejsi kierowcy [średnia paliwa ze wszystkich tras], najbardziej jeżdżący kierowcy na odległość oraz najbardziej jeżdżący kierowcy pod względem ilości zleceń etc.), Średnia spalania dla każdej trasy, (tylko administratorzy) Edycja całościowa, akceptacja oraz usuwanie pojedynczej trasy, (tylko administratorzy) Usuwanie wszystkich tras, (tylko administratorzy) Listowanie tras danego użytkownika, (dla każdego) ustawiać ciężarówkę, rejestrację oraz avatar autoinstalator - nie będzie potrzebna moja pomoc przy instalacji. Wymagania techniczne: PHP 5.6 i wyżej (zalecam PHP 7.0) baza danych MySQL Demo aktualnie jest nie dostępne! Spowodowane jest problemami ze stroną, przepraszamy za utrudnienia! Licencja jednakże NIE upoważnia do usuwania copyrightu ani NIE upoważnia do usuwania mojego konta z bazy. Jeśli jesteś jednakże zdecydowany, zapraszam do pobrania skryptu z tej strony. To teraz czekam na Wasze opinie oraz ewentualne uwagi. Błędy zgłaszajcie od razu na maila, zazwyczaj je łatam w terminie do 2 dni.
    1 point
  17. чутка на подставу для репорта не успели... пожалуй это всё что могу сказать...Если хотите объективного мнения от завсегдатых - покажите ваше видео, но мне кажется вы не покажете, тогда о чём говорить?
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. W dniu 04.02.2018 odbyła się kolejna trasa rekrutacyjna. Do naszego grona dołączył DVSDolar.
    1 point
  20. Dodałem ustawienie firm jak i kolejność wyjazdu.
    1 point
  21. Firma Potwory I Spółka powstała 30.08.2015 CO OFERUJEMY : - Miłą i przyjazną atmosferę - Kulturę - Super zabawę w dobrym towarzystwie - Wszelką pomoc w każdej sprawie - Częste konwoje organizowane przez administracje - Każdy pracownik ma możliwość organizacji konwoju - Możliwość jazdy własnym ciągnikiem - Super forum oraz własny komunikator Discord - Własny system raportów - Możliwość wspólnej zabawy w innych grach - Możliwość jazdy na Multiplayer oraz Single Player - Możliwość tuningowania pojazdów na Single Player - Konkursy - Awanse - Rywalizacja w TOP 5 WYMAGANIA : - Wiek minimum 16 Lat - Sprawny mikrofon - Zadaniem Rekruta jest przejechanie 10 tyś km na okresie próbnym który trwa 7 dni - Aktywność - wybór Etatu Kierowcy - Pół Etatu 7 tyś km. na 14 dni lub - Pełny Etat 14 tyś km. na 14 dni (dodatkowa premia) - Kultura osobista - Podstawowe znajomości przepisów ruchu drogowego - Umiejętność jazdy w grupie / konwoje - Mile widziane dodatki : Going East ( Ekspansja Polska ) , Skandynawia , Vive la France , Italia , High Power Cargo, Heavy Cargo pack, American Truck Simulator ( Lecz nie jest to wymogiem ) Kontakt: [email protected] Strona Internetowa : http://portal.potworyispolka.net.pl/ Forum : http://forum.potworyispolka.net.pl/index.php
    1 point
  22. DesertEagle nin gösterdiği konuyu inceleyin. Bunun neden yasak olduğu orada yazmakta. Steamdan profil resmini değiltirdiğinizde, profil resmi veya steam profili linkinizi Göknoz gösterdiği yolda, bir itiraz kısmınıa bu kanıtları koyarak itirazda bulunun. admin uygun bir zamanda kantınızı doğrulayarak, yasağınızı kaldıracaktır.
    1 point
  23. Ciężko będzie zrobić w ten sposób. Ewentualnie poprzez telemetrię, ale to wymagałoby ode mnie większego poświęcenia czasu, którego nie mam. :/ Na daną chwilę jak zauważyliście nie ma jeszcze aktualizacji. Problem pojawił się bowiem w kodzie związanym z listowaniem rekrutantów, postaram się go rozwiązać. Na daną chwilę aktualizacja jest gotowa w 25%. Utworzyłem już pewne elementy wspólne, będę musiał nad niektórymi jeszcze troszkę spędzić. Możliwe, że aktualizacja wyjdzie z tygodniowym opóźnieniem względem terminu podanego. Korzystając z chwili - opowiem po krótce, jak będzie wyglądać ta rekrutacja. Każdy użytkownik, który będzie chciał dołączyć do firmy, wypełnia formularz. Są tam pytania głównie związane z ETS2 (na daną chwilę - dojdzie jeszcze pytanie odn. ATSa). Tuż po tym formularz zostaje przesłany do systemu. W systemie od strony administratora jest możliwość podejrzenia na podanie. Tam weryfikujemy dane z TMP (ilość banów) z odpowiedzią rekrutanta. Na daną chwilę mam tylko czy je posiada, czy nie (aby móc zweryfikować, ile posiada, trzeba będzie wejść w link z profilem). Po tym oczywiście typowa rozmowa rekrutacyjna (na TSie). No i na końcu - jeśli rekrutant przeszedł rekrutację pozytywnie, to po zaakceptowaniu podania ustalamy jego nick i po wciśnięciu Dodaj użytkownika do tachografu użytkownik zostaje dodany, a także utworzone zostaje hasło tymczasowe, które ukazywane jest administratorowi (w celu jego przekazania nowemu kierowcy). Jeśli jednak nie przeszedł, usuwany jest rekord z bazy danych. Tak na razie w teorii ma wyglądać system rekrutacyjny. Rzecz jasna - praktyka wykaże, czy system będzie na tyle sprawny, że VSki korzystające z niego będą zadowoleni. No cóż - zmykam do roboty. Przypominam, że aktualna wersja stabilna to 1.3.2! Dostępna jest pod tym linkiem.
    1 point
  24. Merhaba, Yanlış raporu kaldıramazsınız, raporu düzenleyerek yanlış olduğunu belirtin.
    1 point
  25. Yukarıda gerekli cevap verilmiş. Lütfen forum üzerinde artık bu durumla ilgili konu açmayın. Anlayışınız için teşekkürler. izm07 Forum Moderator //Locked & moved to Arşiv.
    1 point
  26. nice pictures. Great job and VTC Awesome
    1 point
  27. Dear @Maykis5; You can find the necessary information by reviewing the guide below. First; Press the Windows Key + R (Win+R) on your keyboard Enter "%programdata%" and press Enter (without the quotes) Find the folder "TruckersMP" and delete that folder. Navigate to C:\Program Files\ and delete the folder named "TruckersMP Launcher" Go to our website and re-download and install the Launcher with admin privileges https://truckersmp.com/download/ Open The Launcher with admin privileges and click "Install Available Updates" After; Use a free online bandwidth testing tool such as BandwidthPlace to ensure you are receiving the speed promised by your ISP. If you are not receiving the advertised speed, let your ISP know and they will attempt to optimize your internet speed. Use a wired internet connection instead of a wireless connection or router. A fixed line connection allows for a more stable flow of data and will lead to lower ping and smoother game play. Additionally, a wired connection avoids the possibility of other computers simultaneously using the internet and using up bandwidth. Disable any firewalls, such as ZoneAlarm, Norton, and McAfee. Although this step may expose your computer to temporary risks, many firewalls substantially slow down internet connection speed. Disabling firewalls that directly monitor web traffic will lower your ping. Exit any applications that may be using up bandwidth. Heavy bandwidth users include applications or browsers that are downloading music, video or other files. Light bandwidth users include chat programs, open browsers and any other application that uses the internet in any way. Use VPN. Best Regards, TUNANKA OFFICIAL PROFILE
    1 point
  28. A1: TruckersMP doesn't change the job market. It's the same as it would be playing single-player. Unless of course you use World of Trucks contracts to get the same jobs as your friends. A2: TruckersMP uses your single-player profile when online therefore any progress you make on SP will impact MP vice versa. A3: If you accidentally hit someone then apologise immediately, if it's clear that it was not purposeful or because of lag etc there will be leniency. A4: You can record your gameplay at all times but it's not really necessary. If you want to keep your file size low on recordings just use Shadowplay to record certain small clips. A5: Same as A2. A6: World of Trucks (https://www.worldoftrucks.com/en/) is an online platform integrated with ETS2/ATS which allows you to track your progress, deliveries, achievements and more. It's more commonly used to get the same job contracts as your friends. However, your speed will be limited in-game hence why most people use the standard 'Freight Market'.
    1 point
  29. W dniu 03.02.2018 odbył się konwój urodzinowy SpediStar'u, nasza firma wzięła udział w tym wydarzeniu. Trasa konwoju rozpoczęła się w Calais a zakończyła na autostradzie w kierunku Stuttgartu. Dziękujemy za zaproszenie i życzymy wszystkiego najlepszego ! Więcej zdjęć z konwoju na naszym fanpage! DAKAR
    1 point
  30. На мой взгляд это и был самый большой минус этой серии игр (Д1, Д2 и провальный Д3). Перевозку грузов превратили в гонки на фурах.
    1 point
  31. Hello @Cincai.La I'm sure more 200 players will come the convoy
    1 point
  32. @WiciuNL gaat terug naar [Translator] @DJ Jefferz is gepromoveerd naar [Game Moderator] @Coppekss is gepromoveerd naar [Trial Game Moderator] @Etoath_YT is aangenomen als [Trial Support]
    1 point
  33. Rozdzielczość jest sztucznie rozszerzona, gdyż mam monitor 1280x1024, po zdjęcia w lepszej jakości (oryginalnej rozdzielczości) zapraszam na PM
    1 point
  34. C'était du super convoi, je suis désolé d'autre parti 40Mins après le début du convoi mais l'appel des crêpes était trop fort Hâte que le prochain convoi arrive Bonne route à tous!
    1 point
  35. Pour rajouter ma pierre à l'édifice sur le "feedback", il faudrait que vous trouviez un moyen de setup des permissions pour que ceux qui parlent beaucoup trop (pour rien surtout), ceux qui crient et ceux qui ont un bruit de fond permanent. Par exemple un Push To Talk pour ceux qui occupent beaucoup trop le vocal, et un Voice Activation (normal) pour ceux qui parlent normalement, genre ceux qui ont changé de canal à environs 200km de London. Pour avoir rejoint le convoi avec @Oliana à partir de Limoges, ce n'est qu'une fois que nous avons switché de canal que c'est devenu "sympas". Nous reviendrons probablement lors du prochain, en espérant que des permissions vocales soient mises en place. ^-^
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Когда я начинал играть в Euro Truck Simulator 2 ,я тоже гнал на полную. Из грузовиков только Volvo 750 и педалька в пол. Даже когда начала образовываться компания,наш стиль вождения оставался таким. Мы тогда считали - ну мы же не нарушаем... Когда кто-то вылезал с второстепенной, мы вписывались в него,так как не успевали затормозить,а потом бурно обсуждали: "вот гад то какой,нарушает". Когда кто престраивался под нас,двигаясь с маленькой скоростью,мы тоже считали его виноватым - не уступил ведь.То,что он мог нас не видеть в момент начала перестроения,нам было побоку. Мы же не нарушаем. Прошло время. Мы стали попадать в такие же ситуации,но уже на стороне "виноватого". И постепенно пришло понимание: ограничение скорости перед перекрестками стоит не просто так,а чтобы с второстепенной человек успел выехать. А когда по главной кто-то топит 160,у него просто нет шансов. И даже для более-менее безопасного перестроения ты должен топить во всю дурь,чтобы кто-нибудь не догнал. И настройка тормозов на максимум приводит тоже к аварии,только уже сзади. Но ведь так не должно быть... У меня нет предубеждений против "летунов",я сам был таким. Но теперь считаю это временным,наносным и ненастоящим. Потом ты все равно приходишь к более размеренному стилю вождения. Или игра тебе надоедает,и ты покидаешь МП...
    1 point
  38. Moderator @Babou71 a été promu Trial Game Moderator
    1 point
  39. 1. Steam avatarı dışında bir avatar sistemi getirmediği sürece TruckersMP kimsenin avatarına karışamaz çünkü bu çok aptalca. Senin olmayan bir şeye sen karar veremezsin. Yap kendi sistemini TruckersMP forumundaki avatarlar oyunda kullanılacak bundan sonra böyle olacak de o zaman tamam. Ben Mp de steam avatarımı kullanıyorum. 2. Neden sadece Türkler, Türk Siyasetçiler ve en önemlisi de ATATÜRK özelinde bir post yazılıyor? Bu resmen hakaret etmenin başka bir versiyonu. Madem siyasi figürlerin avatar olması yasaklanıyor. Ülke bayraklarıda siyasi bir içerik onlar da koyulmasın. Ben elin rusunun almanının ve diğerlerinin bayrağını da görmek istemiyorum. Ya kökünden yasakla kurallarda yada hiçbirini yasaklama. 3. Madem Türkler özelinde böyle bir durum söz konusu neden bir rus bu postu Turkish Discussion başlığı altında paylaşılıyor? Paylaşa biliyor? Demek ki Türk Moderatörler gereksizler ki elin rusu böyle bir post paylaşmayı uygun görüyor.Yada Türk moderatörler siyasi figüre sahip avatarları uyarmak yerine göz ardı ediyorlar ki eli rusu böyle bişey yazabiliyor. Bu postun Türk olmayan birisi tarafından ve sadece Türklere bir uyarı niteliğinde yazılması çok sinir bozucu. Bu düşüncelerimi çok salakça, çok gereksiz, aşırı milliyetçi olarak görenler olabilir lakin bunlar benim değer yargılarım. Her önüne gelen Türklerle alakalı bir post atıcaksa Turkish Discussion başlığı açılmasının bir amacının olmadığı kanaatindeyim. Bundan sonra her uygunsuz davranışı Türkleri örnek göstererek anlatalım forumda.
    1 point
  40. Mod dosyaları .scs uzantılı, winrar gibi programlar ile kolaylıkla içini açıp kuracalayabilirsin, bu oldukça yardımcı olacaktır. Modun MP'de çalışabilmesi için modda kullanılan şeylerin orjinal oyunda olması lazım, yani dışarıdan bir şey ekleyemezsiniz oyuna. Böyle olunca geriye renk değişiklikleri, tonaj değişiklikleri, bir kaç teker değişimi vs kalıyor geriye. Veya bir tırda olup diğer tırda olmayan parçaları vs ekleyebiliyorsun diğerine, "hibrit tır ets2" vs diye aratırsan son bahsettiğim şey hakkında bilgi bulabilirsin.
    1 point
  41. Hi guys, So I just wanted to explain that this section is now moderated after a suggestion was made to cut down on some of the spam as users try to get to 75 helpful posts. Often, it's the case where users are adding replies without reading the other replies and the same content is being said 10 times, so we are trying to cut down on that. Now what this means for you: If you need help, create a new thread but please remember to search first. Moderation is not on for new threads. If you have an answer for someone's problem, then post it in the thread that the problem was in. Please note however that this may have delays in appearing as your post needs to be accepted by a support team member. I hope this clears up some issues, Clarkinator TruckersMP Project Manager
    1 point
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