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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/16 in all areas

  1. Vocês deveriam se lembrar primeiramente que... O jogo nem foi oficialmente liberado, o tester foi liberado para alguns e já foi pirateado... Ou seja, já por acaso pensaram que NÃO É OPEN BETA, nem está liberado, nem foi tecnicamente anunciado sua prontidão... Devem se lembrar que o Euro Truck Simulator 2 no início na primera versão era uma merda comparado ao que está agora, por acaso já não pararam para comparar a versão 1.3.1 com a 1.22 de agora ? Creio que não, mas se o fizerem, verão o quão diferente e otimizado foi ficando com as atualizações... O ATS recém foi digamos que " aberto ao público " e já estavam esperando um jogo feito de ouro e platina? Poxa, vocês devem pensar que embora estavam todos " ai meu deus um jogo novo, vai soltar arco-íris e fogos de artifícios automaticamente " , isso nem foi liberado oficialmente... Se ao menos esperassem antes de já fazerem críticas iriam ver o potencial que o jogo tem... SCS faz ótimos jogos de simulação, mas esperavam que teria o que de diferente ? Ok, gráficos: - mal saiu o jogo oficial. Ok, maior diversidade de caminhões: - mal saiu o jogo oficial. Se lembram por acaso de antes? Majestics, Ivedos, Valiant... São familiares a vocês não? Demorou pouco mais de 1 ano para a Majestic por exemplo, se tornar a Mercedes... são tempos investidos nisso pessoal, não sejam tão egoístas... Fora que vocês, a grande maioria, não tem do que reclamar... vocês estão com o jogo pirata, digamos que " contrabandeado ", querem uma medalha por isso? Como já disseram é um simulador de caminhão, o mesmo que ETS porém estradas americanas e caminhões americanos, queriam o que? Um pedestre que invade seu caminhão e te assalta? Particularmente se você percebessem não apenas o gráfico, do jogo... e sim toda uma história, trabalho, gasto de tempo, aperfeiçoamentos, novos caminhões, estradas diferentes, desertos... Perceberiam o grande jogo que agora está pirateado nas mãos de vocês. Bye. [ Quem se sentiu ofendido, lamento, mas é uma realidade ] .
    3 points
  2. Dokładnie tak, cebule w Polsce wpadły na taki biznes. Kupuje grę na steam, ustawia na allegro DOSTĘP do jego konta z danym tytułem za cene niebotycznie mniejszą od ceny samej gry i ludzie to kupują jak zboże na przecenie... Niektóre aukcje sięgają po 800+ sprzedanych passów. Są też jeszcze większe cebule, kupi taki od gościa te passy do konta, zrobi swoją aukcję z tymi samymi passami po tańszej cenie i też zarabia nic nie tracąc... Było tak z nowym Fallout'em, Just Cause 3 itp. Odradzam kupowania takich kont, raz że zalogujesz się nie szybciej niż po 20? min próbowania (tyle osób na 1 konto ) a 2 to jest nielegalne wg. polityki Steam. Na takim koncie nie pograsz na MP prze to logowanie itp. Lepiej już ściągnąć grę z jakiegoś torenta, niż dawać zarabiać tym cebulom. Najlepiej kup orginał, nie jest to wygórowana cena.
    3 points
  3. Co mi sie jeszcze podoba to masa ktora trzeba rozbujac a to zajmuje sporo i wyhamowac wcale nie jest latwo
    2 points
  4. This should solve your problem
    2 points
  5. You can find all the TruckersMP Team's staff changes in this topic, which is constantly updated by the respective management.
    1 point
  6. In this thread, Event Management will publish the rules which are valid during an event that is held on a dedicated event server. If you would like to request a dedicated server for your own event, please refer to our Knowledge Base article: https://truckersmp.com/kb/671 Happy trucking! TruckersMP Management
    1 point
  7. NOTE: Save no longer requires Going East to work. Description: Euro Truck Simulator 2 profile for beginners to ETS2MP. This profile is level 5 and has $150,000 but has no truck. Volvo dealer unlocked. Dusseldorf start city to allow for jobs from 3 different locations nearby. Installation Instructions: Download the file. Extract it to your ETS2 folder in your My Documents folder. (C:\Users\Clarkinator\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles) Open ETS2MP. Log in to your ETS2MP account. Load up the ETS2MP Volvo profile. Buy a truck. Enjoy. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcm4fr0lzqnqmm3/ETS2MP Beginner Save.zip?dl=0 Virus Total of the file: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/6e1418d6c842c4614fde007a5c9f74ff70ae3434dc5e182538431e5e08210db0/analysis/1429430574/
    1 point
  8. Wirtualna firma Repiński Transport została założona 2 lutego 2015 roku. Poprzednia nazwa pod jaką funkcjonowaliśmy to E-Trans. Jesteśmy rzetelną firmą transportową, która codziennie przemierza setki kilometrów. Posiadamy zgodę na używanie znaku towarowego od realnej firmy Repiński Transport. Obecna liczba kierowców to 19. Nasi członkowie to doświadczeni gracze i stali bywalce TS. Zarząd firmy składa się z trzech szefów: @[RT] Aro34 @[RT] Trybcio86 Oraz @[RT] Shimyoui oraz Viceszef @[RT] Iceman (PL)Baza naszej firmy znajduje się w Gdańsku. Dlaczego Nasza firma? Jesteśmy kierowcami z doświadczeniem. Posiadamy własny serwer na Discord i forum Jesteśmy miłą i zgraną ekipą, która szanuje się nawzajem, wspiera i pomaga, gdy ktoś ma jakiś problem. Nie wymagamy dużo od nowych kierowców. Możesz mieć taką ciężarówkę jaką chcesz, a kilometry możesz nabijać na trybie gry wieloosobowej jak również na singlu. Oferujemy: Miłą atmosferę Dobrą zabawę Często organizowane konwoje Nawiązanie nowych znajomości z pasjonatami ciężarówek Własny serwer na Discord Konkursy na najlepszego kierowcę miesiąca Nasze wymagania: Min. 16 lat Discord + mikrofon Posiadanie garażu w Gdańsku Znajomość przepisów ruchu drogowego Umiejętność jazdy w większej grupie Kultura osobista Dwa mapowe DLC: Skandynawia oraz Ekspansja Polska Oraz DLC Viva La France Prowadzenie dziennika kierowcy na Rekrutacja: Złożenie podania na stronie firmy, która podana jest poniżej Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna na Discordzie Okres próbny: 2 tygodnie na przejechanie 9.000 w tym (1000) jako trasa egzaminacyjna. Nowy pracownik wykonuje to na białym malowaniu Egzamin z parkowania tyłem, który kończy okres próbny Malowanie Firmowe dla Kierowcy Zestaw Firmowe Malowanie na Okresie Próbnym Kontakt: Strona rekrutacji: http://repinski-transport-vs.cba.pl/forumdisplay.php?fid=5 Strona firmowa: http://repinski-transport-vs.cba.pl/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VS-Repiński-Transport-955074961247402/ Firma Informuje ze Uzyskała Stosowne zezwolenia do Ets2 jak i to ATS.
    1 point
  9. Somos una Empresa 100% virtual del Euro Trucks Simulador 2 Multiplayer comprometidos en fomentar el compañerismo, el trabajo en equipo, respetar las reglas viales y sobre todo con el objetivo de marcar la diferencia en el multiplayer de este grandioso simulador. Si deseas formar parte de las filas de T.T.L. como miembro oficial te invito a ingresar ala pagina de facebook, donde tambien encontraras gran contenido de publicaciones de nuestros viajes y convoy. Nuestro sitio en facebook donde podran seguirnos y contactar a un administrador para entrevista. https://www.facebook.com/groups/131494200532270/ Contamos con nuestro propio servidor TeamSpeak 3 Somos una empresa 100% activa, ya que nos mantenemos casi todo el tiempo entre semana y fines de semana en transito recorriendo cada centimetro de las carreteras europeas, reino unido y Escandinavia. Mas que empresa somos un gran equipo. Con el objetivo de ayudar y asesorar a los que tienen poco o nulo conocimiento del tema ETS2 MP. Nuestro Canal en Youtube donde casi a diario se suben los videos de viajes y convoy de la empresa para demostrar que somos una empresa activa. Te invitamos aver nuestros videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrVktITymx0fby_5oDb7Hgg Si tienes el compromiso y tienes pasion por este gran simulador seras bienvenido es nuestra empresa sin duda es a ti aquien estamos buscando. SIEMPRE PRESENTES EN EL MULTIPLAYER “Llegar juntos es el principio. Mantenerse juntos, es el progreso. Trabajar juntos es el éxito” Henry Ford.
    1 point
  10. The story behind the project... Concept of the scoreboard. Project started pretty simple - I was 16 years old guy who wanted to create multiplayer mod for a game with huge potential. Before ETS2 release I was looking at the ETS 1 and GTS binaries to investigate how to implement multiplayer however without any sensible results. I've created ETS2MP project 1 or 2 days after release of ETS2 - started it not from codding (sounds crazy isn't it?) but from creating fanpage on Facebook - it allowed me to gather huge community - the likes were increasing every day by a numbers from 10 to 100. First part of development was not fruitful enough as there were many unknowns I faced. (In the spare time there were few developers joining and leaving team - no one had enough knowledge and time to spend on creating mod). In August 2013 mwl4 joined the forces of development team and we have pushed the core code a little bit forward - mwl4 and his knowledge of prism3d engine build was definitely something that was needed for the project to success - I was never touching mods and the general data structure in prism3d so my knowledge was limited to that what i found in binaries (I used to create mods for R*-games (GTA:SA etc) not SCS one). After sometime we decided to use movers to spawn the trucks instead of trying to use normal vehicles - mwl4 created a map with placed few white scanias (2-3 - I don't really remember) and we decided to synchronize them somehow. The problem was that it was not really good solution and we had to build the trucks model-by-model also the scene structure in prism3d did not allowed us to simply update the position and update the placements used by fustrum culling so the trucks were disappearing when they were too far from spawn point. In the meantime we decided to use the same technique and try it in German Truck Simulator (video) - it worked however trucks in mirrors had exactly the same problem as the trucks in normal viewport in ETS2 - it was just experiment and we didn't thought about releasing it to public. Then I decided to start implementing spawning of the vehicle the same way as local truck is spawned - after few weeks of work without any result we decided to ask for a little tips someone from SCS - the person we wrote to was not a CEO but the programmer - Komat - after some messages we finally managed to spawn trucks. (Unfortunately I don't have any access to old forum [if it still exists] - there was nice post showing the colorful trucks that were spawned next to my truck). After that we had trucks spawned so we decided to finally write the networking part - chat, synchronization and many others. Few videos later - people asked us - what about the cargo - where are trailers? So I decided to finally implement spawning of trailers. It was not hard as the code of spawning trailers and trucks is nearly the same (some things are different however I'm not going to write it here in detail). A little screenshots from spawning trailers (3rd January 2014): However between spawning of the trailers and implementing the network code for them we decided to drive some more fancy trucks instead of grey DAF XFs so we synchronized accessories of the trucks. (29th January 2014) It was a great milestone in the project. We were able to finally use our own truck configurations of the trucks. Such a great thing. You can notice that there are no shadows for the network trucks on the screenshots (in fact it looks like bad photoshop) - so next step was implementing the shadows for the trucks. (12th February 2014) And just after that we have synchronized trailers: (22nd February 2014) After that we were working on improvements and crash fixes with the closed group of testers. On 25 April we have announced that Open Alpha starts on 1st May. However we decided to publish the mod few hours before 1st of May (I think it was something like 20:00 - 30 April) - the mod was totally unplayable - and it was mostly my mistake as the code to look for the proper streaming zone in server was using huge loop instead of using some smart math - after fixing it the mod was getting more fixes and we finally managed relativly stable version to focus on making next update. After many months of working on the mod in January 2015 I decided to drop the High school. In that time I started talking with SCS Software CEO - Pavel Sebor about eventuall employment in SCS - in March 2015 i went to Prague for the interview - it was successfull so I decided I will leave the project as it was something that definitely will not work (working at SCS and making fan multiplayer mod) on April 7th I started working at SCS and I'm here until now. Who knows what future will bring to me.. . I would like to thank: mwl4 - for his dedication to the project, knowledge and a lot of work, Komat - for very important advices and tips while creating the mod, pcpl2 - for his help and many non-sleppy nights with manually running unstable servers again, I<3VODKA - for many cool conversations, great project management, playing Knights and Merchants and Town Of Salem together, JM - for his bugfixes to my poor PHP code, kat_pw - for his unbelievably great map project + bugfixes for my poor PHP code, Eliximus - for helping me with many things, Yntro - for support, StuartD - for community management and testing, Stefag40 - for testing, Manuel - for a great community management and his meeting point project, Burner - for helping with many things, Biggi Darreugne The rest of the team. Guys - you are amazing! The rest of this story is you :-). Best regards, Eryk "RootKiller" Dwornicki Former Project Leader and Programmer
    1 point
  11. Sinceramente, estou um pouco decepcionado com o ATS!!! SCS demorou um tempao para lançar o game e o jogo é praticamente a mesma coisa do ETS2, é praticamente uma Skin da America! Parece mais um mod caprichado do que um jogo novo!! Os gráficos praticamente não mudaram e continua mal otimizado! Os caras deram apenas um retoque de leve, unica coisa mesmo é as cidades que ficaram um pouco maiores e mais detalhadas e apenas isso. Para vocês terem uma noção kkkk Eu nem precisei configurar os controles do Meu G27 denovo no ATS, eu peguei e copiei o arquivo controls.sii do meu profile do ETS2 e colei no profile que eu fiz no ATS e pronto todo o meu G27 ficou configurado como tava no ETS2 kkkkkkkk. Para finalizar ainda continua aqueles serrilhados escrotos que tem no ETS2! Para eliminar eles so fazendo o mesmo que no ETS2, ou seja, aumentando o scaling de 100% para 300% a 400% ai praticamento some com os malditos serrilhados!! Porém vai perder fps. Print:
    1 point
  12. Hi guys, We have heard users over the past little while and they have been asking for changes in how we ban users and as such, there are some serious changes starting as of right now that will encourage some better behaviour from users. As of now, the administration team will be banning as the following: 1st - 3rd bans are at admin discretion, meaning that they get to select your ban length depending on the rule that you broke. 4th ban is 1 month, regardless of what happened. 5th ban is 3 months, regardless of what happened. 6th ban is permanent with no chance of unbanning. Please note that users should pay attention to how many bans that they have and use your ban durations as a chance to improve behaviour so as to not end up on the admins bad side again. Additional information: For older accounts, that already have a history longer than this, we are starting from where you are currently, if you have 6 bans now and have already had the 1 month ban issued as per old systems, your next ban will be 3 months. Then permanent beyond that with no chance of removal. If you have 5 bans but no 1 month ban yet, your next ban will be 1 month and etc. Regards, ETS2MP Team
    1 point
  13. Hi mate, Can you please try these: - Enter to the site with E-Mail, which you register on the site, not your game nickname, or Steam nickname; - Write your E-Mail and password in Notepad, and then copy them one by one paste in the login window, if you not sure that your login and password is correct writing by your self; - If none of the above advice does not help the situation, try to reset your password and log in again; - Do not use a password or E-Mail any symbols, password must being only characters and numbers; - Do not use Steam-account, if the game is not bought on it, and on the other account. With the «Steam Family Sharing»to play in multiplayer you cant to connect also ; - Your e-mail address from a Steam account must match the email address used when you registered on ETS2MP site. This is a very important point! - Run Steam, then press Profile> Edit Profile> My private setting and set a to all point is "Public"; If none of the above works, then try to: 1)Go on Documents-ETS2MP and delete client.edc 2)Write your password and mail into a text file 3)Open ETS2MP and copy the mail and the password from the text file created before on the ETS2MP login page with CTRL+V
    1 point
  14. @Grzesiek: Nie to nie ta naczepa, jest jeszcze jedna ale 3-osiowa równie długa co ta.
    1 point
  15. Hello taker1987 Press TAB , Right click on screen , Go to Settings button which is like this Then Untick "Enable Season effects" and click Apply and OK.
    1 point
  16. Je commence par ma config Config matérielle:
    1 point
  17. Mi wystarczyło 2-3 kursy, zrobiłem i powiedziałem nie no, za bardzo mnie wciągneła, usuwam i czekam do premiery, najlepsze widoki są jak samolot lata i opryskuje pola, no pięknie to wygląda, tylko te wagi dupa wyszła ;/
    1 point
  18. To Ty myślisz kolego ze Ci, którzy dostali grę do testów, nie wrzucali jej na neta? Można już na pewno pobrać ale to będą piraty. Jeśli chcecie grać potem w mp to i tak musicie zakupić oryginał
    1 point
  19. Firma Master_Trans życzy dalszych sukcesów
    1 point
  20. ^ Mais quel feignant le mec, il se couche toujours x)
    1 point
  21. Krótka sesja zdjęciowa na potrzeby przygotowania baneru reklamowego STP - Logistic Pozdrawiam, Grubson
    1 point
  22. Перевод - команда ETS2MP.ru При копировании на сторонние ресурсы указывайте активную ссылку на источник перевода. До релиза American Truck Simulator остается всё меньше времени, и SCS Software продолжает раскрывать карты относительно новой игры. Сегодня речь пойдет о грузовиках.
    1 point
  23. Ça fais plaisir de voir aussi des adultes dans le jeu. 31 ans ici, 1 course par soir après le boulot, toujours sur le multi.
    1 point
  24. Jakby to jeszcze miało pozory realizmu to i można postać i się powkurzać... ale skoro tam robią syf poprzez celowe blokowanie, zostawanie naczep, ramming to wolę jechać gdzie indziej.
    1 point
  25. ATS jest już na necie, ktoś z wczesnym dostępem złamał swoją umowę z SCS ciach ciach
    1 point
  26. Posiadam identyczny problem. Jeżeli jest ktoś w stanie wytłumaczyć to będę dozgonnie wdzięczny.
    1 point
  27. Приветствуем вас на новом сайте World of Trucks Multiplayer (ранее Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer или ETS2MP). Наши удивительные веб-разработчики работали несколько месяцев для создания данного сайта, чтобы он стал более удобным. Мы также изменили название проекта, так как планируем выпустить мультиплеер American Truck Simulator после релиза, так быстро, насколько мы сможем. Именно поэтому название Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer больше не удовлетворяет нашим целям. Как вы уже знаете, ничего не бывает без багов, поэтому, если вы найдете любые баги, обращайтесь к команде поддержки на соответствующей странице. С обновлением сайта нам, к сожалению, пришлось попрощаться со всеми апелляциями банов и репортов. Если у вас были нерассмотренные репорты или апелляции на старом сайте, сделайте их заново. Оригинал: http://wotr-mp.com/ru_RU/blog/1
    1 point
    1 point
  29. ^ Это да. Толковый выбор приходит с опытом, а к нему приводит выбор бестолковый.
    1 point
  30. Сделано. Авторские права принадлежат Alex (knox_xss). Ссылка на источник в 1-м сообщении темы. Редактор собственных прицепов - показывает имеющиеся в собственности прицепы, какой из них в данный момент активен, сколько в нём грузов, сколько их, их масса, откуда и куда их надо отвезти. Также имеется возможность купить прицеп в собственность или продать собственный прицеп. Полный текст readme и ссылка на программу:
    1 point
  31. Widać że na pierwszy rzut oka to będzie profesjonalna firma, ale zobaczymy w przyszłości Życzę powodzenia Firma Master_Trans
    1 point
  32. nareszcie,gorzej jak beda jakies bezsensowne BANY a zdarzają sie takie.
    1 point
  33. Zdjęcia z konwoju urodzinowego firmy Blue-Trans.
    1 point
  34. Hello BigdaveETR, Go to Document/ETS2MP and delete the launcher.dat file and launch the game.
    1 point
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