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SCS Blog: Scandinavia Reveal


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As we are getting closer to the finish line on ETS2 Scandinavia DLC, it's time to show you more of what we have in store for you. Here is a small scale map to reveal the destination cities we are putting into this world expansion. This little map doesn't tell the whole story - the highways, roads and city streets are now a much more detailed system than what we currently have in the older parts of our ETS2 universe.




We have dedicated a lot of time and attention to recreating Scandinavian sights and landmarks in order to make the scenery more vibrant and lifelike. We tried hard to distill the looks and sights of the region to stay true to its spirit, and in the process created a lot of new assets to make driving more varied and the exploration more interesting.






The scenery is additionally supplemented with new delivery types and unique locations such as Scania and Volvo Trucks factories. Since ferry transport plays important role in this area, Scandinavia DLC also will feature numerous ports and deliveries aimed at supporting those locations.






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Wow that looks amazing! I wonder if we will have the equivalent of Europoort there!

Nope ep is free this is not ;) outs going to be great tho 19 new cities and I just discovered the city near there too XD so I can quick Tele over to curse in it when it comes out

Signature removed by a wondering ghost


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This little map doesn't tell the whole story - the highways, roads and city streets are now a much more detailed system than what we currently have in the older parts of our ETS2 universe.


Hopefully this actually means the roads will be the same as what the signs say, especially motorways, many times I've read signs stating there were two lanes but yet there's only one or something similar.


Wow that looks amazing! I wonder if we will have the equivalent of Europoort there! 


With the addition of these ports that they're adding it should help disperse the traffic in general and at EP. I've never been to any of the cities (or countries) being added with this DLC so I have no idea where the ports are in real life but going by how the map looks, I'd assume there's going to be a port somewhere in the north west section of it that would connect that part to Scotland and possibly a port somewhere else that would connect to England. Might even be a port connecting it to Poland, who knows?


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Looks like a new type of trailer in the last screenshot too...


Aye right enough man it does. Can't see it clearly enough to figure out what it is though but from what I can make of it, that trailer is either parts from a factory or a live cattle trailer? That's my guess at least. I hope the toll that truck is going through is in a few more toll roads in the game, it must just charge you as soon as you pass through it.


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**** There are more cities in the DLC, I doubt they could fit all of them on the map ****

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Amazing look, hoping they remove snow on non-winter mode feature once it is out for you guys...


It should, hopefully, be gone unless the person who created the winter mod that they chose to use updates it to the latest version, otherwise 1.16 won't work due to incompatibility. Here's to hoping it's not included in the next patch for this version.


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Little bit dissapointed since they did not add the Northern part of the contries :/ But hey, at least its something :P


I actually thought that they were going to be adding the whole country (of course not every city but some cities from the north, east, west and south) but I'm happy with this too! Atleast now we have lots of new roads to drive on!


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Aye right enough man it does. Can't see it clearly enough to figure out what it is though but from what I can make of it, that trailer is either parts from a factory or a live cattle trailer? That's my guess at least. I hope the toll that truck is going through is in a few more toll roads in the game, it must just charge you as soon as you pass through it.

It's a trailer for animals, on it's way to become a steak.


Anyways, it's pity they added cities close to stockholm but not for the rest of the map.

Also would be great if they would add more landscapes in the future such as Värmland, Lappland and northern Sweden (norrland) It's alot of forests and lots of small roads which would be very fun to drive on. However i am excited to be driving in my own country and be able for once to have a swedish numberplate on all my trucks.

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Eurø Truck Simulatør 2 ik den Scandinavian Expänsiøn


wik Mercedës 


Alsø wik Scania wik Volvö Fäctøry


Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yër? See the løveli lakes 


The wøndërful telephøne system 


And mäni interesting furry animals 


The characters and incidents portrayed and the names used are fictitious and any similarity to the names, characters, or history of any person is entirely accidental and unintentional. 




Including the majestik møøse 


A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"... 


We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked. 


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti... 


We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked. 


Møøse trained by 



Special Møøse Effects 

Viktor Avdejev


Møøse Costumes 

Jiri Boldys


Møøse Choreographed by 

Tomas Bujñak


Miss Taylor's Møøses by 

Michal Celler


Møøse trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by 

Martin Cesky


Møøses' noses wiped by 

Jaroslav Dorñak


Large møøse on the left hand side of the screen in the third scene from the end, given a thorough grounding in Latin, French and "O" Level Geography by 

Daniel Dvorak


Suggestive poses for the Møøse suggested by 

Jiri Dvorak


Antler-care by 

Pavel Houska





Long story short, let's hope to see some Møøses on our ways and sorry for the Monty reference for those who didnt know about it. 

"Trucking is like love... Only newbies go fast and end up early


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Once they have updated the map with more cities maybe the baltic countries are up next along with Finland.


I'm still waiting for the whole of Ireland (North included) to be added, that and wales I think is all that is left of the UK. It would be surreal seeing my own town in ETS2 though. Larne has a factory that deals with generators and such, along with a depot literally not even a 5 minute walk down the road from me. Larne also has its own port which connects it to Scotland too and then there's Belfast which connects to England; which makes me think there's still a chance for Ireland/Northern Ireland to be added. Then you have down south, a lot of trucks come from across Europe through French ports to Roslare; that could open up the north west section of France too, move down to Spain, Portugal etc. after that. 


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Hurry up, SCS! It all look too awesome for us to wait! D:


Seriously, though. I can't wait for this DLC. :) Even though I want it ASAP it's best to bear with the wait so they can get it all done right. :)

Some people should really get a license before even thinking about buying Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator. Drive safely, folks!



< < < Don't bet on sinking ships because they'll turn your chips to trash! > > >

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im and the german community (99% of it i guess) are still waiting for a rework on germany.. the "autobahn" looks and drives really badly.. entrys and exits are all wrong. but in the videos from squirle thay said thay want do a rework some time later.


also france and italy (rome?!) would be nice i guess.


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