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Everything posted by tfmpillow

  1. @JessyNyan verruilt [Translator] voor [Forum Moderator]
  2. Een beetje laat, maar heb je je probleem kunnen oplossen @Thom110? Zo ja, laat ons dat hier dan graag weten!
  3. Aangezien deze regels zijn veranderd, zal ik deze topic verplaatsen naar het archief. Zie hier de aangepaste regels: //Verplaatst naar het Archief
  4. Even though you've only been my leader for a couple weeks, I wanted to thank you for your hard work. It's appreciated and I wish you the best of luck for the future. We'll miss you. :(

  5. I'm very happy and proud to be part of TruckersMP and the team! I still remember I was on holiday when the Scout cars got added, I couldn't believe whether it was real or not The last few years were amazing, aswell as the start of September 2017 when I got selected and joined the Support Team. I can't wait to see what comes next in the future of TruckersMP! Happy 4th Birthday TruckersMP!
  6. Welcome to the team!

    1. heyhococo


      Thank you CrazyPillow! :)

  7. Congratulations! Welcome to the team.

    1. ShawnCZek


      Thank you so much, bro! :wub:

  8. Maybe, yes. Since this actually was a question and should've been moved to the Help Section, I'll just finish it here and move it to the Solved Topics there. Thanks all for your answers. //Locked and moved to Solved Topics
  9. Aangezien deze topic vrij inactief is, verplaats ik hem naar het archief. Mocht je toch nog een vraag hebben, maak dan gewoon weer een nieuwe post hier in het Nederlandse/Belgische subforum. //Verplaatst naar het archief
  10. Hello, I'm not sure what you're on about. We don't make the game, and thus not the game sounds. If you think the engine sounds aren't realistic, you should go to SCS Software with that. We cannot do anything about that. https://forum.scssoft.com/ Kindest Regards, ThatCrazyPillow Forum Moderator
  11. @Master's Student heeft [Translator] verruilt voor [Trial Support] Ook heb ik weer wat updates gedaan, ditmaal heb ik weer wat Team Logo's toegevoegd en de update lijst een beetje mooier gemaakt.
  12. tfmpillow


    If you didn't mean what @derpatrick9 said above, you probably mean our Forum Moderator/Support/Game Moderator ranks. In order to get those ranks, you would have to try your best to be active on the forums and to get selected in a recruitment for a specific team. Recruitments can be found here: https://truckersmp.com/recruitment Please remember that being active on the forums doesn't mean you can just make a status update every day, as that doesn't count towards the activity we're looking for. By activity we mean: Making posts/Helping out in Help-Section etc. However, if you make useless posts you can and will be warned for it. If you have warnings, you could still be accepted into the team though.
  13. @ThatCrazyPillow heeft [Translator] verruilt voor [Forum Moderator] @darkneon2002 is gepromoveerd naar [Trial Game Moderator] Ook heb ik weer wat aanpassingen gedaan qua team logo's en kleuren van de namen.
  14. :huh:;)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tfmpillow


      It is for you and other people, because there's just loads of people who follow me anonymously. Therefore you cannot see those followers, just me.

    3. TUNANKA


      I know, six people are following me anonymously. :check: 

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  15. @Flynn Dawson Als je de bewerkte video in Sony Vegas of wat voor een programma je ook gebruikt hebt opgeslagen, kan je de tekst nog steeds bewerken. Echter als je dit niet hebt gedaan, zal je de gehele video weer opnieuw moeten bewerken.
  16. Goede uitleg voor degenen die dit niet kunnen. Fijn om te zien dat je graag mensen wilt helpen met dingen zoals dit.
  17. Gefeliciteerd en nog een fijne dag Robert-Jan!

  18. Aslong as it doesn't increase the hitbox with either visible or invisible objects, you're fine. Other than that, there is, as said above, no rule against this.
  19. Finally summertime has started where I live, I love how it stays light longer outside, I hate the dark.

    1. Smalley


      British Summer Time here. Its going to be a lot better now winter ha disappeared :D 

    2. Rev.


      But, it's still only 8°C @Smalley:(

  20. I see everyone saying congratulations so here I go aswell. Congrats on 1000 rep lol :P

    1. i z m

      i z m

      Thnx Pillow, i'll wait for your 2k. :D

    2. tfmpillow


      Lol, that'll happen earlier than you'd expect :P

  21. Congratulations on the promotion. You really deserved this one!

    1. Aestrial


      Thank you mate! <3

  22. Gefeliciteerd man. Echt verdient.

    1. Smoky


      Bedankt :) 

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