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Veteran Driver VIII
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Status Updates posted by Penguin

  1. Hey long time no see! Congrats and hope to see you around 🙂 

  2. The TMP Community will miss you mate! Waddle on!

  3. Woop Woop Congrats!

  4. Welcome back! ❤️

    1. Polyxena


      Thank you very much Penguin! ?

  5. Sorry to see you go Forerunner, take care mate! Waddle On!

  6. Uno! Tabletop Simulator event TONIGHT https://plasmagc.com/event/uno-tournament - Please sign up!

  7. Do you enjoy playing Uno! and have Tabletop Simulator? We'd love for you to take part in our Uno tournament! Find the details and sign up here- Free to play & Free to Win! https://plasmagc.com/event/uno-tournament

  8. Looking for an egg-cellent VTC? (I'll see myself out lol) Waddle on over to https://truckersmp.com/vtc/plasma and join us today!

  9. Although we didn't agree on everything, thank you for all you've done & all the best for the future :)

  10. Not long now! Major event TOMORROW! Come and join in as we go from Frankfurt on a tour! https://truckersmp.com/events/37-plasma-gaming4th-anniversary-convoy

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Penguin


      @Killua // Ireland ^_^ Sorry mate, thought I replied to this one, thank you! ❤️ 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  11. Hey all! We need some more Convoy Control staff for our convoy, if you're willing to help out please get in touch!

  12. 20210115185331_1.jpg?width=1202&height=6


    We saw a McDonalds on our ProMods convoy last night, had to go and place an order :D 

  13. Looking for Convoy Control experience or have experience and are able to help out? We're hiring for our 4th February Convoy! Apply here: https://plasmagc.com/recruitment/apply/12

  14. Noot Noot!

    We have the following VTCs attending our event! Plasma Trucking, Phoenix Community, ConSecGroup, Prime Logistics and Viva Trucking!

    Sign up here: https://truckersmp.com/events/37


    If you'd like your VTC to attend our 4th anniversary convoy then please send us a message in our discord! https://discord.plasmagc.com

    1. Λ S L Λ N

      Λ S L Λ N

      If I find time, I will be there in this convoy :P 

    2. Penguin


      That'll be awesome thank you! Looking forward to seeing you there!

  15. Plasma Gaming 4th Anniversary Convoy

    We're turning 4 in February!


    To celebrate, we're planning our next major event: we're going from Frankfurt to Frankfurt in one giant circle!

    No DLC is required for this route, all is on the Base Map


    We'll be passing through Zurich, Munich, Nuremberg, Prague, Wroclaw and Szczecin


    VTC Slot Booking https://plasmagc.com/support

    Sign up at the link below https://truckersmp.com/events/37

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Penguin


      Thank you Killua! ❤️ Hope to see you there!

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      hopefully I'll be able to make it ❤️

  16. Noot Noot! Looking for a gaming group to drive with? For fun, friends and fish come and join Plasma Trucking! https://truckersmp.com/vtc/3 tonight!

  17. NOOT NOOT!

    Could you please all sign up at one of the following links please if you can make it! 


    If we don't get the 100 members we can't hold the event due to it being the Quarry

  18. Please sign up to our event, we're going to Kirkenes Quarry! https://plasmagc.com/event/promods-journey-to-kirkenes-quarry

    1. Ryannm


      long time no see

    2. Penguin


      I'm here, just lurking :P 

  19. We're going to Kirkenes Quarry, want to come? Sign up! https://plasmagc.com/event/promods-journey-to-kirkenes-quarry

  20. Make sure you're coming to our #TMP6 events! 


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