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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by MushroomLTU

  1. i think we can all agree Tony 747 most of the times should be banned

    1. Simulator Experiencer
    2. Hz3rd


      @Simulator Experiencer A YouTuber who creates Idiots on the road videos.


    3. Simulator Experiencer
  2. I don't even understand how I get that much community reputation points, I've been a naughty boy, 5 warning points for inappropriate language and bans on game for insulting :)

  3. ffs i just wanted to make a joke thread, i dont want content to be farmed

    1. [TPH] +theo+

      [TPH] +theo+

      lol what happened?

  4. You have internet in Brazil? Interesting.

  5. If you want to advertise your VTC, TruckersMP magazine maybe would be a great idea. More information here 


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      wow nice. thank you for sharing :) 

  6. what the hell is wrong with you http://prntscr.com/ihs54j

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MushroomLTU


      No one's telling this isn't allowed, but we can see how you're trying to reach required post number for recruitment.

    3. RossFlys


      Just being a Active member ;)

    4. Smalley


      I would highly advise just laying off a bit Ross, it could be classed as spam and the moderators won't exactly be happy about it xD

  7. yo can you put this thread back to discussions?

    life's hard when you make status update and then everyone spams their status updates with congratulations

    1. Forraz


      Support can not help  you with that. Forum Moderators can.


    2. MushroomLTU


      @Forraz the thread is also locked too

    3. Forraz


      Fixed^ Did not notice, my apologies

  8. What's the status on Heavy Cargo DLC? Haven't been here for about 1 month.

    1. Mirrland


      Heavy Cargo? Works fine.

    2. Kid Fabi

      Kid Fabi

      You mean "Special Transport" probably?

      Nothing new unfortunately.

    3. MushroomLTU


      Yep, even forgot how's that named. Thanks.

  9. aaaaa just made a double post

  10. Happy 2018! :)

    1. i z m

      i z m

      Happy new year mate! 2-0-1-8 ~ ^_^

  11. When someone makes post with same question that was answered multiple times and can't use search option


  12. Is there anyone who would be interested in convoy to celebrate new year? Place would take in Europe 1 server, trough Italy to Scandinavia, on January 2, unsure about time. I'm preparing for it, maybe there will be someone who could be pilots too, I made temporary Discord channel, there you can ask to be pilot https://discord.gg/HdhafzW. I'll make a post about it with further details and ets2c thing too. Italia and Scandinavia DLCs required. If I don't get enough people (at least 12) probably I will cancel this :/

  13. Is anyone using or has anyone used Samsung Gear VR 2017 or 2016 version? Does it work well? I have an S7 Edge, I had some cardboard VR thingy for my old phone. I'm thinking about the controller too. I just want to see your opinions; are there any paid VR apps from Oculus? I'm not up for spending money for VR games, and does it work well with apps from Google Play? Does the controller feel and work well? What about sound? Does headset have some speakers, or you can plug in headphones? The connection looks large, it looks like it may block speakers.

  14. It's fun how I mostly report newbies, that are registered for only couple months or days, poor kids.

    1. FirestarteR93


      u know that "I have read and I agree with the rules" is one of the most common lies - ppl chose not to bother w/ reading simple set of rules and then they pay the price for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    2. Lukas4544 [LTU]
  15. What's up with servers Europe 8 and KGT & PDT Christmas event? What are they for?

    1. Donii.


      Europe 8 is a brand new server for players to play on.

      KGT & PDT Christmas Event Server is for the VTC's (KGT & PDT) to host their Christmas Event :)

    2. MushroomLTU


      But Europe 8 is empty, it also has [Simulation] near it, does that mean we must obey all traffic rules?

    3. Donii.


      It means that the server is used for players that want to play with full simulation such as speed limiter and no cars.

  16. Does the Christmas delivery thingy work in MP?

    1. Truckerpilot


      For ETS2 not for ATS

  17. I've decided to do this kind of weird thing: sort of a company where people can get pilots for themselves. I'm not really kind of keen pushing it right now further, want to see how much attention it gets, so I'm encouraging you to join it. So far I've only made Discord channel, if it gets popular I'll push it further and make a website. So far you can apply to be a pilot in this company and request a pilot (if there are any available). 


  18. What's missing from g_lag? u

  19. I have this idea of making a convoy pilots sort of a company, where you can get pilot(s) for yourself or convoy, and for free (no loot boxes for sure, completely free to play). Currently what I have in mind is creating a Discord channel, where you can apply to become "full-time working" pilot, and other people can apply to get for themselves or convoy a pilot. If there are any backers who could help maybe with website and overall management, or maybe want to suggest something, I'll [hopefully] accept your help. Have you by any means played Garry's Mod long time ago?

    1. tfmpillow


      You know something like this already exists right? Anyways, I wish you the best of luck with your idea.

    2. MushroomLTU


      It exists? I'd like to know more.

  20. Have you by any means played Garry's Mod long time ago?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      I played CityRP at Fearless, then moved onto Limelight. Did various roles from protecting the president, to raiding the nexus as well a taxi thing I did with a friend.

    3. MushroomLTU


      But were you playing CombineControl? I remember there was famous CP with name "The Imaginative Lad" in forums, same profile picture as picture in your banner. If by any means that was you, I'd like to introduce myself: I'm the "(un)famous" male_07.mdl, also known as Pepperoni and N**gachu, also a bit (famously) known as (most) active Hunter. Him (or you) left that garbage hole long time ago.

    4. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      Probably. I can't remember much from Garry's Mod tbh

  21. You know what really grinds my gears? People, who get errors about their ETS2 version and post it here in forums, while everything can be perfectly seen and understood in the error window.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MushroomLTU


      @TrademarkGamer what do you mean by that? How it can be hard to understand to press "Yes" or change game version yourself?

    3. TrademarkGamer


      If you don't know how to do that, quite hard.

    4. Big_Blue1986


      I understand your point on this however you have to see where they are coming from as well. Sometimes people will post stuff like that on here because they are wanting to be reassured that they are not the only ones who are receiving this message as well. Also maybe their reason for posting something like that in the forum section is to get the help or assistance they are looking for but are not quite sure what to ask for in the section they post it in. 

  22. Do you know any good website where you can upload files (at least 200 MB), it doesn't get deleted and it doesn't check what you upload?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DJ Jefferz
    3. .Richter
    4. MushroomLTU


      Mega is trash, it does check what you upload and limits downloads.

    1. Kid Fabi

      Kid Fabi

      Hopefully, it would be supported by TruckersMP :)


      Have a nice Day !

  23. What happened to company? Kicked out of discord, website not working... Weird...

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