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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Reaper

  1. It's been out a few years now but, still a cracking cover if you ask me :P 


  2. Thanks for the follow mate :D 

    1. [GLI] saeed kamali [CEO]

      [GLI] saeed kamali [CEO]

      Thanks for your visit :)

  3. No sleep for me tonight then!

    Good morning/Good night to all you truckers out there, stay safe :P 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reaper


      Morning buddy :) Sorry for the late reply, was on ETS :P 

    3. BubbleMuscles
    4. Reaper


      Good morning @The_Falcon ;)

  4. My Scania T I use for "Heavy Hauling", if you can call it that :unsure:




    This trailer is a tad long and isn't self steering, it's been fun getting out of the city. This is made even easier with the AI not giving enough room to actually make a turn <_<

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Reaper


      I have a few modded trucks on my singleplayer, but this one is one of the better looking ones in my opinion :P 


    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I've seen 2 in real life :wub:

      one with a fair :)


      one with a circus :)


  5. All you streamers out there, how does one minimise the pixelation that happens during streaming? 




    This was me testing my setup last night, it was much worse at first but, I'm trying to iron it out. Any ideas what I can do?

    1. novice


      up your bitrate

    2. Reaper


      Ohhhh okay, I'll up it from 3000 to 4000, see how that turns out. 

      Sorry @novice for the novice questions (no pun intended), I recently updated my OBS to OBS Studio, and now I've basically been trying to iron out the quality as best as I can make it. 

      Thanks for the help bud

  6. When I play ETS with my G27


    Vs when I let my friends have a go with my G27:


    And me in the background, silently shedding a tear

  7. If I'm honest, I'm extremely jealous of this little girl :P



    Looks like a load of fun, great video :) 

    1. [T.G.E][01] Lorena*
    2. KaitanFox


      I would love to do that but I would be terrified of just scratching the truck. :lol:

  8. My reaction when playing ETSMP: 




    1. Trucker Dashcam // Sweden

      Trucker Dashcam // Sweden

      same here specially on c-d road

  9. Happy Birthday to all you folks today, there's alot of you so I'm not going to do it individually :P


    And ofcourse Happy Valentines day to all you lovebirds out there ;) 

  10. Happy New Years folks. All the best for 2018. Sorry I'm late, last night was a rather busy one :P 

  11. Merry Christmas folks, all the best :D 

  12. Plugging in the wheel, going to continue my trip from Estonia to Iceland, going to be a long one :P 

    1. Asyedan


      I dont think it's that long, it would be around 1500 km of driving. There is a looooooooot of ferry though.


      When i had Promods i only went to Iceland twice. First time i tried to reach Akureyri and got stuck in the snowy roads. The second time i did a delivery to Reykjavik. 900 km of goddamn curvy roads, i didnt want to do it again xD.


      The longest trip i did in ETS2, with Promods, was from Murmansk (Russia) to Timisoara (Romania). Around 3300 km of driving, it took me like 3-4 real time hours to do it, even without the speed limiter.

    2. Reaper


      I spent a fair bit of time in Iceland, I got stuck I think most likely in the same place as you, going up a rather tall peak, and right at the crest I just came to a stop, took a while to get myself unstuck there. I've always got speed limiter enabled, but I don't mind cruising at 55mph/90kmh, it can take a while though, especially with the traffic in some places.


      I can't often do really long trips like that in one sitting, I have to save and have a break and a coffee now and again, really enjoying the roads in promods though I must say.

  13. Hope everyone has a cracking day today :) 


    I think a bash of Promods is in order, finish exploring Iceland and then come back down south for a while. 

  14. Morning folks, hope you're all doing well :) 

    1. Reaper


      Evening folks, hope you're all doing well :P 

  15. Thank god another week over and done with, shattered.


    Time to get one with some contracts I think :P 

  16. Thanks for all the community rep folks, closing in on 100 :o


    Last time I checked it was at like 40 something :unsure:

  17. Incase someone doesn't have it already, Killing Floor is free on Humble bundle. (sorry if it's been mentioned already)



  18. Stroll on the weekend, and please for the love of all that is holy please let it rain at some point... can't handle this heat -.-


    Then again if it rains it means I get no work and no moneys... change my mind, don't rain until friday!

  19. This is how we roll out hereeeee


    We packing heat cos it's cold out herree


    Hold your own don't show no fear


    Or you're gunna lose your soul out herreee



  20. Sunburnt like you would not believe... oh so much pain... -.-


    Joys of working outside in ridiculous temperatures

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spieker


      the bad thing is actually when it's warm outside and water and wind make you feel cold xD

      So now I have a sunburn and a cold at the same time when it was 26°c outside lol

    3. Reaper


      I hope that doesn't last too long for you bud, I hate getting cold and flu and all that stuff, that feeling of not being able to breathe properly. It's the weekend atleast so, hopefully you've got nothing going on and you can just relax and recover :) 

    4. Spieker


      thanks mate :D Yeah it's not that bad^^

  21. Free game here folks for anyone that's interested:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reaper


      Just sharing it bud, I've no idea if it's any good or not, take it or leave it

    3. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      Feel free to share as much as  you want to mate. 



    4. Guest


      I pass. Reminds me of Star Trek online for my xbox1 but someone will be glad to accept it. Thanks for posting though

  22. Absolutely in love with the sound of this truck :wub:



    1. krypto_one


      sounds like the scania is farting massively

    2. LordBenji


      I love that sound, but there's something about it that bugs me... I prefer something a little bit more like this:


  23. Can you delete your own comments off someones status feed? Kind of being spammed by notifications for a few days now because of it, my own fault really I suppose :P 

  24. Another day another dollar.


    Hopefully get some trucking in tonight, might see some of you on the road ;) 

  25. Ohhh it's cold this morning, not looking forward to working in this :( 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reaper


      Basically this 




      80% of the time I'm working outdoors in "sunny" old england 

    3. StarLineGaming


      Awesome sauce, but ye in terms of countries to chose for an outside job England might be the short straw  :P

    4. Reaper


      @StarLineGamingToday is a good day to be working however, 15-17'c, which means I "should" be home early afternoon, and I'm off the rest of the week, happy days :P 

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