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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About StarLineGaming

  • Birthday 06/11/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    London, UK
  • Interests
    Custom built pc trucking and main fun group activity's
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Dover
  • Known languages
    English and some french

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Community Answers

  1. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact the new speed limiter was introduced on some servers. Does it do the same thing on all the servers?
  2. Probably the same way the highpowered cargo dlc worked, you will get empty trailers for unsupported trailers and normal trucks for paint jobs or change in chassis in this case
  3. I see the idea behind it but I have to agree with everyone else here it probably won't do much in terms of stopping trollers and will also annoy people who might have been banned because of d-sync or something that wasn't 100% their fault. To sum up we had lots of trolls before cars and we would probably still have lots of trolls even if we removed the cars all together.
  4. It's strange, I went through a patch where it just wouldn't stop raining... EVER. But I haven't seen rain for about a month now
  5. G'night guys and keep on truckin to those drivin through the night

  6. I think its a bit of a shame these statistics should have to be posted at all, the admins obvsiously put their souls into making the community a better and safer place and just because they cant be everywhere at once doesnt mean they should have to present "proof of their work"
  7. Gooood morning guy's hope everyones alright this monday morning an if your not (its probably just monday it'll be fine tommorow) ;)

  8. Sorry, as far as i'm aware their is currently no way of getting TMP for macs, my best suggestion if you want to play it that bad is to download windows onto your mac through bootcamp
  9. I think everyone here makes really good points however the other issue with this is it would be less discouraging to people who get banned for offenses, say if they were to park at europort and get kicked relogging is a pain where as driving to a NCZ isn't so much of an issue
  10. This could depend on the time of day, the server ping especially on the EU2 server can be a little hit and miss at peak times, if you struggle with internet speed anyway I would suggest avoiding these peak times if you can.
  11. Hey, As a more far fetched idea this could be an issue with your firewall, I could suggest making sure that the application is allowed to make connections, you can do this by Searching firewall in your search bar Click "Firewall with advanced security" Look for the game in the inbound and outbound menus Make sure that connection is enabled
  12. I was actually having the same issue about a month back with the profile screen freezing whilst the music kept playing then unfroze around 10 minuets later, I finally fixed it by uninstalling the game and then before reinstalling deleting all the left over files [CAUTION REMEMBER TO BACKUP YOUR PROFILE BEFORE DOING THIS] hopefully it should work though
  13. Sounds like an awesome idea, a massive +1 for you sir
  14. so... after two days of being trapped at the top of a mountain I have returned!

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