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Veteran Driver IX
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Status Updates posted by Leo35

  1. Happy bday to meeeee


    35 today and gradually getting older and grey hairs are coming heavier

  2. Good Evening all


    Red Line Cargo is one of the most famous and active VTCs in the community with members from all over the world that love to drive together. RLC was first founded on 21st February 2018 as Marston’s Trucking Company by John Marston and soon after renamed to Red Line Cargo

    RLC are looking to recruit skilled and professional drivers if you are one of them, you can apply to be joined the best VTC in TMP family and we sure we can look after you as well.


    To find out more - click here -> APPLY NOW

  3. RLC Convoy was well impressive tonight!! Well done to the management, members and CC teams and thankyou all for attending 

  4. Is now a fully pledged Gold Plated Patreon :D 

    1. Luna


      Woop Woop! Congrats!

    2. Leo35


      :) thankyou mate

  5. anyone knows any local mods that will work on ATS please 


    The 389 accessory pack not working has that is local mod only and keep getting kicked and telling me to report to TMP 


    Ive spoken to lovely admin Natalia and the double long trailers is still prohibited. These double long trailer are the same length as the Heavy Cargo Trailers, Can we have another review please?

    Nitrodax777 - -There needs to be an exception reviewed for the use of these trailers in MP. turnpike doubles are allowed in both NM and NV. and this mod in particular only uses SCS assets by replacing the SCS box trailer shorts with the SCS box trailer longs for existing combination sets. it is impossible to crash other players using this since no outside assets are implemented. this mod is 100% SAFE. so if youre gonna ban players for using a simple trailer replacement like this, you may as well ban all other players who use replacement mods like no cargo mods for the magnitude 55l and other flatbeds, convoy mods that replace all trailers with 1 type, or mods that change trailer colors, ALL of which, are still save editing in the same way, and much more common to see than these. - -


    1. Leo35


      So if the mods has been removed, these trailer can be used as local mods only but i need admin's discretion!!

    2. Leo35


      Well the point is that I've tried and tested in the SP mode and it works in corners (driven by a professional) and it works in corner perfectly well

      This is Great Dane Trailer


  7. whens the traffic released on MP?

  8. Leo35

    Congratulations mate :) well done , love ya

    1. Akoa


      Wow LKW power hahaha thank you!!

  9. Congratulations on your promotion mate :) well done 

  10. why is the game crashing ??

    1. Kid Fabi

      Kid Fabi

      Good question. My game is crashing as well. I think we have to wait for a fix after the newest update ;) 

      KinD Regards



      Mine too, but only the ETS @[LKW Tr.] Venomous Leo  


    3. Akoa



      Try this solutions, it should work after doing this:

      Solution 1)

      Try running TruckersMP launcher as an administrator.


      Solution 2)

      Try to verify the integrity of the files via Steam. Guide


      Solution 3)

      Go to Documents -> Euro Truck Simulator 2 (or American Truck Simulator), delete config.cfg file and then launch the game.


      Solution 4)

      Run a System file checker on your computer then launch the game in DirectX 64-bit mode. Guide

  11. congrats :) knock em dead pal

  12. Happy Bday lad

    1. Ashley


      Thanks very much! :)

  13. thankyou for the bday messages :)

  14. Need to change my username now from truckerleo29 to LKWTr. Truckerleo29 if you can get to put edit username button 

  15. @Titanic4 I would like to apologise the incident where you spawned and accidently rammed into you from behind, you banned someone for 3 days and then i was doing 140kmh on highway towards Rotterdam :(

    1. Titanic4


      No problem, mate :-) You should drive a bit more carefully to avoid crashes like that.

  16. Happy bday dude

  17. Happy Bday mate

  18. Good Evening, Is there a chance or no chance that i could buy Raven DLC or a mod that works for ETS2MP?




  19. 3yrs of me being Convoy Controller and Driver on ETS2 and still going strong :) love this game to bits

  20. Happy Bday :) 

    1. Klingan


      Thanks mate, sorry im a little late. Been busy with school


  21. Happy Bday bud, have a good one

  22. Happy Bday mate :) have a good one 

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