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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Flashylights

  1. So Oxnard is the new EP :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _J-M


      Internet Explorer is the fastest browser too ;)

    3. Save
    4. Darth Wazawai

      Darth Wazawai

      J_M don't give out hidden info :D

  2. Have the website devs plan to add wot multiplayer logo on forum?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flashylights


      Maybe users will be confused?

    3. Nameless Ghoul

      Nameless Ghoul

      I think the Dark Theme should be default because the new site is a dark theme. #IdeaForTuxy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FirestarteR93
    3. Tandre


      Haha, that one! He is still there some times! I think it is RootKiller.

    4. Takumi Fujiwara 86

      Takumi Fujiwara 86

      once upon a time in ets2mp, when drivers in cabs were just synchronized, stories of these people appearing in the air happened

  3. Hey krav i got a joke: nub

  4. Merry Christmas from The Netherlands

  5. School ended :)

    1. FedeE656


      Because my school ends on December 23?

  6. I Cant believe EU2 is still full :P

    1. edgarinskas


      Yeeep, not even talking about 1eu

  7. Windows 10 is perfect

  8. Whats on youre mind hmmm i hate speedlimiters banners :)

  9. Netherlands lose 3-4 VS win

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Movvy


      US is pretty good.they put up good fight vs belgium last year..we won tough :D

    3. JeffSFC


      I didn't get a chance to watch the game. I don't follow the US team much because frankly I just don't care about the national team here. Look at the goal times I must say it was quite a comeback. I'm curious though as to who was more at fault. The Netherlands defending, or the US attacking for the final score.

    4. Movvy


      i know atleast that US are very persistent and dont give up.caus individual they arent THAT amazing just the fact that they never give up makes it very tiring for a defense.havent seen the match either tough but imma asume it has something to do with that.

  10. I was thinking that ipad smilys working too on pc but its not

    1. Flashylights


      I was on pad and do smile on it and then on my laptop i dont see the smile

    2. Flashylights
  11. The time going fast and before you know its summer vacation

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