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Veteran Driver IX
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Status Updates posted by NightSword^

  1. I would like to thank a lot of people in this team who were for me the best, I will not tag all of you (it could be taken as spam for some people lol). 
    Many meetings, many friends and acquaintances. A lot of good times spent in the community since the beginning. 
    Thanks to the two best @Babou71 & @Yoyo_ManSg ! 


    Many known teams, especially the support team, and I thank greatly thanks @Ali. & @GGF MD for the best time spent, and all the support member! 


    Unfortunately things change as some people do, I wanted to say a big thank you to people who never changed ? 


    Kicking people with more "experience" for "unclear" reasons is one thing, but preventing it is another. 
    A kick is not final, but my departure is, good luck to all in your life and good luck for the team to manage the French part. 

    1. Ali.


      Thank you for all your amazing work in the support team, it will never be forgotten ❤️

  2. Sad to see you leave the staff ?
    i wish you all the best in your life and for everything else ! ❤️
    We will miss you a lot

    1. Next7


      Thank you mate I will miss you too ❤️


  3. Oh ! mais que vois-je ? 

    Joyeux anniversaire Yoyo ^^ ? profites bien de ta journée :) 


  4. Let's go for vacation ??


    1. El Reja

      El Reja

      Great pic buddy!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day 

    With my @Babou71 ??



    1. Babou71


      You are a troll :troll:

    2. Lonelychild
    3. Der Joey

      Der Joey

      Have a nice trip! ❤?


  6. actu-lannonce-inattendue-de-cyril-hanouna.jpg.5294f0b3501f973f4ce82fbd3a79ea24.jpg

    Joyeux anniversaire mon Babou ?❤️❤️?


  7. t1hASS8.png

    Already ready for Halloween :troll:?

    1. Babou71


      Your truck is beautiful as you ??

  8. Happy Birthday Dumbledore ;):wub:

  9. Happy Birthday buddy :P:wub:

    Have a great evening / day ! <3 



    1. legress


      Amazing image! Love it! Thank you a lot, my friend! <3

  10. Bon anniversaire Yoyo :P Passe une superbe journée :wub:


  11. Happy Birthday mate :wub:

    i wish you a great day ! :thisisfine:

    1. Folriden


      Thank you so much mate!

  12. Happy Birthday mate :thisisfine::wub: 

    Enjoy your great day =) 

  13. Hey, 

    Thanks for the follow man :wub::thisisfine:

    1. Shayrin


      hey, your welcome.

      its a pleasure for me. :)

  14. Hey ! 

    Happy Birthday =) 

    Have a nice evening mate :thisisfine: enjoy your day ^-^

  15. Joyeux anniversaire Elsa ! =D 

    Profites bien de ta soirée :wub:

  16. Welcome back and good luck as support member :wub::thisisfine:

  17. Happy Birthday mate :thisisfine: 

    Have a nice afternoon :wub:

  18. Happy birthday mate :thisisfine:

    Nice evening ;)

  19. Happy birthday and happy new year man :wub:

  20. Thanks for the follow man :wub::)

    1. Janisane


      You're welcome mate. 

  21. Merry Christmas guy's, enjoy this great moment with your family and friends :thisisfine:

    See you in a few days :wub:


    1. RodiM


      Merry Christmas m8, enjoy it :P

    2. [FR] Menthy

      [FR] Menthy

      Merry Christmas ^_^

  22. Happy birthday Danro :wub::thisisfine:

    Have a great evening :3

  23. Hello :)

    Thank you for the follow :wub:

    1. Andreea RO

      Andreea RO

      You're very welcome and thank you for the follow as well! :love::mlg_doge:

  24. Thanks for the follow buddy :wub:

    1. NeonLeon


      Thanks as well mate :)

  25. Happy Birthday Fire ^_^

    Have a great evening :wub:

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