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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Smalley

  1. New profile pic, who dis? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sticky
    3. Smalley


      It is me :P and I needed a new profile pic. That one was old

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  2. I learn something new everyday. Turns out that VanossGaming is a Music producer as well! Thats pretty awesome not gonna lie

    1. Araleya


      I love to watch vannosgaming, his videos are so funny :lol:

  3. What mixed weather UK is having. One second it's sunny the next second it's pouring down with rain. Make your mind up weather! :( 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. theashylum


      Come to Canada,  you will hate weather more :D

    3. JeKnYan


      That’s weather in Melbourne 

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  4. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day :) 

  5. Absolute tune 


    1. theashylum


      Miss that guy a lot :wacko:

    2. Smalley


      I miss him as well :( One of the best DJ's in the world and he's gone just like that. Life is too short make the most of it 

    3. theashylum


      I agree 100%, He will be forever missed :wub:

  6. So I finally have a second cousin! My second cousin was born today at quarter past 1 :P I am so excited to meet him :D

  7. Well untruly amazing. Thank you once again Avicii, this really shows how much of an impact he had in the world



  8. What a night. 450+ people turned up at the TruckersMP Heavy Haul convoy and it definitely kept us CC busy I will tell you that for sure! But on a serious note thank you all for the amazing support and being there on behalf of the Events Team here at TruckersMP. Hope you enjoyed it and didn't get into too much accidents lol. The amount of support which was shown tonight was so unreal and we couldn't be more appreciative! Hope to see you all at the next one :P 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smalley


      Maaaate bare driving mate bare driving 

    3. Davnoz


      Maaaaate Zurich was a bare Tesco car park like

    4. Smalley


      Everyone was struggling to find a spot maaaate 

  9. Guys pleas be patient about the event server. It will be up soon so please try your best to be patient :) Thank you

    1. Araleya


      That is good to know, thank for the status update ^_^.

      Can't wait to join the server.:)

  10. Thank you for everything brother! It's a shame to see you leave and I wish you the best of luck with whatever you do in the future :P 

  11. bbwQyfR.jpg


    What an amazing update. Loving it so far, thank you SCS :P 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      it looks too crowded 

    3. Rev.


      Only if you make it crowded yourself. The more adjustment options the better!

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Can't wait for this update :D  Gonna be great :D

  12. "Cause in the sky full of stars, I think I see you" 

  13. So just heard on the radio after a wonderful week of nice hot sunny weather it's going to be snowing next week. Make your mind up weather :( 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Michael Jacks

      Michael Jacks

      A week of 16*C plus and now we getting SNOW?!?! I cry :( 

    3. Rev.


      I doubt it'll snow. But it will definitely rain!

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I'd prefer the colder weather to really hot weather :P

  14. Thank you Avicii. 



    1. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF



  15. One of my true inspirations gone :( R.I.P Avicii. One of the best artists known to man kind, absolute legend. Show everyone in heaven how talented you are and make them all proud of all the music you produce! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stilldre1976


      Good release for depression bro ive had it for 10 years horrible thing to have don't feel your self a lot of the time makes you not want to open up and talk to people get yourself trapped in a way so good to have an outlet :) lost our mum end of last year to cancer after a year long battle brought a lot of it back and found out how much love there is from family and great friends in life etc.sometimes we forget the simple things that matter the most in life and it aint money and cars and crap............am dreading the day james hetfield dies tbh my inspiration through life my hero my god lol

    3. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Damn, son! And so young, too. Younger than me:( His songs are really good. Now I should definitely resume works on that ATS video I started working on last year. It's a bunch of cinematic shots of the scenery, traffic and player's truck to the sound of Hey Brother to imply that the truck you drive is your friend and will always be there for you and whatnot, while you explore the vast roads of the country, that it will take you anywhere you need.


    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      So sad his gone :( The world really has lost a true legend :( So much great music from him, one of fave music artists





    I would like to personally thank everyone for how much support has been shown over the years of my time at TruckersMP. It definitely means a lot and 2.5k is certainly a big number to take in so I really do appreciate it! Here's to 3k :troll: 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. OCEAN MAN


      Congratz man!! Glad to see this,makes me happy :) 

      Enjoy your stay even 2.5K more haha


    3. Smalley


      Thank you all :) 

  17. When all you want to do is open the door so you can let some cool air in but at the same time there are a bunch of bees and wasps hanging outside your door D: 

  18. Thanks for the follow! Much appreciated :) 

    1. ShawnCZek


      No problem, my friend. I am looking forward to next content by you! :P

      //EDIT: And do not forget at our Skoda club! B)

  19. I hope all this nice weather stays. Loving it so far! Especially as I live in the UK :wub:

    1. ShawnCZek


      Same! 25°C here. Great weather to drink an energy drink! :wub:

    2. Smalley


      I want an energy drink now :( 

  20. How is everyone on this perfect Saturday Evening? :) 

  21. Thanks for the follow! Much appreciated :) 

    1. Blodreiina


      You're welcome ^_^

  22. Waking up with a major headache is the best :( 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smalley


      Thank you :) 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      I know the feeling all too well. It's awful. :( Eat something and then take some medicine for the headache. The food should help the medicine make effect more quickly. Works for me!

  23. Well, back in these colours again :P 




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