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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by v8Smokin

  1. Important Message to all who new XCE. After many messages from multiple lovely people, it is with a heavy and sad heart to inform you that XCE has passed a way.


    I am sure that there will be many questions, but due to the circumstances we have to keep it short.


    God bless to you all! ❤️

  2. Retired GM myself, you have to remember that GM's have a lot of other things going on and may miss things from time to time. They literally cannot be in one place at all times, best thing you can do is record if you can and make a report here: Reports
  3. Truly amazing work! Very happy to be part of something that is always expanding, there is something huge in store for TMP I can feel it.
  4. Happy Birthday bud :HaulieExcited:

  5. Happy Birthday :HaulieExcited:

  6. Happy birthday ? 

  7. Happy Birthday!! ?

  8. Happy Birthday! ?

  9. Why did you stop streaming? ?

    1. SpeedyTMP


      Hey buddy, i stopped because i took more responsibilities on TMP, but i will be going back to streaming soon, as it seems only the community appreciate what i do for them ❤️

  10. Welcome to the team of the "retirees". I hope life is treating you well and continues to do so. ?

    1. KhaosHammer


      Feels good to have freedom in the retirement club :troll:

      Thank you! ❤️

  11. Happy Birthday! :D 

    1. heyhococo


      Thank you! <3

  12. Happy Birthday!! :D 

  13. Congrats on GML!! :D

    1. Aek177


      Thank you man! :wub:

  14. Yes!! :D Welcome back :love:

    1. tfmpillow


      Thanks buddy!

  15. Congrats my friend :D 

  16. Congrats on the promotion dude! :D 

    1. JeffSFC



      Thank you for the congrats. :love:

    2. v8Smokin


      You're very welcome my friend :) 

  17. Happy Birthday! :D 

  18. You must understand, all our members of staff do this voluntarily and through the kindness of their hearts. It would be much appreciated if you waited patiently for future updates.
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