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Veteran Driver V
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Status Updates posted by guigopierrot

  1. A journey through the ice!



    1. Changas!


      wow, great photos!:HaulieLove:

  2. Hello community,GROFR is about to start our weekly convoy, get your things up and meet us at concentration time!

    All VTCs and players are welcome to join us. And keep your eyes open, we are doing weekly convoys every monday.
    Here is the event link: https://truckersmp.com/events/7497-weekly-convoy#4--grofr


  3. Hello fellow trucker!
    Come and see the news about our last convoy in American Truck Simulator!




  4. Tks for the presence on the convoy today ❤️
     @HandOfClash @Simulation Gaming TTV @Matt #CarLadMatt


    1. HandOfClash


      Great Picture! Thanks for the amazing Convoy ❤️ 

  5. Setting the graphics to ultra to take a photo... and thinking why i cant play in 8K with 4fps ;-; 



  6. Hello!!!

    GROFR convoy for the next month is already in TruckersMP event page! See all the informations there:

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://truckersmp.com/events/4929 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


  7. Just a huge ty @Azuly


    -ATR convoy 



  8. Os 4 cavaleiros da manutenção!!!



    @Skywalker_ @vCoca @Evandr0 

    1. Skycouto_


      The sky is the limit xD

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great photo and parking place ??

    3. [MCG] Masunio

      [MCG] Masunio

      Nice parking place ?

  9. Throwback from 2 years ago. I miss that scs events that fill the entire city of players trying to deliver the cargo at the same place.



    1. povgamer


      That sounded like lots of fun!

    2. _sneaht_0810


      Nice picture! ?

  10. Always taking a different point of view :) 



  11. Hello fellow truckers, in the next week the G.C.E.E celebrates 3 years and we go to do a real operations in the event server. Will be a great convoy and i invite you who are reading this to come with us in this day to enjoy this event.


    So, i have here a trailer i made to this special day!

    Hope you go like!

    See ya!!!



    More info:


  12. spacer.png



    Comboio sexta feira 13


    Na madrugada de quinta para sexta irei realizar um comboio em comemoração a sexta 13.


    Com início a 00hr00 e com provável termino as 3hr00, iremos andar 4500km tendo 3 paradas. Vai de cada participante o tanto que ele quer andar essa noite, podendo sair na primeira ou segunda parada.


    Primeira saída - Osnabruck (transinet)
    Chegada - Reims (kaarfor)


    Segunda saída - Reims (kaarfor)
    Chegada - Magdeburg (EAcres)


    Terceira saída - Magdeburg (EAcres)
    Chegada - Plymouth (Trameri)


    Saída - 00hr00
    Servidor - Simulation 1
    Modo de navegação - Rodovias menores
    Carga - A sua escolha
    Px - 19



    1. Skycouto_


      Irei tentar ir... 

  13. Hello everyone!!!


    This Saturday i invite you to join us in one more G.C.E.E convoy. If you don't know what is this group, read the information about in that topic and see the event and everything about.


    Hope i see you guys there, and give me a YO when you see me!






    Equipe Administrativa: @Pro Five / G.C.E.E  | @ThiagoBR_

    Equipe Administrativa do GE: @DJFrontier   | @VCouto | @guigopierrot | Jairo 

  14. Just try to escape! ❤️



    1. [MCG] Kien Giang
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      If only we could drive that car in MP :wub::wub:

  15. Welcome back my friend @Ivanzitobr!!! 


    G.C.E.E convoy in Mannheim



  16. Road to simulation #2 behind the photo hahaha 




    @David Edson @Pro Five / G.C.E.E @Judha :v @Fallcon


  17. More two months and i will have 1 year in truckesmp, and u guys know what that means!!!! 



  18. Finally got the event stuff but i just feel that event don't have that jams we are habituated to see haha but i liked any way.

    And now i traveling across the Italy. The first picture is in Marselha and the second in the beautiful city of Lyon!!!





    1. ScaniaFan89


      I really feel like they could make more effort on paint jobs

    2. guigopierrot


      i feel a bit too. SCS makes too much noise of that to come with paint jobs that nobody will use for a long time.

    3. ScaniaFan89


      Why not add them as companies or cargo

  19. HI!!!


    [Portuguese] Fala manos, andei muito hoje na RO7 e clipei tudo que vi por lá, rodei por mais de 4 horas e gostei muito do evento, quero parabenizar a TruckerMP pelo belo evento e toda equipe pelo empenho!!!


    [English] guys this is my video directly from Real Operations V7, sorry u guys but this is a portuguese content and dont have translation wet.


    I want to say to TruckersMP congratulations for this Beautiful event u guys made, and congratulations to all the team involved on that!!!!



    @VCouto @DJFrontier @ThiagoBR_ @David Edson @Flindix @Mike Dragon @Ivanzitobr @Pro Five / G.C.E.E 

    Special thanks to this guys here they appear on the event and in the video too

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Que bom que gostou do evento. dragonnod1.gif?1 Trabalhamos duro para fazer tudo acontecer. Foram meses de planejamento, preparação, testes e tudo mais para que tudo corresse bem. Pena que eu não apareci no video. :'( Ao menos eu não vi.

    3. guigopierrot


      não apareceu, mas eu tava tentando te achar, mas é um pouco dfc restrear um gm kkkkkk ainda mais q dps da metade do evento eu fiquei preso na costa

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Eu estava escoltando o Squirrel. Passamos pela costa. Provavelmente foi enquanto você não estava lá, então.

  20. A little stop to pray a bit, for the great journey i made! 



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