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Silent Death_53

Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Silent Death_53

  1. Omg,

    I'll miss you.

    Good Luck In Real Life ?


  2. Good Luck In New Role! ?

  3. Happy Birthday! :wub:
    Have a nice year!

  4. Haydaa 
    Desene Qral geri döndü (: 

  5. WoW
    Good Luck In New Role:wub:

  6. Görevinizde başarılar BeyEfendi (:

    1. Snap Dragon

      Snap Dragon

      Sağolasın silent eksik olma kardeşim :)

  7. Hadi Hayırlı Olsun:wub: Auu

    1. POPTOYS


      Teşekkür ederim. <3

      @RequieB Bu arkadaş uluyor, bir sakıncası var mı? (: 

    2. RequieB


      Yok sevdiğimiz bir kardeşimiz (:

  8. Admeenn:P Hayırlı Olsun, Başarılar!:wub:

    1. 96AV


      Teşekkürler :wub:

  9. Good Luck In New Role ^^ :wub:

    1. ^Dominik^


      Thank you ♥ 

  10. SHADOW Logistic
    Order the last, We are fast

    Discord Server = https://discord.gg/hxCZcdf
    TruckersMP VTC link = https://truckersmp.com/vtc/1053


    Have a nice day TruckersMP! W/ @Akoa




    1. Akoa


      Wow what an amazing VTC, I will join right now!

  11. I will miss you :/ Good Luck In Future! :wub:

  12. Aww
    Good Luck In New Role! :wub:

    1. KhaosHammer


      Thank you, mate! ^_^

  13. Aww 
    Welcome Backkk :wub:

  14. Good Luck In Future. :wub: I'll miss you. :/

  15. Hey Mate)
    happy birthday :tada: Have a nice year!:wub:

    1. legress


      Thank you a lot, my friend! <3

  16. Ty for follow:wub:

    1. MeduX


      You're welcome :)

  17. Hayatının geri kalanında başarılar!:wub: Umarım herşey dilediğin gibi olur..

  18. Happy birthday! Have a nice year!:wub:

    1. Lonelychild


      thank you so much ,buddy:love:

  19. Beyefendi, Doğum gününüz kutlu olsun!:wub: Nice mutlu,sağlıklı,huzurlu senelere..

  20. Good Luck In New Role! :wub:

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