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Retired Team Member
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Status Replies posted by EliminatorPL

  1. i6HM2JD.jpg

    Hello Truckers, ?

    Today passes a year since I was accepted into the TruckersMP Team. I haven't even noticed how quickly this time has passed in which I was able help each of you ( Best Community Ever !) with delivering loads from point A to point B without people who enter our servers only to disturb others! Maybe while delivering your loads you don't see us that much, but you can be calm, we are always there when we can :)

    The knowledge that @DerAmpelmann and @Aragon gave me (it's a pity you are no longer in the team) allowed me to meet many wonderful people who are in the team but also outside of it.

    @Andreas A.H & @Chris [PL] (Best helpers with managing a international convoy)

    @Adrian22-PL (My company in large convoys)

    @BoSsik2  (The most lazy person I know)

    @EliminatorPL  (Master of setting up parking spots for people after a convoy)

    @[C-S] karol_domag (Best Boss I had in VTC)

    @szykaro23 (A person I can rely on at any moment, almost every moment ? :)

    @Samito_BG (Best organizer of small convoys and my good friend)

    @Suleyman.53  (my helper with language problems ❤️ Thanks buddy)

    @Schak Bruijn @-WWA- @TheGoodGuy1515 (I can always count on your honest opinion. Thanks a lot guys !!)

    @Tática98 [G27 + SHIFTER](Player who considers me his ETS authority ❤️)

    This means a lot for me, each of you have a place in my heart. I wish you a nice and peaceful evening, Happy Trucking! ❤️

    Kind Regards, 
    [C-S] Spat91  
    TruckersMP Game Moderator

    1. EliminatorPL


      Thank you @[C-S] Spat91 for mentioning me :) It's a pleasure to cooperate with you.
      You are always kind and helpful!
      I'm pretty sure that thanks to your person, the TruckersMP community has gained a great friend and superb game moderator!
      My VTC and I wish more success and many many successful years in the TruckersMP community!

      Happy Anniversary !

      The Parking Guy :D :D :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Polish International Convoy

    - thank you for the convoy

    ( @EliminatorPL, @szykaro23, @[C-S] karol_domag, @Andreas A.H, @Chris [PL], Bashare, NikoGames, Skaizo, Archangel, Mayukh, Velo, @[C-S] Daniek., Smiddy, @arusf2011 [PL/EN], @Flaming, @Olioak, @Moh_, Spat91)



    1. EliminatorPL


      @Shadii.Thank you for your help in organizing !!! I really do appreciate that! Big THANK YOU !!!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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