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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by caff!!!

  1. when you blow your NDA live on stream 


  2. I've been working on a mod to make the Tesla Semi mod feel more realistic, I just need to make heavier chassis options to create 300/500 mi options (and a fantasy solid state battery 1200/2000 mi) before releasing it.

    1. SgtBreadStick


      Well you can modify kerb_weight (weight of chassis) ;)

  3. Driving a Tesla Semi to the next depot (photo) UUyYj6m.jpg


    I've also more or less made a mod for this truck that feels like a realistic chance at being what the Tesla truck would drive like (at least with the drivetrain,) although I still need to tweak it some more before I feel it's worthy for release.

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. caff!!!


      Once I made it drive more like it actually would, it's quite a unique experience just watching my speed slowly go up without fail.

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      might be fast but probably one of the worst looking trucks I've ever seen :blink:

  4. finally tried out that Tesla truck mod, even with direct drive and an alleged engine out of the normal vehicle it felt like I had unlimited torque

  5. An evening delivery (photo)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. caff!!!


      @Albert. I flipped the trailer colors on purpose, I thought it looked better that way.

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice photo and truck :wub:

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Very nice truck and trailer :wub:

  6. where did the dark theme go?



      this is the dark theme


      the white theme is even whiter 

    2. LordBenji


      Themes are broken with new forum update

  7. Driving a rocky mountain double in the ATS beta (picture)


  8. The new trailers are great fun. (photo)fJ5m2yj.jpg

  9. some trolls were blocking a road up in norway, and the second someone reloaded to ghost through them they scattered like the wind

    1. antrax737


      It wasn't fun anymore i guess :D

    2. LordBenji


      Last time I saw someone use ghost mode (through traffic), he got banned seconds after xD

  10. hauling a transformer on a very interesting road in the viva mexico mod (photo past link)unknown.png

  11. Waiting for a train (photo past click)XnxSpxb.jpg

  12. Early morning delivery (photo past click) N5WaKCK.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JeffSFC


      An 8x4 actually being used for its intended purpose?




      /s :lol:

    3. caff!!!


      Honestly, the heavy loads have so many wheels you could get away with a 6x4 without much hassle.  Driving the land yacht trucks with the heavy cargo keeps things interesting

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  13. Been playing around with SP mods in ATS, 4x2 trucks are quite fun to drive. (photo on click)j2KOTUa.jpg

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Ranger_TMP


      4X2 with this really looks good!

    3. Encrypted_


      Yeah, you have a very nice truck there!

  14. I sat in line for two and a half hours in game to drop off my load in big sur and all I got was this t-shirt

    1. IpilkAlaus


      I would buy that in a hearbeat

  15. I love how even the SCS stream driver gets caught by the tight corners in the big sur event area

  16. Did my first big sur run to a nice sunsetfyCPuX5.jpg

    1. DJ_Sukoi


      Wonderful shot, nice.:)

  17. Getting ready for ATS event, driving a low roof sleeper 


  18. Scania R500, badge delete SQNuQlx.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    3. LordBenji


      I can do mirror and steering wheel delete :troll: lol

    4. Latin-Foxy [Furry-ARG]
  19. This new trailer seems like a good sign that Goodyear DLC is going to be a thing

    1. Lukas4544 [LTU]
    2. [WT] AlexXX

      [WT] AlexXX

      As there is the real goodyear logo on the trailer. It is rather possible that there will come also a goodyear DLC with tires.


  20. veteran driver 3, +300 rep, and 1,000 posts all at once, quite the luck aAATTkd.png

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      congrats mate :wub:

    3. MrHarv98




      Meanwhile mine is all random numbers smh

  21. 8x4 Scania R with new special transit paint and mighty griffin parts jJSPMmP.jpg

  22. i think the forums and login api are being ddosed

    1. headhunter84[Ger]


      i think the group of persons who did it is well known

    2. Scar


      Our services can experience technical issues at all times, it's friday so it could be just an overload peak. Our systems are returning to normal operations.

  23. got lag jousted past the full road accident on my southbound run, ending my run

  24. anyone else in the NA having ping spike issues on ATS EU1?

    1. headhunter84[Ger]


      ETS2 EU servers same issues

  25. I like the flashing LEDs added in the new DLC qN7gBYj.jpg

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