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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by caff!!!

  1. https://www.sendspace.com/file/ehr4zb for anyone who wants two white dice on a 2012 Volvo FH, look for the cool painted truck
    1. caff!!!


      you can edit anything on it without losing the dice

  2. made a mod to disable the nevada only limits on long double/triples




    1. Save


      Cool! I'll try this out. Thanks :) 

    2. Lukas4544 [LTU]

      Lukas4544 [LTU]

      thanks im gonna ty this 

    3. Xavoux


      merciiiii suly :D

  3. The new update lets me do all sorts of neat things with Scania trucks https://i.imgur.com/Qcf8yTi.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SlavaH


      Is the DLC purchaseable now?


    3. Edinev


      It's not a DLC, it's the base game, just update it. How did you remove the bar on the top but keeping the lights on :o?

    4. caff!!!


      save edited a bar that fits underneath, any bar from the low roof sleeper actros will do


  4. free PC Gamer branded DLC cabin stuff, get on it before it's all gone https://t.co/ue5m39SwNN

  5. The W900 has a dummied out wing, like what was shown on the Peterbilt 389 http://i.imgur.com/a1pVyQO.jpg

    1. caff!!!


      If you want your own sweet wing, grab the mod here https://www.sendspace.com/file/n1287t

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xhavefunx


      Nice truck, and nice music! :D

    3. FirestarteR93


      no1 adds me ever in their fail compilations :(

    4. FirestarteR93


      ^Actually that's good for me <3

  6. ATSMP footage leaked
    1. DJ Lewis

      DJ Lewis

      May I ask how this shows it being MP?

    2. Kamusel


      not really leaked either since scs said people could start publishing videos now ;)

    3. caff!!!


      it's a joke, lewisjm

  7. 8x4 Scania R with new special transit paint and mighty griffin parts jJSPMmP.jpg

  8. adjustable fov and a transmission overhaul, niceeeeeee

  9. An evening delivery (photo)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. caff!!!


      @Albert. I flipped the trailer colors on purpose, I thought it looked better that way.

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice photo and truck :wub:

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Very nice truck and trailer :wub:

  10. any US users noticed a large ping increase connecting to EU ETS2 servers?

    1. sorsanpoika[FIN]


      I'm not US user, but i have noticed that ping have a lot of increase lately. Normally i have my ping between 40-90ms (From Finland),but on many occasion i had it between 100-500ms. And i have 50Mb/s connection.

    2. Samiz [FIN]

      Samiz [FIN]

      I just drove in EU2 and my ping was 50-900ms. And sometimes truck sync not work normally (eg. trucks spawns to your screen so late or after they have passed you, many other users said same).

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I've also noticed my ping slightly higher then normal at times lately and today everyone around me disappeared and then reappeared:o Looks like the servers are having problems 

  11. Anyone else getting constantly disconnected from the servers?

  12. anyone else in the NA having ping spike issues on ATS EU1?

    1. headhunter84[Ger]


      ETS2 EU servers same issues

  13. ATS: ST includes a fun route from Socorro to Tucson where you get to drive through this: (video)


  14. attempt to climb the really really steep hill with only 1800 Nm and a 30t double trailer ended with stalling out even before reaching the peak.  I might need an engine upgrade before trying that again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      At least you didn't roll back. Now that would have been problematic!

    3. caff!!!


      @LordBenji I used the Mercedes 16 speed (heavy haul one) for the hill which should had more than enough torque conversion to make it up the hill.  And yeah no rolling back for me, hit the brakes and teleported to the service station before any rollback

    4. LordBenji


      Ahh, which means you might have to consider upgrading your engine.

  15. Been driving a Volvo F16 in SP, so I made a Volvo for MP as well.unknown.png

  16. Been playing around with SP mods in ATS, 4x2 trucks are quite fun to drive. (photo on click)j2KOTUa.jpg

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Ranger_TMP


      4X2 with this really looks good!

    3. Encrypted_


      Yeah, you have a very nice truck there!

  17. Been playing around with the DAF F421 mod, mirror issues keep me from really enjoying the truck.



  18. Bergen is a complete mess at GNT/repair station as everyone tries to rush out of the repair shop and clip into the second trailer

    1. Mircea97


      i saw bug at double trailer, the last trailer is collision, if you move and hit it. the truck will go crazy..so you can troll at service, something needs to be done, admins send you at service.in same location, making in bad.

    2. LordBenji


      Yes you have to be extra careful.

      I tried getting out of garage, it was like: "Nope! Get back in!" I blame the truck being in the middle of entrance :P 

  19. decided to try doing the "no lightbar" trick on an 8x4 scania, looks quite nice 9rApqSt.jpg

    1. MashedPotaton8r


      How did you do that? Looks so clean! 

    2. caff!!!


      I save edit an old actros lightbar in, which makes it look like it has no light bar.  Same for the badge delete as well.

    3. MashedPotaton8r


      Thanks! I'll try it for myself.

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