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[ S.PLH ] Warrior

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Everything posted by [ S.PLH ] Warrior

  1. it works also with the dispatcher from hauli harbor to any city, you can also select the special TMP 10 cargo
  2. i prefer summer so i wait couple of months haha
  3. I'm curious to see whether we keep the TMP Duisburg or the rebuild Duisburg by SCS
  4. i would be interested on how it works actually, and who would decide on who will pay the other player for his/her damage based on which one was fault? will the player himself calculate the damage vs % ? so for example does damage of 50% trailer damage, then he will calculate 50% x amount money (what is the amount) = the requested amount fair ? and who can check it ?
  5. I do believe that these random events are not yet fully synchronized with the players, so there was a not seeable hitbox suddenly on the road where players crash on too so that does makes sense to disable that. but again the other features should be optional so players can choose if they want these settings on or off.
  6. the collision and non collision did TMP made from scratch, so of course we can control that, but for other settings mentioned by OP you can already disable/enable in the main menu. Again this is just weird of you disable fatigue, then drive on SIM2 your driver still get tired, that makes no sense whatsoever. Yes of course i would love to have many features as possible, but you cannot simply block those from the base game ? also wondering how that will work if we block some basic game features, but still allowing them to be activated on our server how will the game track it ?
  7. The collisions i agree but the other settings should be optional imo, because you can already disable/enable in base game, and if you disabled it all why should it be forced by TMP anyway.
  8. i don't think it will be completely removed perhaps some intersections will be modified instead making it more smoothly. but i don't mind to go back to Rotterdam/Europort seeing the popular road in our history of TMP
  9. Yes i understand, however as i point out this would be only ''temporary'' nobody said should remove permanently, also i like to point out that is unfair for those players who actually drive normal but ended up in different situations caused by a scout car that driving in the middle of the lane. and yes probably they go in the truck but to be honest that are less problems with it, and if there is no scout car on the server ''temporary'' then we see a swift of players i'm just curious on to see the outcome nothing less or more.
  10. Suggestion Name: Temporary disable the scout car for players Suggestion Description: Disable for 2 to 3 weeks and see how it goes Any example images: N/A Why it should be added: We all know the current situation and we know is not the car but the driver, now let say we temporary disable the scout car on simulation server (SIM1&SIM2) We test it out for 2 to 3 weeks and see what happen if there is no scout car on these servers, only the exception on Patron members in their vehicles. Now i know you will say they will continue in their truck yes probably but at least they not try to squeeze through the middle of the lane on C-D road like what the cars do. This should be worth testing and i would love to see the results. What are your thoughts on this ? share it down below.
  11. Explore the possibilities on arcade server only you cannot hit each other but you can drive fast as you want still crash into objects, or If want to have such fun with friends wait until there is special event with a race track.
  12. I agree that the island must stay but then for the duration of the winter. after the winter ends should be ending too and come back at the winter again to keep it special this island. that is my opinion thought.
  13. Setting a timeframe on a update for the server is still challenging, because there could always something to be fixed prior to the release, so that the timeframe would not get reach in time. And then people will complain if the time limit is not reached and comes later due to a bug or quickfix cuz SCS decide to update their game.
  14. Yes on the main road, so players need to slow down in order to enter fuel/rest station or go straight ahead to enter another roundabout on the main road, so that are on both sides to reduce the speed between this section.
  15. So because players cannot drive in that area it needed to be simplified for them ? Is common sense to use your brain and slow down, to avoid accidents so that there is no traffic jam, this area doesn't need to be touched.
  16. What about adding roundabouts before and after the area and then speedbumps at entrance and exit fuel/rest station would that be classified as more safer area ?
  17. Happy new year. May 2024 be a good year to everyone, in good health and love 💕

    1. L-DR@GO


      Same to you too 🙏

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  18. Lijst bijgewerkt mocht er nog iemand missen laat me maar weten
  19. Altijd handig, hopelijk blijft hij geupdated
  20. You only forget 1 thing that is that players load up older save in order to spawn back at place to continue in what they were doing, so this just temporary solution imo. Also if no admin online those reports who are voted will eventually timeout as well
  21. Yes i'm fully aware on how that might sound, to be honest after i read your post i got bad taste afterwards which resulted in that reaction, because i know how hard the developers are working on this project. So that comment ''wasted time'' was not really appreciated imo. Yes i know we are still waiting but that is not only you, myself wait also for this patiently. And that there is no progress in your eyes doesn't mean that the developers doing nothing.
  22. You do understand that we have Addon-team that making changes around Duisburg and Calais that has nothing to do with the developers they have their own work of course. So nothing is being waste here, just that they need more time to make it working, Rome was also not build in 1 day.
  23. Not everyone has a DLC from a country so it would be unfair to those who cannot participate the event.
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