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  1. I agree with @Martin_v8. I'll share my experience with how I report a player: I don’t always have to report a player immediately for something like crashing into me, reckless driving, or overtaking. Instead, I use Steam’s new feature (or Medal) to clip the incident, download the video, and then upload it to Imgur or YouTube. (Note: Imgur has a video time limit of 1 minute) After that, I submit the report through the TruckersMP website. It typically takes about 1–7 days for the report to be reviewed. In my experience, this method is much more effective than using the in-game report system.
  2. Suggestion Name: Customizable Beacon Light Options for Trucks Suggestion Description: Add a feature in the player panel that lets us customize the timing, frequency, and style of our beacon lights. It would give players a way to personalize their trucks a bit more. There could be a limit on how fast the lights can flash to keep things running smoothly, like a minimum interval of 50ms between flashes. Any Example Images: (I have sent the AI-generated image below. BUT IT IS NOT ABSOLUTE NEED TO BE LIKE THIS, It's just a reference.) The Problem: Right now, beacon lights all flash at the same rate, and when there are a lot of trucks in one area, it can hit FPS hard and make the game feel less smooth. This can be frustrating for players, especially in high traffic zones where everyone’s lights are flashing at the same time. If we had some control over the timing and style of our beacon lights, it’d let us add a unique touch to our trucks without bogging down FPS. A cooldown on how fast they flash would keep things stable, so everyone’s game runs better. Why it should be added: This small change could make a big difference in personalizing trucks, letting players express themselves a bit more without causing extra lag. It would add to the fun and immersion of the game while keeping gameplay smooth, even in busy areas.
  3. Hi, yeah, I've got my answer, I gotta reread the rules as soon as I can. You can set this to solved and close this forum now.
  4. Hi, I think I mentioned this before, but I forgot something important... Though we’re all learning, which is important, right? I have one question: During a convoy or when a group of truckers is traveling together with a leading pilot/scout car, is it permissible for the pilot/scout car to temporarily block the other road using/with a yield or give-way sign? This would mean that when someone sees the sign, they must wait and allow others to pass, correct?
  5. Hi, and yeah I've got my answer, thanks to all of you!
  6. Hi everyone, I know this might be more suited for a support ticket, but I’d like to hear from other players. I think the main use of the Scout/Pilot car in TruckersMP is to escort trucks by leading or following a convoy. I understand the rules around this. But there's something else I am curious about it beside escorting. Can the Scout/Pilot car also be used to warn truckers about accidents, blockages, or dangers ahead and more situations? Can the Scout/Pilot car assist trucks with fuel stopping or managing traffic laws? Are there any specific roles it can play in keeping the convoy safe or moving smoothly? What should drivers avoid doing when using the Scout/Pilot car?
  7. Ka_Tray

    Pilot Car

    Very well explained! Thanks!
  8. Hello. It is began that I just asked my friend to play ets2 with me, however he said it's impossible for it because he is on older version, I told him it's possible to change it through the steam, but he said he will lose the profile if he change the version because he has promods... Is it true that you will lose your promods profile if you changed the version of ets2 through steam setting?
  9. Hello, thanks for your response! Thank you for letting me know that it is a punishable offense to block the road to let the convoy trucks pass, I completely agree with you. I must let my friend know this, and next time I will keep this in mind and I won't block the road anymore. But what about the other question you didn't answer: Is it ok to be a pilot car without having CB or TeamSpeak on? The reason why I don't want to use CB or TeamSpeak is because I am deaf and mute in real life, which is difficult for me. I hope that's ok because I want to enjoy the game without having to hear or speak anything...
  10. Ka_Tray

    Pilot Car

    Thanks! Here's my two questions: 1. Is it ok to be pilot car without having CB or TeamSpeak active on? The reason of this is because I am deaf and mute in real life. 2. Is it ok to block the road like merging road, traffic light road etc, to let the convoy pass?
  11. Very well explained!! Here's my two questions. (One of them is not mentioned from your essay.) 1. Is it ok to be pilot car without having CB or TeamSpeak active? The reason of this is because I am deaf and mute in real life. 2. Is it ok to block the road like block the merging road and traffic light to let the convoy truck pass?
  12. Ka_Tray

    Pilot Car

    Yes, they are very well explained and detailed answer which I was looking for! I just have no idea how to quick reply thanking them haha. Here's your feedback, also thanks!
  13. Ka_Tray

    Pilot Car

    Hello, I have decided to become and drive a pilot car just to enjoy escorting the convoy with my friends... But I am scared to become one of them because I don't wanna get banned for making any mistake as a pilot car. So, I came here to ask how should I avoid any mistakes or rules that I have to follow as a pilot car?
  14. Ka_Tray


    Yeah, when we started playing each other, we started to laugh each other which he almost crashed into me, I did in the return for funny, and then we took the serious accidents in funny way. I'm pretty sure this happens when we were alone. Plus it's free to use the command /fix, you know.
  15. Ka_Tray


    @LIGHTOFGOD @TACCOO Thank you! I'll make sure to follow all rules. I'm not trolling everyone, I am just SOMETIME trolling my close friends, when it comes to funny and laughing situation.
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